
"Dusty Files" series -62, true and false "Red Peach Thief" arrested at the beginning and end (wonderful plot)

author:Abnormal human encyclopedia

Abnormal Human Encyclopedia: It's amazing that there are two groups of robbers

1. Counterfeit meter readers

Thursday, December 1, 1949.

It was a very cold day. At that time, the four seasons in the Jiangnan region were very distinct, there was no "warm winter", and at the beginning of December of the solar calendar every year, the north wind was as usual and began to freeze. Mrs. Kang, the hostess of a Shikumen mansion on Fuxing East Road in Shanghai's Yimiao District, got up in the morning and found that the towel had been frozen into a hard strip, so she ordered Mama Zhao to boil a pot of boiling water. Boiling water is not for self-use, but to carry it to the entrance of the adjacent alley to pour the public tap that has been frozen. This is also the old rule for many years, as long as it is frozen, Mrs. Kang will definitely have this kind deed.

Mrs. Kang has been living here for ten years. She is actually not surnamed Kang, her real name is Liu Zizhu, a native of Suzhou. Ten years ago, when she was a twenty-two-year-old young woman, she accepted the affection of a capitalist named Kang Liangqing, and after only a month of acquaintance, she willingly followed him to Shanghai and lived in this Shikumen house. Kang Liangqing was exactly twenty years older than Liu Zizhu, and had two wives of two sizes. His cohabitation with Liu Zizhu was hidden from the family, so Liu Zizhu's move to live in the Shikumen mansion belonged to the nature of the Golden House. However, the neighbors did not know this at the time, so they all called her "Mrs. Kang".

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Kang Liangqing went to Kuala Lumpur to inherit his uncle's inheritance. The will stipulated that he must settle in Kuala Lumpur, so he moved his family overseas, and before leaving, he gave Liu Zizhu the deed of the Shikumen house, and also left a number of gold and cash, which is an account of Liu Zizhu. The neighbors knew that the age difference between the two men and women was originally such a relationship, but everyone still called Liu Zizhu "Mrs. Kang" according to the custom. Since then, Liu Zizhu and her aunt Zhao Mama and mother and daughter have lived a peaceful life in this Shikumen house. She had money in the bank for interest, and the master and servant could not live in such houses, so they rented half of the house to a commercial bank to collect rent, relying on interest and rent to live very moist.

What I didn't expect was that this moisturizing had come to an end on this day!

Mrs. Kang has a habit of eating a meal of ravioli on the first day of ice every winter. Therefore, after Mama Zhao boiled water and poured on the faucet, she went to the vegetable market to buy a raw material. When Mama Zhao returned, her daughter Jie Zhen had already gone to school, and after she finished cleaning, she wrapped wontons with her owner. The ravioli had just been wrapped when there was a knock at the door. Mama Zhao went to answer the door, and a man's voice came from outside the door, saying that it was the electric light company that copied the fire meter (in the old days, Shanghai called the meter a fire meter). I opened the door and looked at it, and sure enough, there stood a man wearing the overalls of the electric light company. The man carried a canvas bag on his shoulder, wore white gauze gloves, held a flashlight in his hand, the brim of the work hat on his head was pressed low, and wore a large mask on his face. Mama Zhao had just opened the door, and suddenly, another person quickly slipped out of the alley next to her and followed the meter reader into the patio. The one in the back, except for not wearing the overalls of the electric light company, was dressed the same as the one in the front, wearing a blue canvas work hat with a long tongue on his head. Mama Zhao did not know what the number of this person was, felt strange, stared at the two people looking up and down, just waiting to ask, the temple had been punched, the eyes were black, and they lost consciousness.

Mrs. Kang heard the movement in the kitchen, so she asked loudly who was coming, and while asking, she went outside, bumped into the robber at the kitchen door, and before she could react, she was stuck in the neck by the other party, and she couldn't make a sound, and then she was dragged into the living room, tied to the Eight Immortals table with Mother Zhao, and stuffed with a rag in her mouth. Then, the robbers plundered Mrs. Kang's twenty-two gold bars, eight pieces of gold jewelry, more than 100 silver yang, two million yuan of cash notes (the old version of the renminbi, the new version of two hundred and forty yuan, the same below), and a passbook containing more than sixteen million yuan.

When the two robbers returned to the living room, the large clock in the living room rang exactly ten times. It was said that they should leave the scene at this time, mrs. Kang heard a robber with a Western Shanghai accent saying "Let's go", but another who spoke local Shanghainese said: "Don't worry, aren't they wrapped in wontons, let's eat bowls of wontons and go again." So the two went into the kitchen and cooked the ravioli by themselves, each eating a bowl. Now it's time to go, right? wait! There is also content below: one of them actually picked up the mop, and cleaned upstairs and downstairs! Mrs. Kang and Mama Zhao did not know that this was an act of destruction, and they were quite puzzled in their eyes, especially Mama Zhao, thinking that this should be her job duty, how did the robbers rush in front of her? What puzzled Mama Zhao even more was that she even heard the sound of "DDT" with a spray canister in the summer, and she couldn't help but wonder: What is this for? Do we still have to eliminate mosquitoes and bed bugs that survive the winter?

The robbers wiped off all the footprints they had left behind, and then left the mop in the patio as they left. An hour later, Jie Zhen, The daughter of Mother Zhao who was in the first year of junior high school, returned from school at noon. She used the key to open the door and walked into the living room to take a look, she couldn't help but be shocked, and she couldn't help but use her hands to loosen the ties for the two people, and immediately ran to the door to shout "help", passers-by, neighbors heard the sound, and some people immediately ran to the nearby shop with telephone sets to report to the public security bureau.

At that time, the public security situation in Shanghai Beach was very severe, and political and criminal cases were frequent, especially robbery. According to historical records, from June 1949 to the end of the year, there were more than 700 robberies in the city, an average of more than 100 cases per month, an average of three or four cases a day, and a maximum of sixteen cases a day! Therefore, when the Yimiao Branch of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau received the report, it was not particularly surprised. However, the criminal police were still surprised when they arrived at the scene. First, the value of the case is huge; second, the robber's means of committing the crime, the accuracy of identifying the target, the trick of entering the house, the caution of leaving no trace, and the calmness of eating the wontons after the crime, all of which show their sophistication in criminal experience; the third is that the robber actually left a fist-sized red peach pattern on the living room door. This pattern is pressed on the door panel with a pre-made cardboard mold, and then sprayed with red advertising pigment liquid - the sound of spraying "DDT" that previously puzzled Mama Zhao was spraying pigment liquid.

This practice of deliberately leaving a mark on the scene after committing a crime is relatively rare in criminal offenses. Usually, this move means that this is a vicious criminal gang, and today's high-value robbery is just the beginning of the series of criminal activities they are preparing to carry out. Therefore, the Yimiao Sub-Bureau attached great importance to this, and the leaders of the Bureau immediately decided to set up a special case team and reported the case to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

The special case team is composed of four criminal police officers from the criminal police team of the sub-bureau, and Xin Qiang, deputy captain of the criminal police team, serves as the leader of the team. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the special case team held its first case analysis meeting, and after analyzing the case, it was believed that the robbers were a group of veterans with previous convictions, and judging from the accent of the speech, it should be a Local in Shanghai. Then develop investigative measures: emergency control of banks and jewelry stores; investigation of work clothes and work bags from electric light companies; investigation of neighbors at the scene to try to find witnesses.

