
Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

author:Ink Black Three Thieves

Do you lie in bed in the morning? Is there difficulty getting out of bed? If you have any, it's normal. Don't look at those European and American A-list stars on the red carpet and in the movies, privately also face this problem. We've put together 10 celebrities' unique morning activities and breakfasts, and hopefully you'll also find a way of life that energizes and is productive in the morning.

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

Robert Downey Jr. of Iron Man meets a fan who loves him

First place: Zendaya Coleman, best partner plus new boyfriend, three generations of Spider-Man Dutch brother Tom Holland

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

In 2022, Zadaya Coleman, who is also only 26 years old, has unlimited potential, and he paired Timothée Chalamet with sweet tea in the movie "Dune"

Zandaya Coleman's morning activities can make the bed girl sneak a little happy, usually wake up around 8 a.m., check the messages on her mobile phone before getting up, and consider continuing to sleep or getting up immediately according to the priorities of things. She took a shower at 9 a.m. and started her entire skincare routine. Breakfast is around 10 a.m., mostly pancakes, berries and nuts.

Second place: Victoria Beckham, wife of star David Beckham

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

Victoria Beckham, a fashion designer, pays great attention to body care despite having four children

Victoria Beckham exercised twice in the morning, following a strict early-morning routine, waking up at 6 a.m. to exercise for an hour before breakfast and then an hour after dropping off the kids to school. Her favorite apple cider vinegar drink was included in breakfast, and the children had a milkshake each.

Third place: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, the signing angel of Victoria's Secret.

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

Paired with Shia La Beouf in Transformers 3 with "Bay Girl"

Rosie Huntington-Wheatley wakes up at 6 a.m. and the first thing she does is hug her dog. Drink a glass of water and start your skincare and drink a cup of coffee when you're done. Breakfast is omelette with toast, or yogurt with cereal, a glass of berries or juice. Afterwards she took her dog back to bed and checked her emails and news messages.

Fourth place: Robert Downey Jr., Marvel superhero "Iron Man" Tony Stark.

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

Robert Downey Jr. is actually a child actor who debuted in movies at the age of 5

Like Zamdaya Coleman, Robert Downey Jr. is not an early-time master, waking up to deal with what he thinks is important, arriving at the office around 11 a.m. before starting to check the day's emails or various work information.

Fifth place: Orlando Bloom, the elf prince in the Ododo 'The Lord of the Rings' movie.

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

In 2020, Katy Perry gave birth to a daughter, Daisy Dove Bloom, to Orlando Bloom

Every day Orlando Bloom wakes up to record the quality of his sleep that night and then spend precious time with his young daughter. After 20 minutes of chanting, I like to eat green foods rich in brain octane oil and collagen for breakfast.

Sixth: Marilyn Monroe, a generation of goddesses in the film and television industry.

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe would heat up a glass of milk before showering in the morning, and when it was hot, she would beat two raw eggs into the milk, stir them with a fork, and drink them as she picked out her clothes.

Seventh place: Jim Carrey, a generation of comedy geniuses in the "American version of Star Master".

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

The American version of King of Funny, Kim Carey

Kim Carey had a special event in the morning, calling himself every day at 11 a.m. and pretending to be someone he had known in the past to tell him some kind of news. The goal is to capture some creative ideas or learn to see things from a bystander's perspective.

Eighth: Jennifer Aniston, best known for the sitcom Friends.

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

Jennifer Aniston has a natural sense of comedy

Jennifer Aniston wakes up at 4:30 a.m. at work and wakes up between 8 and 9 a.m. when she's not working. Start with a glass of warm water with lemon, then wash your face, moisturize, and meditate for 20 minutes. A protein-rich milkshake is served for breakfast with fruits such as bananas, blueberries and cherries. After breakfast, she would do a half-hour spin exercise and then do yoga training with the instructor.

Ninth place: Gwyneth Paltrow, winner of an Oscar for the romance film Shakespeare.

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

The most familiar character is also in the movie "Iron Man", Robert Downey Jr.'s intellectual secretary Little Pepper

Gwyneth Paltrow wakes up at 6:30 a.m. to start the day by first spraying peppermint coconut oil in her mouth for 10 minutes, followed by a cup of coffee, and then meditating with her husband to start the day. Because she doesn't eat much for breakfast, she usually drinks a glass of juice after a workout.

Tenth place: Audrey Hepburn, a generation of perfection goddesses.

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

Audrey hepburn

Audrey Hepburn exudes charm and elegance, and breakfast is two eggs and a slice of whole wheat toast. Although simple, the breakfast was never absent.

Who gets out of bed in the morning? Who is full of vitality, 10 stars are different

Dutch brother Tom Holland gave gifts to the children

It can be found that celebrities have their own schedules like normal people, and there are lords who like to get up early, such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Rosie Huntington-Wheatley. There are lords who like to lie in bed, such as Zamdaya Coleman and Iron Man Jr. Robert Downey Jr. But it is more people who flexibly adjust their work and rest according to the situation. There are also many ways to wake yourself up full of activities, such as getting back to sleep, exercising more, meditating, and more. Do you think your current routine is right? What do you do when you wake up to fill yourself up?

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