
Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

author:Samuel net

Christmas is coming, and the prawns have carefully prepared a big gift package for everyone, and selected ten good works suitable for viewing at Christmas.

It is accompanied by a variety of dishes, everyone can choose their own love, I hope that through these movies to bring warmth to everyone, but also let everyone know more about Christmas and its meaning.

First of all, the protagonist of Christmas is Jesus, and Prawn has taken stock of four high-scoring movies that show the life of Jesus.


Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street


<h1 class="ql-align-center">ngelo secondo Matteo</h1>

Directed by Pierre. Paul. Pasolini/ Director: Elsa Morante

Drama 137 min / Drama 137 min

In 1965, the Italian National Film Critics Association awarded best cinematography, best makeup and best director

Special Jury Prize, Venice Film Festival, 1964;

In 1968, he won the Best Foreign Language Film Director Award at the Finnish National Film Awards

Douban score 8.5

Pierre. Paul. Pasolini, as an atheist artist, accepted the dialogue with non-Christian artists initiated by the Pope at the time.

While waiting for the Pope, he was idle, finished watching the Gospel of Matthew in one sitting, and came up with the idea of making a movie based on the Gospels, which led to this outstanding work.

Pasolini did not adopt a script, but directly based on the original text of the Gospel sentence by sentence, to the greatest extent restored the Gospel and the life of Jesus.

More particularly, the spirit of the film's filming continues the spirit of the Italian neorealist movement, explaining the authenticity and simplicity, not using professional actors to perform, but letting local farmers, shopkeepers, factory workers, truck drivers play in it, and Maria is also played by Pasolini's own mother.

The black-and-white cinematography and just the right amount of long shots add to the film's charm, which won the Grand Jury Prize at that year's Venice Film Festival and was publicly screened at Notre Dame Cathedral, christians and non-Christians alike, making this film perfect for us to learn about the life of Jesus, the protagonist of Christmas.


Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

Gospel of John

<h1>The Gospel of John</h1>

Directed by: Philip Sacille

Plot 125 min / Drama 125 min

Douban score 8.7

The film is based on the "Gospel of John", the production team is very strong, including the Academy Awards behind the scenes, every sentence of dialogue and subtitles of the film is completely in accordance with the original text of the Bible.

Even the production staff led a number of well-known Biblical scholars and theologians to form an advisory board to study carefully, and each scene, the characters that appeared, the buildings, and the service were meticulous and could faithfully reproduce the story of Jesus.


Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street



Directed by John Krish / Peter Sykes

Drama 117 min / Drama 117 min

Douban score 8.6

Then there is a film based on the Gospel of Luke, which is hailed as the most accurate depiction of the life of Jesus Christ.

A big feature of this film is the dubbing, and the purpose of the Jesus program is to allow everyone in the world to watch movies dubbed in their own language, whether you speak Chinese, French, or more than four hundred other languages, you can know Jesus in your own language.

Therefore, this film should be the most watched jesus life film, and more than one billion people around the world have watched this outstanding work.


Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street



Director: William. Wheeler

Drama 212 min / Drama 212 min

The 32nd Academy Awards had 11 awards in addition to Best Screenplay

William. Wheeler's masterpiece, the classic epic film that swept 11 Oscars, has not been able to break this record so far.

This film is ostensibly about Binxu, in fact, Jesus is the protagonist, the film begins with the birth of Jesus, ends with Jesus' death and resurrection, in the middle through Binxu not only increases the tension of the film story, but also through Binxu to let us know and understand Christian doctrine and its spirit more.

In addition to the solid drama, full of stories, and clear task lines, the film set, music, and picture are even more magnificent, and the four-wheeled carriage chase scene shot in real time will forever be recorded in history, and every picture in the film is like an oil painting, full of classical charm.

Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

The grandeur of the ups and downs is followed by the power of redemption: love is more powerful than revenge.

One of the most special things about this film is that although Jesus is the protagonist, he has never appeared, but we will clearly understand that he is everywhere in the movie.

Believe me, after reading it, you will be shocked.

Through the above four films, you can get a clear understanding of the life of Jesus, and then we will follow up with six masterpieces related to Christmas and faith, covering comedy, war films, romance films and cartoons.


Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

How wonderful life is

<h1>It's a Wonderful Life</h1>

Director: Frank Capra

Plot 130 minutes / Drama 130 min

19th Academy Awards for Best Picture, Director, Actor (Nominated)

Douban score 9.2

frank. Capra is a Hollywood film master, who won the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement, and "How Beautiful Life Is" is his important masterpiece, with a Douban score of 9.2.

The film tells the story of the protagonist George preparing to commit suicide before Christmas, when God saves him and makes him aware of his life's mission - to save those who are less fortunate. The film is full of warmth and respect for life.

On June 14, 2006, the American Film Institute announced the list of "100 Inspirational Films in 100 Years", and this film ranked first.

Many people regard this film as the most classic Christmas film in the history of cinema, "crying to death" countless people, feel it:

Douban netizen Q: After reading it, I can't express it in words, no matter how cheesy this inspirational plot is, but he completely touched me. If the next time you're completely disappointed in yourself, when your life is in trouble, when your dreams can't be put into reality, think about how many people have ever been happy and happy because of you. And also wish you happiness, George.

Douban netizen Tony. Wang Dana: In the last five minutes, the tears flowed freely, but the heart was extremely warm.