Immediately after the meeting, the task force went its separate ways. At this moment, the second robbery occurred!

The victims of the second robbery were a couple in their seventies, both born in Shanghai, with an old man's surname Zhang and an old woman's surname, Yu. Soon after their marriage, the two went to Indonesia. In 1947, they handed over the farm they had been running for many years to their two sons, and the couple returned to Shanghai to spend their old age in an old bungalow in Luxiangyuan, which had been handed down from their ancestors.

In the afternoon of this day, Old Man Zhang accompanied Mrs. Yu out to see a doctor, and on the way back, he went to the store to buy a little cooked vegetables and prepare to drink wine in the evening. At their doorstep, they met a man dressed in the same way as Mrs. Kang had seen in the morning, claiming to be a meter reader. At that time, the news of Mrs. Kang's house robbery had not yet spread, where the old couple wanted to get that this was the beginning of a robbery, unsuspecting, opened the door and invited the other party to enter.

After the "meter reader" entered the door, what he pulled out of his bag was not a flashlight, but a cold and shining dagger. Following, an accomplice came in. The next scene is the same as Mrs. Kang's, the couple is tied to the eight immortals table in the living room, with a rag to block their mouths, and the two robbers upstairs and downstairs are searched one by one in each room, looting the couple's life savings.

After the robbery, as usual, local materials are used and mops are used to remove footprints left on the floor. Before leaving, the robber did not forget to use the spray canister to leave a red peach pattern on the wall, and also snatched the cooked vegetables that the couple bought on the way to prepare for the evening wine.

On such a cold day, the elderly couple was firmly tied to the Eight Immortals table, and the mouth was still blocked with a rag, unable to break free, and it was difficult to say that they froze to death after a night. Fortunately, Old Man Zhang realized this, and after the robber left, he immediately tried to rescue himself. The rope was a thick white hemp rope with the little finger brought by the robber, tied very tightly and firmly, of course, it was impossible to break free, but Old Man Zhang took a different path, beckoned his wife to work hard together, lifted the table with his shoulders, stretched his feet to hook a chair to support the legs of the table, and then squatted down again, and the two of them cut their hands and faded out from under the legs of the table.

When the Yimiao sub-bureau received the report, it was really surprised and immediately sent personnel to the scene to investigate. As soon as the criminal police looked at the red peach pattern, they immediately realized that it was the robbers who had already committed the crime in the morning. The leaders of the sub-bureau then decided to collude and investigate, and at this time, the four criminal police officers of the special case team were still outside to investigate and did not return.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the criminal police of the special case team heard about the case that occurred in the apartment of the Zhang couple, and they did not care about eating dinner, and immediately went to the scene to understand the situation. When asked, the appearance of the two robbers was the same as what Mrs. Kang and Mama Zhao said in the morning, and the modus operandi was the same. After some discussion, the criminal police believed that the same group of robbers had done the same case in the same way, so the same investigative measures could be taken.

So, what about the afternoon investigation?

Xin Qiang and criminal police officer He Shoujie were responsible for visiting residents near Mrs. Kang's residence, and they came into contact with a total of twelve neighbors accompanied by the police at the police station, probably because the cold snap had just arrived, people closed their doors and windows and could not leave their homes, and no one witnessed the robbers entering and leaving the scene. Therefore, their journey is a hard work in vain.

Look at the investigation of another criminal police officer, Long Yebin and Xiao Leng-

At the beginning of the founding of New China, there were five electric power enterprises in Shanghai: the American Shanghai Electric Power Company, the French Shanghai Electric Light Company, the Huashang Electric Co., Ltd., the Commercial Shanghai Zhabei Hydropower Co., Ltd., and the Pudong Electric Co., Ltd., all of which were private enterprises, of which "American Businessmen" and "French Merchants" were foreign-funded enterprises invested by Americans and Frenchmen respectively. The electricity in Yimiao District was supplied by Huashang Electric Co., Ltd., so the meter reader should come from the company, and the robber led by Mrs. Kang and Mama Zhao was indeed wearing the overalls of the meter readers of the Nanshi Electric Light Factory (the name of the "Huashang" at the beginning of its establishment), so Long Yebin and Xiao Leng went to Huashang Electric Co., Ltd. to investigate.

Founded in the early days of the Republic of China, "Chinese Businessmen" can be regarded as an old enterprise. However, the company's luck was a little bad: in the mid-1930s, the expansion was ready, the factory building had been built, the imported new machines were in place, and just as it was about to be installed, the Japanese called over and the power plant was confiscated by the Japanese. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the power plant was returned to the "Chinese businessmen", but it was already full of holes. The operators invested again, hoping for revitalization, but soon Chiang Kai-shek launched a civil war. By the second half of 1948, the company could not even generate electricity, so it had to buy electricity from the American Shanghai Electric Power Company and then use its own grid to supply electricity to users. After the liberation of Shanghai, the "Chinese businessmen" finally took a breath and quickly restored the power supply with the help of the people's government, but the economic situation was certainly stretched and not optimistic.

Because it is not optimistic, the business policy of "Chinese businessmen" pays attention to open source and throttling, and even the management of work clothes is very strict. The meter reading class has work clothes and work bags, which are sent to each meter reader, but there is only one set per person, and the regulations are not allowed to take home. Each person's set of rows hangs in the locker room, changes after work, goes out to read meters, and when it is time to leave work, change out and put on their own clothes to leave work. So what if it's dirty? There is also a solution to this: Sunday is not a break, you can wash it before the weekend leaves work, and it will definitely dry when you come to work on Monday. When the police passed, seventeen members of the meter reading class were all dressed in overalls. Asked down, this day they did not go out to read the meter, they all stayed in the factory to sort out the data, ready to report to the financial office to settle the electricity bill. They testified to each other, that no one had left after work, and that they were all wearing their overalls.

Long and Leng couldn't eat at this point. Mrs. Kang and Mama Zhao made it clear that the robbers were wearing the overalls of the Nanshi Electric Light Factory and carrying the work bag of the Nanshi Electric Light Factory. They have lived here for many years, although the meter reader only comes to the door once a month, but usually on the street often see the meter reader riding a bicycle through the streets, to say that the face may not be recognized, but the work clothes of the South City Electric Light Factory must be recognized. Since Mrs. Kang and Mama Zhao said that the robbers were wearing overalls at the Nanshi Electric Light Factory, the source must be on the side of the "Chinese merchants". If there is no meter reading class, then go to the warehouse to inquire, there must be work clothes and work bags in the warehouse that have not yet been distributed.

The warehousekeeper is a man in his thirties, surnamed Wang, who used to run in a restaurant, and the owner of the restaurant is said to have something to do with the Kuomintang's "Secrecy Bureau", worried that the Communist Party sat in the world to settle accounts, so on the eve of liberation, he fled to Hong Kong with his family. As soon as the boss ran, the restaurant closed and Xiao Wang lost his job. Fortunately, he was related to a major shareholder of the "Chinese businessman", and after the liberation, the "Chinese businessman" needed new employees for revitalization, so he introduced him to become a warehouse manager. At the moment, Xiao Wang took the accounts he handled to the criminal police for a look, and also asked the criminal police to go to the library to check the inventory of work clothes and work bags, and the account data was indeed consistent. Down, there was only the dragon and Leng Erjun's stupid share.

