
22 points and 6 rebounds at halftime! Franklin burst the Guangdong defense shanghai led by 20 points

On January 28, Beijing time, the CBA regular season Guangdong versus Shanghai, this battle Weems lifted the ban to come back, and Weems formed a double foreign aid combination, Shanghai side Guo Haowen was absent due to injury, the paper strength has declined.

22 points and 6 rebounds at halftime! Franklin burst the Guangdong defense shanghai led by 20 points

But in the first quarter of the game, the Shanghai team quickly grasped the rhythm of the field, and scored 36 points in a single quarter, playing a 36-22 to establish a 14-point advantage. Shanghai small foreign player Franklin was particularly good, hitting three three-pointers in the first quarter.

22 points and 6 rebounds at halftime! Franklin burst the Guangdong defense shanghai led by 20 points

Entering the second quarter, Franklin continued the fiery feel of the outside line, in the case of Guangdong team through defensive counterattack to narrow the point difference to 7 points, Franklin stepped forward, two consecutive personal three-point shots with the ball, coupled with Li Tianrong's bottom line three-point shot, directly helped Shanghai team play a wave of 9-0 attack, re-open the score, but also stopped Guangdong.

22 points and 6 rebounds at halftime! Franklin burst the Guangdong defense shanghai led by 20 points

After the timeout, Franklin continued to contribute, and as the outside three-pointer felt hot, Franklin once again made a three-point shot, Weems defended fouls, and Franklin made 3 of 3 free throws. After playing a quarter and a half, Franklin hit five three-pointers in only 13 minutes, scoring 20 points and 6 rebounds on 6 of 10 shots, and single-handedly broke the Guangdong defense.

22 points and 6 rebounds at halftime! Franklin burst the Guangdong defense shanghai led by 20 points

With the help of Franklin's wave of personal offensive output, the offensive state of the Shanghai team was completely stimulated, with a fast hit, constantly fighting with the Guangdong team, while the Guangdong team defense line was impacted by Franklin's attack to seven pieces, continuous mistakes, continuous mistakes, the Shanghai team took advantage of the momentum. For this reason, even if Franklin rested, with Ren Junwei's layup and Luo Hanchen's three-point shot, Shanghai once led by as many as 21 points at 57-36, and the scene occupied the absolute initiative.

22 points and 6 rebounds at halftime! Franklin burst the Guangdong defense shanghai led by 20 points

In the last 3 minutes of the first half, Franklin re-emerged, came up to contribute, broke through with the ball to create a foul and walked to the free throw line, 2 of 2 free throws, and Shanghai once again stretched the point difference to more than 20 points. Under franklin's leadership, Shanghai played a strong enough offensive level, especially a three-point shot, only in the first half hit 11 three-point shots, a total of 17 three-point shots, 11 of 17, as a comparison, Guangdong team in the first half was three points 17 4, just three points this item, Shanghai team will have 21 more points, which is the key to why Guangdong team fell behind.

With Wang Zhelin's half-court whistle layup score, after half-time, Shanghai led Guangdong by as many as 20 points 68-48. Franklin was the first contributor to Shanghai's 20-point lead, shooting 6-of-10, hitting 5 three-pointers, 5-of-5 free throws, and scoring 22 points, 6 rebounds and 1 assist in 15 minutes of the halftime game.

(Lin Xiaoxiang)

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