
Special report 丨 Homecoming, Homecoming - Xi'an University Student Qiu Yuwen left school and returned home

author:Teacher reports
Special report 丨 Homecoming, Homecoming - Xi'an University Student Qiu Yuwen left school and returned home

Brightly lit campus of Chang'an University

"It's time to go home!" On the afternoon of January 14, this message instantly detonated Chang'an University.

Because of the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, college students in Xi'an have been banned for more than a month, and unlike other universities, Chang'an University, which is at the eye of the epidemic in Xi'an, has been seriously affected and has been closed at the earliest. More than 20,000 teachers and students of Chang'an University are more eager to end the monotony of one day of nucleic acid and daily grounding in dormitories.

"Go home, go home for the New Year!" As the news spread, Qiu Yuwen cheered loudly as everyone raised their fists.

Qiu Yuwen is a freshman at Chang'an University's School of Automobile. In early December, she accidentally fractured her left tibia platform, and although she had just completed surgery, aunt and counselor Zheng Wenjie actively coordinated with the school community, so she transferred her dormitory from the fifth floor to the first floor, and also arranged for her classmate Huo Yulin to live with her for convenience, but this life of sitting in a wheelchair all day made her sad. What made her even more frustrated was the sudden outbreak of the epidemic in Xi'an City, and the year was approaching day by day, but she did not know when she would be able to return home.

Now well, the school is full of blood and resurrection.

Everyone was packing their bags, many people rushed to the bathroom; volunteers brought the materials needed by students one by one, and teachers prepared relevant certification materials such as "application for leaving the city", "certificate of departure from school", "certificate of nucleic acid testing", "commitment to return home" and other relevant certification materials for everyone overnight.

Qiu Yuwen also picked up her belongings. She drove a wheelchair out of the dormitory. The bureau confined for more than forty days to see the campus, flashing police lights patrol cars, spraying disinfectant water "big white", standing in the cold wind on duty security guards, holding a paper whispering to the counselor, leading the teachers to inspect the leaders, the scene in front of her made her realize that the battle against the epidemic is far from over.

Special report 丨 Homecoming, Homecoming - Xi'an University Student Qiu Yuwen left school and returned home

Green buses are parked under trees in long rows, the doors are open, and someone is cleaning and disinfecting the cars. These vehicles, which are coordinated and mobilized by the Department of Education, the Department of Transportation, the Passenger Transport Company, the Love Fleet and other institutions, will send students to a unified closed loop to "three stations in one place". This is the "first step" for students to go home.

Seeing the bus Qiu Yuwen suddenly thought about how to climb the high and steep steps of the bus after returning the wheelchair. Every meal since the sealing control, volunteers have sent her to the door; every time she goes up the steps, there are classmates to help her move the wheelchair; every time she does nucleic acid, there are teachers who specially arrange a time for her to collect first, so that she can return to the dormitory as soon as possible to rest. The purchase and use of all daily necessities and medicines for treatment were relayed by students and volunteers. After the surgery, she faced difficulties in re-examining her injuries. The Red Cross hospital, which underwent surgery at the time, was unable to accept people from the containment area for medical treatment during the epidemic. The counselor reported to the school to coordinate with the teacher in charge of off-campus medical treatment, and everyone worked together to send her to the Third Hospital of Shaanxi Province for review. The Third Hospital could only receive patients with fever and could not enter the X-ray examination room for examination. The school reported to the higher-level epidemic prevention and control department, and then the attending doctor of the Red Cross Hospital gave her online rehabilitation guidance.

She was too much trouble for everyone and didn't want to add more trouble. However, she had to drag her left leg, which was difficult to stand upright, back to Guizhou to reunite with her relatives in Guiding County, Miao buyi Autonomous Prefecture for the New Year.

This night, Qiu Yuwen tossed and turned, and it was difficult to sleep. Thinking about it, she nervously called the teacher in charge of the transfer group announced by the school.

What Qiu Yuwen did not expect was that at 6:45 a.m. on January 19, the students got on a bus and drove to the station, and it was an exclusive car that took her to the station!

She was accompanied by a fellow student who escorted her home the whole time! It turned out that the transfer team teacher heard her situation and did not hesitate to coordinate the car arrangement that was more suitable for her to be delivered to the station. After the counselor teacher and the transfer team teacher handed over the information, all the preparations were completed on the 18th.

In fact, Qiu Yuwen didn't know a lot. In order to send millions of students back to their hometowns safely, the central leaders have shown cordial care many times and guided the formulation of plans; the leaders of the provincial party committee and the provincial government have inquired about the relevant situation of the students every day, and all relevant departments in the provinces, municipalities, and schools have cooperated and cooperated closely; and a number of cadres of the Department of Education have always stuck to their posts and considered the details of the plan all night. In accordance with the unified deployment of Shaanxi Province on the winter vacation of colleges and secondary schools under the situation of epidemic prevention and control, in order to ensure that students "can get out of school, get on the road, and return home", according to the principle of "scientific assessment, student voluntariness, one person, one policy, and full tracking", many of the more than 20,000 students of Chang'an University enjoy special treatment such as "charter flights" and "special cars", leave the school in stages and batches, and create a "growth speed", which has been prominently reported by CCTV, Shaanxi Daily and other media.

Special report 丨 Homecoming, Homecoming - Xi'an University Student Qiu Yuwen left school and returned home

At 7:35 on January 19, Qiu Yuwen was escorted into the station by volunteers at the North Railway Station arranged by Chang'an University with a wheelchair that had been rented long ago. Qiu Yuwen waved goodbye to the teacher who had been fighting the epidemic for more than a month and could no longer enter. At 8:15, the G1701 train of the high-speed rail departed on time. Shortly after Qiu Yuwen sat down in her seat with the help of her fellow learner, the train attendant folded a wheelchair and put it in front of her.

At 5:14 p.m., counselor Zheng Wenjie received a safe call from Qiu Yuwen: "Teacher Zheng, My father has picked me up, thank you for your special care for me." Qiu Yuwen said affectionately: "I love Chang'an University! At that time, she and her father rushed to the house with her grandmother's beef stewed for several hours, and the aroma filled the car that picked her up, teasing the arrival of a strong New Year's flavor.

What Qiu Yuwen did not know this time was that the reason why she was able to complete all the procedures for leaving and returning home in Qiannan Miao and Buyi Autonomous Prefecture in just two hours was because the headquarters of the epidemic prevention center of Chang'an University had contacted the local epidemic prevention and control department early, understood the relevant policies for returning to the hometown, and done a good job of friendly communication with the local area. She only needs two tests in three days when she returns home, and the nucleic acid test can flow normally and freely without problems.

"Accompany your family, recuperate with peace of mind, and have a good New Year!" Zheng Wenjie's teacher Yin Yin instructed. Qiu Yuwen knew that until she returned to school again, Ms. Zheng would always keep in touch with her every day.

Qiu Yuwen went home, although after nearly nine hours of running, she was accompanied by people all the way, step by step, warm as spring.

Reporter: Lu Zhijun; Editor: Guan Zhonggang

Special report 丨 Homecoming, Homecoming - Xi'an University Student Qiu Yuwen left school and returned home