The other two members of the task force listened to this result and wondered. After discussion, everyone agreed that this work clothes and work package must exist, and generally speaking, it must have flowed from the "Chinese businessmen". This is an important clue that cannot be abandoned, and it seems that we must stare at the "Chinese businessmen"! Therefore, Xin Qiang decided to go to the "Chinese businessmen" the next day to investigate again, and the other three went to the victims and neighbors of the second robbery to find clues.

Second, the suspicious object of laode

On December 2, when the famous Bund customs bell had just rung at eight o'clock, Xin Qiang had already arrived at the "Chinese businessmen".

At that time, private enterprises did not have special security departments, and the same was true of "Chinese businessmen", only guarding several gates in the factory area. The power plant is a three-shift production industry that cannot be moved, and it starts day and night throughout the year, so all workshops and departments are always occupied by people, and there is no need to worry about safety. Of course, such a large company, occasionally there will be some petty theft, generally sent by the factory department to investigate and deal with, can not deal with, then you have to call the police. When Long Yebin and Xiao Leng went yesterday, they were received by an executive surnamed Ma from the factory department, and now that Xin Qiang has gone, he has directly sought out this Mr. Ma.

Mr. Ma felt incredible about the return of the police, saying, Didn't he already come to check yesterday? Xin Qiang said, I'm sorry, if you don't find out a result on this matter, you have to keep tossing it down. We think that the outfit that the robbers wore when they committed the crime yesterday must have flowed from your "Chinese businessmen", so is the meter reading class in the factory today? I want to talk to them individually.

Nine people in the meter reading class were in the factory today, and the rest went out to read meters. Accompanied by Mr. Ma, Xin Qiang first went to the locker room and turned around, and found out that the doors and windows were usually closed, the door was on a large iron lock, and the key was controlled by the squad leader, not to mention outsiders, that is, the meter reader had to ask the squad leader for the key if he wanted to go in. This rules out the possibility of someone sneaking in to catch a set of lines and going out to commit crimes. Xin Qiang began to find people to talk to one by one, starting with the class leader. According to the squad leader, before going to work yesterday, all seventeen people in the class had already arrived at the factory, and after going to the locker room to change into work clothes, they all went to the office because they did not go out to read meters. Until the afternoon, the criminal police rushed to investigate, and no one left the factory area.

In this way, seven people have been talked about, and the content is the same. Xin Qiang seemed to have to change the way he inquired, smoked a cigarette to sort out his thoughts, and ushered in the eighth. It was a small old man over fifty years old, surnamed Zhou, who was a meter reader as early as the founding of the Nanshi Electric Light Factory, the predecessor of the "Chinese businessman" in the early Republic of China. Xin Qiang changed the way of talking, simply told Master Zhou the general situation of the two cases that occurred yesterday, and then asked him to think about where the robber's set of heads came from from the perspective of the criminal police.

Master Zhou did not hesitate to express his opinion: "That must have been obtained from the 'Chinese businessman'!" ”

"However, now that the investigation has come down, there is no shortage of meter readers in your factory, and there has been no outflow!"

"The meter reading class must not have flowed out, but what about the warehouse?"

"The warehouse has also been checked, and it must not have flowed out." Xin Qiang said, handed a cigarette, and lit it for the other party.

Master Zhou took two sips, pondered for a moment, and suddenly patted his thigh: "That's right! It must be that set of heads—the blind man's set! ”

Xin Qiang hurriedly asked, "Who is the blind man?" What about 'that set of heads'? ”

Master Zhou said that the "blind man" originally went to the Nanshi Electric Light Factory with him as a meter reader, three years older than him, surnamed Chen, named Dagen. He was not blind, and his eyesight was bright and good. However, because his mother was born blind, people called him "Chen Blind", referred to as "Blind". Everyone called him like this, so Chen Dagen was also used to it. Chen Dagen is alcoholic, prefers to eat fat meat, probably for this reason, he is less than forty years old to suffer from high blood pressure, the heart is not very good, as soon as he encounters the sweltering climate of Huang Meitian, he always covers his chest with his hands and says "it is not good." Workers in the old society were treated very poorly, there was no medical insurance or the like, and if you had a disease, you had to pay for it yourself, and if you didn't have money, you would hold on, and if you couldn't hold it, you would go home. Chen Dagen held on like this, year after year, and it was hard to survive to liberation. But the company was still a private enterprise of the capitalists, and at the beginning of the establishment of the people's government, it was in ruins and waiting for rejuvenation, and it did not care about the welfare of the workers. In this way, less than a month after liberation, Chen Dagen had an accident.

It was late June, and it was Huang Meitian. That day, as soon as Chen Dagen went to work, he said that he was "not feeling good in his heart", and the squad leader said that old Chen you should not go out to read the table, stay in the factory to fill out the form. Chen Dagen nodded at first, but after sitting for a while, he said that it was all right, or go to the meter reading, if he was in charge of the lot if he let others read the meter, he was not familiar with it. I didn't expect an accident to go this way! On the way, Chen Dagen had an old malady attack, fell off the bicycle, broke his head and bled, and fell unconscious on the spot.

At that time, a PLA military vehicle passed by the scene and immediately carried Chen Dagen to the car and sent him to Xiaonanmen Dawei Hospital for rescue. The doctor was very experienced, and when he measured his blood pressure, he said that the coma was not caused by a broken head and bleeding, but a cerebral hemorrhage, and he had to operate immediately. In this way, Chen Dagen entered the operating room, and his overalls and the canvas bag were thrown aside.

During the rescue, the hospital called the "Chinese businessman", and the company sent personnel to the hospital. Chen Dagen Is a work injury, and the company has to bear a fee. However, although the company paid a large fee, it was still unable to save Chen Dagen's life, and he died three hours later.

The company is responsible for assisting Chen Dagen's family to handle the aftermath. Because it had been liberated, a pension had to be paid to the family. The family offered to let Chen Dagen's son work as a "Chinese businessman", but the company refused to do so without precedent, so the two sides quarreled. In such a mess, Chen Dagen's meter reading worker was not remembered, and he did not know how the hospital handled it.

Master Zhou finally concluded: "If the 'Chinese merchants' have a set of meter reading workers who have lost their heads outside, it must be Chen Dagen's set!" ”

Xin Qiang immediately went to Xiaonanmen Dawei Hospital to learn about Chen Dagen's admission to the hospital. The time interval is not very long, and the patient's situation is a little special, so the doctors and nurses remember it. However, for the whereabouts of Chen Dagen's set of meter reading workers, everyone said that there was no impression. Only one nurse remembered that when the patient was carried into the hospital by several PLA soldiers, his face was covered with blood, and his body was naturally covered with blood, and he thought that he had been beaten.

Xin Qiang, a cadre from the Shandong Liberated Area, who used to be a member of the armed forces, and later worked as a public security officer for a while, participated in the investigation and handling of cases, and his mind was active, and he immediately changed an angle to ask: "Then, if you encounter such a patient or injured person, how should you usually deal with it?" ”

The other party replied: "First check where the injury is, and then treat it." If it is an external injury, it is sutured; if the injury is severe, such as that formed by a car accident, it is necessary to go to the operating table. By the way, the patient you inquired about was on the operating table, so you have to take off your clothes to operate. ”

"That's right! You must have handled it the same way that day, who should have done this kind of work? ”

Those few people who were dialed by Xin Qiang like this, their thinking became clear, and they said that it should be handymen, so the head nurse shouted "Old Ding" in a sharp voice. A middle-aged man with a slightly stooped back hurried over and asked him in a Northern Jiangsu accent what was wrong with him. The head nurse said that the comrade was from the Public Security Bureau and came to ask Huang Meitian what happened to the clothes taken off by the patient sent by the People's Liberation Army. Lao Ding said: "I came to work on July 7, when Huang Meitian had already passed, and I had never handled such a patient!" ”

When Lao Ding said this, everyone invariably recalled: "By the way, the handyman in the operating room at that time was Lao De!" ”

Xin Qiang said then call Lao De here. But everyone shook their heads. How? It turned out that Lao De had been dismissed from the hospital, because it was said that this person's hands and feet were not clear, the clothes that doctors and nurses changed when they went to work hung in the office, and there was often a shortage of money when they left work, although not much, but a few corners, but the heart was always unhappy, so the hospital dismissed him.

