
[Real case] 49-year-old Mr. Ni, a year ago found that his stomach was getting bigger and bigger, at first he thought it was fat, and recently found that his legs were puffy, he was struggling to walk, and his bloating was serious

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tian Xia

[Real case] 49-year-old Mr. Ni, a year ago found that his stomach was getting bigger and bigger, at first he thought it was fat, and recently found that his legs were puffy, he was struggling to walk, and his abdominal distension was serious.

Mr. Ni said that when his stomach was just big earlier, he felt that his stomach was bulging and hard, but because he did not feel too uncomfortable, he simply thought that the middle-aged Fa Fu had a general's belly, and he should eat and drink. But recently, he wore shoes and felt particularly squeezed, found that his calves and feet were swollen, his stomach was swollen, and he thought something was wrong, so he rushed to the hospital.

Needless to say, this situation has hepatic ascites, I asked Mr. Ni to further examine and confirm, found that there is a 3cm tumor in the liver area, which is confirmed as liver cancer with ascites.

When writing the medical records, Mr. Ni said that he had hepatitis B, but after treatment, it had turned negative, and his liver function had always been normal, and he did not expect to recur.

I asked Mr. Ni if he usually drinks well, he was embarrassed to say yes, and he can drink, because he was engaged in the liquor business when he was young, so he has been drinking liquor since he was in his 20s, and now although the business is not done, the contact with customers is still there, and he drinks every three to five.

I told him that this was the main reason for his aggravation, and that hepatitis B was afraid of alcohol and that he was afraid of not doing regular check-ups.

[Real case] 49-year-old Mr. Ni, a year ago found that his stomach was getting bigger and bigger, at first he thought it was fat, and recently found that his legs were puffy, he was struggling to walk, and his bloating was serious