
The next stop丨 After the movie is filmed, where did the props go?

author:Take a look at the news

Look at the news from Knows reporter Huang Tingting

2021-10-11 14:22

Movies and TV series, especially costumes, period dramas or blockbusters, set props are often particularly exquisite. But do you know where the huge number of props went after the shooting?

The next stop丨 After the movie is filmed, where did the props go?

There is a building in the Shanghai Film and Television Park on the pier, and more than 170,000 props are stored in the three floors. It is simply a props museum for film and television dramas.

The next stop丨 After the movie is filmed, where did the props go?

These props are from the crew invested by the Shanghai Film Studio. After the shooting, all the props are archived and stored.

The next stop丨 After the movie is filmed, where did the props go?

The film and television crew filmed in the car pier had to come over a day to borrow and return thousands of props. And the warehouse managers here are also veterans. Otherwise, it is really unclear: where are these props classified according to age, which one belongs to which dynasty, or the Republic of China, the War of Resistance, the early liberation...

The next stop丨 After the movie is filmed, where did the props go?
The next stop丨 After the movie is filmed, where did the props go?

And the most exciting props are not necessarily placed in the warehouse. One of the "immersive prop display points" turned out to be the "Kaisling" café in the film and television park.

The next stop丨 After the movie is filmed, where did the props go?
The next stop丨 After the movie is filmed, where did the props go?

This shop, apart from cakes, coffee, everything else, including the whole shop is props! It turned out that this Kaisling did not move the real Kaisling in, but completely copied according to the setting of the movie "Shake, Shake, Shake to Grandma's Bridge".

The next stop丨 After the movie is filmed, where did the props go?

After watching this episode of "Next Stop", if you go to the pier, you must remember to go to this Kaisling, order a cup of coffee, come to a cake, not only nostalgic, but also inadvertently point out to friends, the props in the store are from which clip in the movie!

(Look at the news Knows reporter: Huang Tingting Intern Editor: Yang Jiaying)