So, where does the old German family live?

The medical staff looked at each other. It is also understandable that private hospitals such as Dawei Hospital do not have "personnel files" at all. Recruitment and resignation is also highly liberalized, for example, the old virtue mentioned now was introduced by a friend who knew the president when Shanghai was not yet liberated a year ago, and most of the medical staff of the hospital just followed others to call him "Laode", and the person's surname was even impossible to say until he was dismissed. Now if the criminal police want to inquire about his address, they have to stare wide-eyed and small-eyed.

Xin Qiang then went to look for the dean, but the dean did not come to work that day. Go to the finance room again, the old German salary financial general to do the account, do the account must have a name. The finance room gave Xin Qiang a surprise, they not only had Lao De's name, but also their age and home address. In this way, Xin Qiang knew that the dismissed handyman's name was Ke Junde, and his family lived in Yufufang, Xinglong Street, Yulin District, Shanghai.

In the afternoon, criminal police officers He Shoujie and Xiao Leng went to the Yulin Public Security Substation to learn about Ke Junde's basic situation. The security unit of the sub-bureau checked and said that there was this person in Yufufang on Xinglong Street, but the situation of this person was not clear, and you had to learn from the police in charge of the security.

The reader may feel abrupt: Isn't it already liberated for half a year, how can there still be a armor protection system? Liberation was good for half a year, but at that time, the district governments of the districts had not yet been formed, the political organs were "takeover committees", and the grass-roots organizational structures were still operating according to the armor protection system left behind before. Of course, most of the original Baochang commanders have been replaced, and they are mass activists with revolutionary consciousness.

The relevant information that the criminal police learned from the guanduan police was: Ke Junde, nicknamed Laode, was twenty-six years old, came from a small business owner's family, he had been unemployed for a long time, he had misbehaved, he had been in the jianghu gang since childhood, and he had been working as a small squatter for others since he was a child, and at the age of thirteen, he began to gang up and commit evil deeds, stealing and cheating, and was detained by the Kuomintang police station many times. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Ke Junde was sentenced to three years in prison by the Kuomintang court for robbery, escorted to Tilanqiao Prison to serve his sentence, and released in mid-November 1948. Later, he was introduced by relatives to work as a handyman in Dawei Hospital, but was soon dismissed from the hospital and is currently unemployed.

Although Lao De was unemployed, he was basically not at home all day long, and it took the police more than two hours to find out his whereabouts and take him to the substation. This boy looked like an old oiler, and when he saw the criminal policeman's look unchanged, he smiled and gave his hand: "Please ask for advice in person, somehow looking for my old morality?" ”

The criminal police did not instigate him, and asked the "Chinese businessman" about the head of the meter reading work. Old Virtue said that there was such a thing, and that I had taken off the head of the body for the patient, and when I saw the blood stains, I wanted to throw it away. Someone next to me said it was quite new, washed and washed and put on, I took it and soaked it in water, and the canvas bag. Later, when the patient died, I washed the clothes and bag and took it home. Then he said, "May I ask the two police comrades, is this also against the law?" ”

The criminal police said that if you break the law, you should put aside the law, where is the set of lines now? Old De said that he was sold by me after a week. I sold it at the night market on the other side of the Waibaidu Bridge, and a set of clothes and canvas bags sold for a total of 23,000 yuan. Sold to whom? Oh, I can't say this clearly, it's just an ordinary person. You two also know that the night market in waibaidu bridge is black and rumbling, and only recognizes banknotes and does not recognize people.

The calmness with which Lao De replied made the criminal police suspicious. Keep track of it? When you meet such an old oiler, staring at the head of the line is hopeless, only to think of other ways. So I asked, "What were you doing during the day yesterday?" ”

Lao De's face was a little strange for an instant, but then he returned to normal, smiling and replying: "Yesterday?" I went to visit a friend. His name is Ma Zhiyuan, he lives in Jufuli, Fair Road, and I can't say the door number, but the door head is known. ”

Ma Zhiyuan is a young man about the same age as Lao De, the family runs a tea shop, it is said that life should be OKAY, there are conditions for him to go to school, and then find a more decent job. However, Ma Zhiyuan made a group of lepers and learned to pickpocket. He was not actually the material for this business, and after several years of work, he was still unskilled, and lost his wind on the spot in 1947 when he pickpocketed a mrs. Kuo on the "common stage". The owner was a woman with a very strong background, so Ma Zhiyuan was arrested by the Kuomintang police department and sentenced to one year in prison. He and Lao De are fellow inmates who sit in the same classroom at Tilanqiao Prison.

Ma Zhiyuan was at home, sitting in the guest hall holding a cup of hot tea and reading a novel, and he did not seem to be surprised by the visit of the criminal police. This made He and Leng question. Taking advantage of the fact that he was making tea for the criminal police, He Shoujie (who was a retained police officer) who had more than ten years of experience in criminal police followed him to the kitchen door, glimpsed a cup of residual tea on the table inside, moved in his heart, pretended to talk to Ma Zhiyuan, and quietly touched the cup, it was still hot, and there was a number in his heart - Lao De had already come, and he had come to let Ma Zhiyuan testify falsely!

Ma Zhiyuan did not notice He Shoujie's movements, and when answering the question next, he insisted that Lao De was indeed at his house yesterday and stayed for a day. Why? Drink tea and chat! The family is a tea shop, some people come to the door and can't take out other hospitality, tea always have to drink a cup. Ma Zhiyuan still had to say it, and He Shoujie had already made a gesture to make him stop. "Don't go any further, follow us to the substation!" The handcuffs were also lit up.

Ma Zhiyuan was an understanding person and immediately took the initiative to ask for "clarity.". Therefore, the plot of Lao De hurriedly arriving more than half an hour ago to ask Ma Zhiyuan to give perjury on his behalf was grasped by the criminal police.

He Shoujie and Xiao Leng immediately returned to the Yulin sub-bureau, and while asking the public security unit to summon Lao De again, they called Xin Qiang to report the situation. Xin Qiang immediately ordered: After Lao De came over, he would be detained immediately.

III. Night Robbery "Tiannian Hall"

After Lao De left Ma Zhiyuan's house, he did not go home immediately, but went to a relative's house to visit the door and eat dinner there before returning. In this way, when he was taken to the yulin substation by the public security police of the Yulin substation, it was already more than seven o'clock in the evening. Interrogated on the spot, he still insisted that he had gone to Ma Zhiyuan's house yesterday. He Shoujie and Xiao Leng did not instigate him, and the Yulin sub-bureau sent two police officers to accompany him to his residence to conduct a search, but they did not find the stolen goods from yesterday's two robberies.