Douban netizen rice grain: see the old tears, no matter how tacky and uncreative the result, the final warm Christmas is really fantastic! No matter what you lose, having friends and family is the greatest wealth! Look at it, the world without you may turn the same, but it will definitely lack your brilliance. George, Merry Christmas, and your dream of traveling the world will surely come true. 【Top of best Christmas movie, new york theater regulars during christmas every year】


Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

<h1>noel </h1>

<h1>A Christmas Caro</h1>

Director: Robert Zemeckis

Plot 98 min / Drama 98 min

Douban score 7.3

It's a Disney movie directed by Robert E. Lee, who shot Forrest Gump and Back to the Future. Zemeckis.

Adapted from Dickens's original work, the film tells the story of the cold scrooge Scrooge who encounters a miracle at Christmas, and he encounters three elves, namely "Spirit of the Past", "Spirit of the Present" and "Spirit of the Future".

Augustine once said, "Only in the face of death is a man's ego truly born." During this magical journey, Scrooge's cold, harsh and stingy heart is gradually melted, and he can hug others, to embrace Christmas.

The film is a 3D version of the "character motion capture" technology of the cartoon, Kim. Kerry played multiple roles in one person, not only playing three roles of Skrutsch from childhood to middle age to old age, but also playing three elves, one person playing six roles, and his acting skills were very anti-heavenly.

Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street


Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

<h1>True love reigns</h1> supreme

<h1> Love Actually</h1>

Directed by: Richard Curtis

Drama 135 min / Drama 135 min

57th British Film Institute Best British Film (Nominated) Best Supporting Actor

In Christmas, I would like to recommend another warm movie, which is composed of 10 love stories that happened at Christmas, which is a movie where you have to laugh from beginning to end with tears in your eyes.

And the director Richard. Curtis can easily control ten stories, and can receive such a high evaluation, the skill is naturally extraordinary, took a look at the director's information, only to find that he is actually the director of "Mr. Bean" and "Time and Space Traveler".

The prawn is not surprising, comedy, love, brain hole is definitely his best dish, if you are interested, you can also watch his other "Black Jazz Christmas Carol" starring Mr. Bean, yes, it is also a movie adapted from Dickens's novel, experience the painting style.

Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

But don't underestimate this movie, Douban score 8.7....


Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

<h1>Merry Christmas </h1>

<h1>Merry Christmas</h1>

Director: Christian Cassillon

Drama 116 min / Drama 116 min

Nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the 78th Academy Awards

Nominated for Best Foreign Language Film at the 63rd Golden Globe Awards in 2006

Nominated for Best Picture at the 31st César Awards in 2006

Douban score 8.4

The film is based on a true story that happened on Christmas Eve in 1914, during the First World War, the war was glued and brutal, and people of different classes were constantly involved in the whirlpool of war, hovering on the brink of death.

Finally, Christmas Eve came. The German, French and Scottish camps declared a truce on Christmas Eve, agreeing to spend a peaceful and peaceful Christmas. Everyone laid down their weapons, held candles, and said "Merry Christmas" to each other.

Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

Anna (Diane Kruger), the girlfriend of enlisted German tenor singer Springk (Benno Fuehrmann) comes to see him on Christmas Eve.

The soldiers were deeply warmed by Anna's soft and natural voice, and the Scottish priest (Carly Lewis Gary Lewis) also blew bagpipes, paddling through the silent and cold snowy night, floating over the battlefield for a long time.

In that era of bloody horror, "One Day of Peace" can be said to be the greatest miracle, which conveys the human desire for peace and the opposition to war, and is definitely an excellent film that is not conventional.


Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

<h1>Christmas Eve </h1>

<h1>Silent Night</h1>

Director: Denis Gibbons

Plot 100 minutes / Drama 100 min

It is a small-budget work of sincerity, set in Germany in 1944, where The Christian Elizabeth hid in a forest hut with her son Forres to escape the damage caused by the war.

One day, three wounded American soldiers knocked on the door of Elizabeth's house, they needed a place to recuperate, and Elizabeth had no choice but to let them in, but only if their weapons were left outside.

Not long after, three more uninvited guests arrived, German soldiers, in a small wooden hut, two opposing sides of the narrow road, struggling to maintain the surface of peace.

Christmas came, everyone sat around the table to celebrate this God-given holiday, and between the cups and chips, everyone relaxed, temporarily forgetting their nationalities and positions, and the atmosphere began to relax.

Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

This story that takes place in a log cabin is full of dramatic tension, and the audience is afraid from the beginning to the end that the joy that belongs to Christmas Eve will be destroyed by the war, because it is so cruel.........

The background music of the film is a hymn "Angels Sing in the Heavens", which is very good.


Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

<h1>The wonder of 34th Street</h1>

<h1>Miracle on 34th Street</h1>

Director: Les Mayfield

Drama 114 min / Drama 114 min

Douban score 7.8

It's a Christmas movie for adults, and Susan's mom, Darius, is always busy and doesn't have time to spend with her. Even at Christmas, she is still organizing joyous marches.

However, an accident occurred, and the old man who played Santa Claus in the parade was drunk before the parade, so Darris found a kind-looking old man to temporarily replace him, but to her surprise, the old man actually insisted that he was Santa Claus after the parade.

Culture | ten movies you had to see this Christmas, how many have you seen? vangelo secondo MatteoThe Gospel of John JESUSBen-HurIt's a Wonderful Life Christmas Caro Love Actually Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël Christmas Eve Silent Night 34th Street Miracle Miracle on 34th Street

Because of the jealousy of his peer competitors, the cute Santa Claus got into a lawsuit.

The court scene in the film is very exciting, and the defense lawyer's defense of Santa Claus is full of wisdom, expressing the film's criticism of skepticism, scientism, and affirmation of faith and humanity.