
Hechang Aggregation received 18 institutional network research and was investigated by Anxin Securities, Chenming Asset Management and other institutions for the second time


On January 28, the news of the "First Share of Modified Plastics on the Beijing Stock Exchange" Hechang Polymerization (832089) recently received 18 institutional surveys, which is the second time that the company has been investigated since its listing on November 9 last year, and Anxin Securities, Chenming Asset Management and other institutions have participated in the company's research twice.

Hechang Aggregation announced on the evening of January 27 that it received 18 institutional surveys such as Anxin Securities, Kaiyuan Securities, Danguishun Asset Management, and Chenming Asset Management on the 25th, and Chairman Zhao Dongming and Board Secretary Yu Yan were responsible for the reception.

The agency is more concerned about Hechang Aggregation's "some material procurement is monopolized by European and American manufacturers", "import substitution", "gross profit margin improvement" and "development strategy for the next three years". The company said that through the introduction of foreign technology, material substitution and formula optimization of products with high technical requirements, as well as the cultivation of its own talents, the company will gradually break the foreign technology monopoly; in the future, the company will gradually penetrate into the high-end market by adhering to independent research and development, independent innovation, and continuously increasing investment in research and development, and gradually form a market competition pattern of import substitution by virtue of local advantages in product customization, rapid response and technical services.

Digging Beijun noticed that this is the second time that the company has been listed on the North Exchange, and the second reception agency has investigated. The first time was on December 10 last year, Anxin Securities, Chenming Asset Management and other institutions went to the company to conduct on-site research.

According to the data of the Digging Shell Research Institute, Hechang Polymer is mainly engaged in the research and development, production and sales of modified plastics, and has a variety of types of products such as modified polypropylene, modified engineering plastics, modified ABS, other modified plastics and plastic sheets. In the first three quarters of 2021, the company's operating income was 685 million yuan and net profit was 61.67 million yuan.

This article originated from the digging shell network