After such a toss,around, and then asked the Yulin sub-bureau to send a small jeep to escort Lao De to the Yimiao sub-bureau, it was already more than nine o'clock, and the other two criminal police officers of the special case team, Xin Qiang and Long Yebin, were already in a hurry.

When He Shoujie and Xiao Leng went to dinner, Xin Qiang and Long Yebin began to interrogate Lao De. At first, Lao De still insisted on what he had just said, and the criminal police read Ma Zhiyuan's testimony again, and Lao De was finally dumbfounded. I thought that this guy would have to raise his hand and surrender to completely explain it, but he knew that Lao De was hanging his head down and letting the criminal police take turns with red faces and white faces, that is, clenching his teeth and not opening his mouth. This kind of suspect, not to mention Xin Qiang, Long Yebin and Xiao Leng, who have not been a police officer for a long time, even He Shoujie, a veteran criminal police officer with more than ten years of interrogation experience, has no way.

This evening, the special case team spent in the interrogation room of the substation, and everyone spoke dryly until the dawn of the morning, and there was really no hope for Lao De to open his mouth, so he had to put an end to it for the time being. After Lao De was detained in the detention center, the four people ate bowls of YangChun noodles each at the breakfast stall opposite the substation, spread out the bedding in the office, and huddled together and fell asleep.

Sleeping until more than eight o'clock in the morning, Xin Qiang was awakened by a rapid telephone ringing. The call came from Deputy Director Du, who was in charge of criminal investigation, and asked Xin Qiang to go to his office immediately. Xin Qiang hurried away and was about to take the initiative to report on the situation of Lao De at night, but Deputy Director Du opened his mouth to inform a message: Last night, there was another robbery case with a red peach pattern on the scene in Penglai District, which is adjacent to the Yimiao District!

At about 11 o'clock last night, the two staff members on duty at the "Tianniantang National Pharmacy" in Penglai District who were already sleeping were awakened by a gentle knock on the door. One of the two clerks, surnamed Bai, is nearly half a hundred years old, is the oldest and most skilled old pharmacist in the store, and the other is Xiao Zhu, an apprentice of the store. There is a rule in Chinese medicine stores: 365 days a year, there must be a clerk on duty day and night in the store. Because the customer's illness is not divided into hours, saying that the seizure will occur, after Langzhong Diagnosis and Treatment prescribes a prescription, the patient immediately wants to grab the medicine, so the Chinese medicine store cannot cut people for twenty-four hours. The same is true of the clerk on duty at night, no matter if you are in the outfield during the day (the infield refers to the workshop attached to the pharmacy to make Chinese medicine, the outfield refers to the prescription in the store) is busy and exhausted, and at night you have to fall asleep with a sore back, as long as you hear someone knocking, you have to get up immediately to grab the medicine. At the moment, after Lao Bai heard the knocking sound, he immediately woke up Xiao Zhu and asked him to go to the door first, and he quickly got dressed and got up.

What made Lao Bai feel strange was that after Xiao Zhu went to answer the door, there was no sound, so he hurriedly got dressed and went to the store, while whispering, "Xiao Zhu, who is it?" ”

A dazzling flashlight shot in front of him, shaking Lao Bai's eyes, and then, a powerful arm clamped around his neck, and a whisper in his ear: "Don't make a sound!" Lao Bai felt a chill on his face, and a dagger slid lightly over the skin, and he was suddenly shocked and numb!

Then, the familiar modus operandi was revealed again: the robbers tied Bai and Zhu back to back, plugged a rag in their mouths, and tied them to the accounting table in the store. However, this time, there were three robbers, all with low brims, masks covering their faces, and gloves.

The target of the crime, it seems that the robbers have used some brains in advance, and the use of "Tianniantang" as the target of the crime shows that they have a little understanding of the capital situation and business characteristics of the Traditional Chinese medicine shops in the south area of Downtown Shanghai. In the old Chinese medicine stores, the most valuable are those precious medicinal materials such as antelope horn, musk, rhino horn, rhino yellow, bear bile, ginseng, pearl powder, monkey dates and the like, generally speaking, the funds for the purchase of these precious medicinal materials in Chinese medicine stores account for half of the total funds of the entire store. And such a century-old brand as "Tianniantang", because of its good reputation and a considerable number of fixed customers, so the stock of such valuable Chinese medicines is more than other Chinese medicine stores, the quality is good, of course, it is worth more. The robbers targeted the "Tiannian Hall" and seemed to know about this situation.

Lao Bai told the criminal police afterwards that he secretly thought that there was only some change in the shop at that time, and it was not worth the robbers to rob it, so he concluded that they had come to rob the precious Chinese medicine. "Tiannian Hall" has thousands of chinese medicines, and the precious Chinese medicines are well preserved, some hidden in the secret bucket of the accounting desk of the store, and some hidden under the large pile of herbs in the corner of the storehouse. The robbers were laymen and could not be found in a hurry. When they couldn't find it, they were going to come and ask questions, and he made up his mind never to reveal the secret. Unexpectedly, the robber did not ask anything at all, the three people lit up the flashlight, two ran to the back of the warehouse, one was in the store hall one by one to check the bucket, not to mention the account desk, even the garbage can in the corner did not let go.

The two robbers who went to the storeroom were also very patient, and after tossing and turning for more than half an hour, they came out with a satisfied smile on their faces and a cloth bag containing the stolen goods. The robber in the store had also finished the raid at this time, put the pearl powder, ginseng, etc. found in the cloth bag, and whispered: "Have you checked inside?" Didn't miss a corner? ”

The one carrying the cloth bag said, "I have turned it all over, and I have taken all the useful ones." There are also some tiger bones, I said to take, he said too heavy, do not take it. ”

The robber in the hall nodded, "Forget about the tiger bone, it's not worth much." ”

In the old days, there were many tigers, and there was no such thing as "protecting rare wild animals", so there were more sources of tiger bones, and the Chinese medicine industry regarded them as general medicinal materials.

After the three robbers committed the crime, they routinely used a spray canister to leave a red peach pattern on the wall, and then they were not in a hurry to go, and each of them brewed a cup of tea and drank for a while. Then untie Xiao Zhu's rope, let him carry a bucket of water and wipe the floor of the store and the store hall with a mop, and then tie Xiao Zhu to a chair behind the door, stuff a rag in his mouth, and then leave.

After xiao Zhu waited for the robber to go far, he tried to move and found that the chair could be moved. So he moved to the door, hooked out the rag that was gagged with the thick wire hook that was used to hook the door panel when the door was open when the door was opened during the day, and then shouted "Help."

After receiving the report, the Penglai sub-bureau sent criminal police to investigate the scene. When the criminal police saw the red peach pattern at the scene, they couldn't help but be surprised. They had received an internal briefing this morning that there had been two high-value robberies in the Tianyi Temple area before that, and that there were red peach patterns left at the scene. Unexpectedly, the robbers extended the criminal tentacles to the area.

The situation of the on-site investigation was similar to that of the two sites in the former Tianyi Temple District, and the robbers left no trace. The only difference from the previous two robberies is that this time, the robbers did not come forward in the name of the meter reader, so they did not use the set of heads. According to his apprentice Xiao Zhu, when he went to open the door, someone outside the door said that he had come to "redeem the medicine" (the Jiangnan region's saying of buying medicine from a Chinese medicine store).

Soon, the Penglai sub-bureau reported the case to the municipal bureau overnight, and soon after, the duty office of the municipal bureau sent a telegram to convey the instructions of the leadership: If it is confirmed that the robbery and the two robberies that occurred in the tianyi temple district before the robbery are committed by the same gang of robbers, the municipal bureau can coordinate the criminal police of the two districts to form a joint task force to investigate the case. The same notice was also given to the duty leader of the Yimiao sub-bureau. Deputy Director Du, who is in charge of criminal investigation at the Yimiao Sub-bureau, said that it would be necessary to set up a joint task force to investigate together, and that the case must be solved quickly, otherwise this gang of deranged robbers would not know who else to attack!

Early the next morning, four criminal police officers were each assigned to the Yimiao and Penglai sub-bureaus to form a joint task force. The Yimiao sub-bureau is still the original four people, and the four criminal police officers of the Penglai sub-bureau are Peng Wenrui, Su Bo, Lao Liu and Xiao Li. The group leader is Xin Qiang, and Peng Wenrui is the deputy team leader. On the morning of the same day, the joint special case group held a case analysis meeting, first listening to Peng Wenrui's briefing on last night's robbery case in "Tianniantang," and then Xin Qiang talked about the investigation of the two robberies that had occurred before. Down is the analysis of the case, everyone thinks that the old virtue that did not bite down last night is still suspicious, although he folded into the bureau after the "Tianniantang" robbery, but this can not rule out the doubts found on him before, the biggest doubt is that he let him give him perjury, after being exposed, he deliberately concealed the whereabouts of the day of the crime. Therefore, in a moment, he had to interrogate Lao De.

Then analyze the robbery last night: If the red peach pattern left at the scene of the previous two robberies can indicate that this gang of robbers is likely to be an old jianghu with a long history, then it is puzzling that they rushed to the "Tiannian Hall" this time. One of the rules is "four no robbery", that is, langzhong does not rob, pharmacies do not rob, postmen do not rob, the old, weak, sick, disabled, pregnant and young do not rob. Now this gang of robbers robbed the "Heavenly Year Hall", which was a violation of the rules of the dao. In this way, perhaps they are not old gangsters, but a new gang of robbers. The red peach pattern is probably a deliberate trick to be played in order to divert the attention of the police investigation. But how could their modus operandi be so sophisticated?

Moving on to the analysis: the new debut guys have such sophisticated means of committing crimes, then it is necessary to think about them towards the "insider" aspect. This kind of insider can be composed of two sources, one is the old jianghu with a long history mentioned earlier, and the other is the old military and police gendarmes who have previously done criminal investigation work. The gang of robbers currently facing the task force should belong to the latter category, and the criminal police believe that at least one of the robbers in this gang has previously done criminal investigation work.

Another feature of the robbers is that they are familiar with the Chinese medicine industry, they know which Chinese medicines in The Chinese medicine shops are valuable and which are not worth much, and they also know where the Chinese medicine stores will place those valuable Chinese medicines that are particularly valuable. According to this indication, it can be inferred that some of the robbers may have been involved in the Chinese medicine industry, perhaps as an apprentice in a Chinese medicine shop or something; it is also possible that although they have not worked in Chinese medicine, they grew up in a family that operated Chinese herbal medicines and grew up with a small ear.

This feature can also be supported by another inference: in the two types of robbery and theft, the Chinese medicine industry is rarely used as the target of crimes. The reason for this, in addition to being subject to the rules of the jianghu, there is also a problem of selling stolen goods. Even if you get a valuable Chinese medicine, it is difficult to get a shot. From the pharmacy, but also get the pharmacy to go, and which pharmacy suffered, the local industry will know, and even within two or three days through the Chinese medicine association to the surrounding provinces and cities to send a telegram to the peers, the robbers not only can not sell the stolen goods, but also is likely to be arrested. At present, this gang of robbers has a clear thinking, rich experience, and meticulous thinking, and when they plan to commit crimes against the "TiannianTang," they will not fail to consider the issue of selling stolen goods, and if the way out of the stolen goods is not implemented, it is estimated that they will not do it. According to the situation in the Chinese medicine industry mentioned above, the robbers' stolen goods can only be sold to other places, and they are outside Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.

On the basis of the above analysis, the special case group decided to adopt five measures: First, to strengthen the interrogation of the suspect Lao De; second, to issue an internal investigation notice to all sub-bureaus throughout the city, to make a statistic on the old policemen of the former Kuomintang police system who were dismissed after liberation, and to send the materials to the special case group; third, through the Shanghai Municipal Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine Industries, to the city and other places to issue an emergency investigation notice; fourth, to immediately strengthen the control of railway stations, long-distance bus stations, and inland rivers and shipping terminals, and strictly prevent robbers from transferring stolen goods; fifth, to continue to control the city's silver buildings and banks.

At the end of the case analysis session, it was lunchtime. The criminal police were having lunch when the detention center called to say that Lao De had asked for arraignment. Xin Qiang said "there is a drama", three mouthfuls of two mouthfuls of stripped food, casually fingered the Penglai branch criminal police officer Lao Liu, who had already eaten: "You go with me!" ”

The two went to the detention center and asked the guards to lift Lao De out of the cell. As soon as Lao De entered the interrogation room, he said, "Comrade, the policy of frankness and leniency that you said last night must be useful, right?" ”

"Then, of course, the people's government speaks for itself!" You don't have to worry about anything. Say, what did you do on December 1st? ”

Lao De's face was solemn: "Comrade, I did something wrong that day... Oh no! It's done against the law..."

Xin Qiang thought that he would not do anything illegal and would not invite your boy to come here for free dinner. Lao Liu spread out a knife of twenty-six lines of paper dedicated to public security in front of him, holding a pen dipped in water, ready to walk the dragon and snake. Who knows, what Lao De said disappointed the criminal police, he said that on December 1, he and two friends in the Tilanqiao District reselled Yinyang at the Central Shopping Center on Nanjing Road!

On the day of the liberation of Shanghai, the Municipal Military Control Commission issued an announcement saying: From now on, with rmb as the legal tender, the exchange ratio of RMB and gold yuan coupons is one to 100,000, and before June 5, the golden yuan coupons will be temporarily allowed to circulate in the market. The exchange of gold yuan bills for renminbi is going very smoothly, but the renminbi cannot be implemented in the market, and years of hyperinflation have made the public lose confidence in paper money, and speculators have taken the opportunity to speculate on "yellow, white and green" - gold, silver dollars and US dollars, of which silver dollars have become the main target of speculation. In the ten days from the end of May to the beginning of June, the price of silver dollars soared nearly twice. As a result, the wholesale price index in Shanghai tripled, and the prices of rice and cotton yarn doubled. The four major department stores on Nanjing Road began to use silver dollars for prices, and other shops heard the wind and followed suit, refusing to use yuan.

The People's Liberation Army entered the city of Shanghai, but the renminbi could not enter Nanjing Road, which naturally became an international joke. At first, the Military Control Commission adopted the method of selling silver dollars, but the 100,000 silver dollars were thrown out and immediately eaten by speculators, like mud cattle into the sea. Chen Yun, who sits in charge of the economy in Beijing, realizes that the enemy we have encountered in finance is no longer weak gold yuan bills, but strong silver dollars. He judged that if the normal sell-off method is used to confront, it is bound to affect the national currency market and cause the national floating capital to besiege Shanghai, not to mention that we may not have so many silver dollars to attack and defend, even if there is enough selling, the situation is also chaotic. Therefore, he consulted with Mayor Chen Yi and decided to take a drastic military measure.

On June 8, 1949, the Military Control Commission made a pre-battle shout through newspapers and radio, urging speculators to stop speculating on silver dollars and demanding that merchants accept renminbi. On the morning of 10 July, Song Shilun, commander of the Songhu Police Command, personally went out on horseback and led heavily armed military and police to surround the Shanghai Securities Building at No. 422 Hankou Road, detaining more than 1,300 people on the spot, of whom 234 were arrested and transferred to the people's court for trial. Immediately after this action, all silver dollar speculation stopped. Subsequently, all securities trading venues across the country were seized, and the "capital market" withdrew from China's economic stage. For Shanghai, it is the complete ban on private financial activities. Of course, there are still criminals who secretly trade, because the profits are relatively considerable. However, once caught, it is to be dealt with, and the lightest has to be squatted for three months.

Now, Lao De confessed that he was doing this on December 1, and the criminal police were disappointed. Xin Qiang and Lao Liu immediately went to the Tilanqiao sub-bureau and summoned the two accomplices confessed by Lao De to the case through the security unit of the sub-bureau, and after interrogation, the content of Lao De's account was true. In this way, the three old Germans were imprisoned and later sentenced to six months to one year in prison. This clue of the task force was also broken.

Four, two clues

For the next three days, the task force conducted the investigation in accordance with the established guidelines, but failed to find any clues. At that time, there were rumors of the Red Peach Robbery, because there was no accurate source, so several versions were produced. This phenomenon has a certain effect on the people's spontaneous prevention, but the negative impact also exists, which brings a lot of pressure to the special task force.

On the seventh day, December 7, the clues finally emerged, and two were reported at once.

One was reported by a member of the special case team and a criminal police officer of the Penglai sub-bureau, Su Bo, who had an ear and eyes, "little leprosy." There is a woman surnamed Yao on the manufacturing bureau road in Penglai District, who is unusually rich. The woman, named Yao Jin, was a widow in her thirties who dragged her two youngest sons to a stall at the entrance of the alley to sell daily necessities, stationery, and toys. Although there was no interference from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau at that time, nor did it have the impact of the chengguan again and again, the profit of such a small stall was definitely limited, and the quality of Yao Jin's family of three could be imagined. However, just yesterday, this woman, who usually wears two patches of three clothes, not only changed into a big red brocade cotton jacket, but also wore a ring, and one is two!

Another clue was reported by the Shanghai Chinese Medicine Industry Association. This guild is equivalent to today's industry association, which received the notice of the police investigation and immediately communicated it to the Chinese medicine shops through the industry guild branches in each district. Cao Jiadu's "Zhongxing Guo Pharmaceutical Company" is not a shop that sells Chinese medicine directly to patients, but a commercial house specializing in the wholesale of Chinese herbal medicines to Chinese medicine stores. Yesterday afternoon, as the medicine store was about to close, a man in his early thirties came to the door and asked to meet the boss. Boss Fan of "ZTE" went to Suzhou to do business this day, and a number of affairs in the bank were entrusted to Mr. Liu, the accounting office. Therefore, Mr. Liu came forward to receive the visitors. The other party said that he had a little bit of Chinese medicine at hand, it was given to him by friends from other places, he did not open a pharmacy at home, nor did he practice medicine, and he also put it on the shelf, thinking that it was better to give it to the drug store. Mr. Liu had already listened to Boss Fan explain the content of the industry association's investigation notice the day before, and when he heard the other party say this, his heart moved, wondering if it was so coincidental that the robbers did not go anywhere else, but chose "ZTE National Pharmaceutical Company" to sell the stolen goods? Mr. Liu was silent and said that you have something that you can take out and look at.

The visitor took out a white cloth bag the size of two fists from his arms and put it on the accounting table to open. Mr. Liu fixed his eyes on a piece of musk, two wild ginseng, and a dozen monkey dates. Mr. Liu is Mr. Accounting Room, good at accounting, the familiarity with Chinese medicine is limited to the name, place of origin, price, if the medicinal materials are sent to his old man to ask him to distinguish whether this is Sichuan shellfish or Zhejiang shellfish, he will be dumbfounded. However, there is one situation that Mr. Liu can distinguish clearly at the moment: musk is produced in Tibet, wild ginseng is in the northeast or Goryeo, and monkey jujube should come from Yunguichuan. Someone said that these three medicinal herbs were given to him by friends from other places, which was a problem. Generally speaking, there are cases where friends send such valuable Chinese medicines, but they rarely collect Chinese medicines from different origins in the north and south of the world to send them to people. Therefore, if these three things are genuine, then the eighty achievements that this person has brought are stolen goods.

Therefore, Mr. Liu called an old medicine man to identify. After the old medicine worker checked the three medicinal herbs one by one, he nodded, "These are all genuine, and the quality is not bad." ”

Let's negotiate the price. The other party asked you how much you were willing to pay for these three Chinese medicines. This is Mr. Liu's strength, he only needs to open his mouth to give a suitable price that the authorities of the city's Traditional Chinese medicine stores all agree on, but at the moment, he thinks about how to call the police. So why not greet the employees in the line on the spot to gather and take it down in the future? Mr. Liu did not want to do this. If such a plot occurs on the spot, the public security bureau will of course give praise, but if the competitors in the business field make articles based on this, it will be enough for "ZTE" to drink a pot. Those patrons who come to Shanghai with valuable Chinese medicines to sell directly to the wholesale bank must be afraid, and will they dare to take the initiative to deliver goods in the future? Therefore, Mr. Liu will not do this kind of thing that smashes his own rice bowl. He decided to give the other party an unacceptably low price, forced him to stop the idea of trading with ZTE, and then assigned an apprentice to follow him secretly to see where he lived, and then returned to report to the public security bureau.

As a result, Mr. Liu quoted a price, which of course was lower than the market retail price, wholesale price, and even 20% lower than the purchase price of the drug store. Who knows that the other party does not care what price the drug store offers, as long as it can be sold, it is agreed without thinking. At this point, Mr. Liu has no curse to read, think about it, then take it in, anyway, this goods will be returned to the public security bureau to take, let the owner pay this money. So, the current decision was made. When paying the money, he pretended that the amount of money on the account desk was not enough, and he had to go inside to get it, and took advantage of the mechanism to follow the person according to an apprentice Xiao Sun who was doing infield work in the back. Considering that the other party may take a ride, Mr. Liu also paid some change to Xiaosun.

The result of Xiao Sun's tracking surprised Mr. Liu: after the man left the "Zhongxing National Medicine Store", he did not take a car and walked directly to the Caojiadu Inland River Ferry Dock for about ten minutes. Xiao Sun was more clever, pretending to lean over to look at the steamship timetable posted above the ticket window, and saw the man handing money to the window, and said: "A Qingpu!" ”

Qingpu was a county seat forty kilometers from downtown Shanghai, which was then under the jurisdiction of Jiangsu Province. There are coaches and boats between the two places. The speed of the ship is slow, starting from Caojiadu Wharf, driving west along the Suzhou River, driving to Qingpu White Crane, turning into the Daying River and then driving to Qingpu County, so that it takes about ten hours to go around. Therefore, there is only one steamship every day between the two places, departing from Qingpu in the morning and arriving in Shanghai in the evening; then boarding passengers, departing, and arriving in Qingpu early the next morning after an overnight drive.

Xiao Sun was dumbfounded at the moment, thinking that this master was going to Qingpu, could I still follow him? Think about it and decide not to follow. This sixteen-year-old boy was more reliable, and he was worried that the other party's move was just a trick to play a golden cicada to get out of the shell, so he stayed in the waiting room, watched the other party get on the boat, and waited for the ship to leave before returning to the medicine store.

After Mr. Liu listened to what Xiao Sun said, he thought that there was no drama to sing, even if I reported to the public security bureau, the ship had already left, and I probably couldn't catch up. Besides, this person is only a suspect, and the public security bureau will not necessarily arrest him. Therefore, it was decided not to report to the Public Security Bureau, but to the Chinese Medicine Industry Association. This matter was notified by the industry guild, and it is reasonable to report it to them. The call reached the industry guild, which was already off work, and no one answered, so it had to be delayed until this morning. When the guild received the call, it immediately reported to the task force.

At the moment, the special case team sent four criminal police officers to investigate these two clues.

Criminal police officers He Shoujie and Xiao Li were ordered to investigate the first clue. The two disguised themselves as passers-by and first went to Yao Jin's stall on the road of the Penglai District Manufacturing Bureau, and sure enough, the widow was wearing a big red brocade cotton jacket, and a gold ring on the left middle finger and ring finger. Yao Jin looks quite a bit of posture, her skin is snow white, there is a charming breath between her eyebrows, and her tone of voice is also delicate when talking to customers.

The two turned around and went to the police station, asking the police in charge of the section to summon Yao Jin. Understanding it, Yao Jin said that the clothes and rings were sent by a gentleman surnamed Xu. Mr. Xu is a capitalist in Zhabei, an old man in his fifties, who runs a factory and a small department store wholesaler. She originally went to the wholesale market in Nanshi to buy goods, and heard that Mr. Xu's business house gave a more favorable wholesale price, so she went to Zhabei to buy goods. After several purchases, I met Mr. Xu. When Mr. Xu saw that she looked good, he used his brain to invite her to dinner, watch plays, and visit her home. In this way, she got along with Mr. Xu. The brocade cotton jacket also has several other clothes for adults and children and two rings, all of which were given by Mr. Xu. Mr. Xu also provided her with small department store goods at the purchase price of the company, and did not earn her a penny.

Is Yao Jin's statement true or false? The criminal police need to investigate. After the special case team received He Shoujie's telephone report, it immediately dispatched two additional criminal police officers to rush over and investigate at the same time in three ways: one went all the way to Yao Jin's house to check whether there was stolen goods related to the robbery; one way took the two rings that Yao Jin took off for the victim to identify; and the other way to Zhabei to find Boss Xu to understand.

The results of the investigation came out quickly: what Yao Jin said was true.

Let's talk about the investigation of the clue provided by "ZTE National Medicine". In charge of the investigation were criminal police officers Long Yebin and Peng Wenrui. The two first went to Cao Jiadu's "ZhongxingGuo Pharmaceutical Store" and checked the three Chinese medicinal materials sold to the medicine house at a low price. Ask Mr. Liu about the appearance and posture of the person, Mr. Liu said that the person is a middle and tall man, the appearance is not clear, because his hat brim is pressed very low, but also wears a mask, and the urn is not very clear when he speaks. Speaking not authentic Shanghainese, it seems to have a bit of a western suburban accent. The police officer listened and immediately connected with the information provided by Mrs. Kang, didn't one of the robbers speak with a Western suburban accent?

Then, were these three Chinese medicinal herbs that the man had sold some of the medicinal herbs that had been robbed by the Tiannian Tangguo Pharmacy? The criminal police asked several old pharmacists of "ZTE": Can the pharmacy recognize the Chinese medicinal materials in its own store? The old pharmacists all laughed and said unlikely unless the weight matched. However, according to what you said, these three Chinese medicinal materials in the looted stolen goods of the "Tiannian Hall" are more than the quantities in front of them, so generally speaking, it is impossible to distinguish them. In this way, the criminal police dismissed the idea of taking things to the "Tiannian Hall" to identify.

So, how do you investigate? Peng Wenrui and Long Yebin discussed and decided to go to the Cao family ferry terminal to bump into luck. Neither of them had ever been to the suburbs by steamboat before, nor had they been in contact with river steamships in the course of handling cases, so they did not know much about inland waterway shipping. When he inquired about the steamship dock and learned about the operation of the ship from Shanghai to Qingpu, Peng Wenrui had an idea: according to the records of the dock dispatch room, the ferry yesterday was only forty-seven minutes apart from arriving at the dock to leaving, which was only enough time to run back and forth from the Caojiadu pier to the "Zhongxing National Medicine Store". According to Mr. Liu, the man stayed at ZTE for at least half an hour. In this way, it can be inferred that this master did not come to Shanghai from Qingpu on this ship yesterday. If he had come to Shanghai by ship, he would have taken the day before yesterday. Then he would have to spend the night in Shanghai. He may go to a relative's or friend's house for the night, or stay in a nearby hotel.

The police then decided to go to a nearby hotel to inquire if there was such a person staying. At that time, Caojiadu, because there were inland river steamship docks and vegetable and fruit wholesale markets and textile trading markets, so there were many merchants throughout the year, there were many merchants, and there were many hotels, and there were more than two dozen large and small hotels and inns in the Caojiadu area. Peng Wenrui and Long Yebin investigated one by one, and it was not until dark that they heard a clue from a small inn-sized inn that was similar to the size of a family hotel and only had an "accommodation" sign at the door: The evening before yesterday, there was indeed such a tourist who came to check in.

Check the accommodation registration book, which says the passenger's coming and going name: Lu Hanyi; address: No. 55 Juxing Street, Chengxiang Town, Qingpu County; the reason for coming to Shanghai: procurement; proof of occupancy: hukou book.

It's as simple as that, but it's enough.

Fifth, commit the crime again

The criminal police officers who went to Qingpu to investigate were Long Yebin and Xiao Leng, and Peng Wenrui stayed in the city because he was the deputy leader of the special case team. At that time, a substation was just a jeep, and motorcycles were not owned by every substation, so Long and Leng went by long-distance bus. Fortunately, the road was clear, and it took two hours to rush to the town of Chengxiang in Qingpu County. Inquiring about No. 55 Juxing Street, it turned out to be "Fucheng to Chinese Medicine Store". So I went to the door to find the boss. The boss' surname is Cao, and he is a small old man in his fifties. The police asked him if you had a middle-to-tall man with a local accent. Boss Cao said that there was master Lu, an employee in our shop, named Lu Hanyi.

"Where did Master Lu go yesterday?"

"Oh, I sent him to Shanghai to do some business, he went the day before yesterday, he just returned to Qingpu yesterday morning, I let him rest for two days, he went home."

"Where does his family live?"

"In the town of Zhujiajiao, there are sixteen miles away from this side of Chengxiang Town."

The criminal police couldn't understand: "Isn't this hukou surnamed Lu in a pharmacy?" How to live in Zhujiajiao? Why doesn't the hukou end up at home but in the store? ”

Boss Cao explained: "Lu Hanyi came from the countryside to Qingpu a year before the victory of the War of Resistance, and at that time he had not yet started a family, and his hukou fell to me. Later, she married, and the mother was a widow of Zhu Jiajiao. I asked him if he wanted to move to Zhujiajiao, and he said that he would not move, or stay here, after all, it was the county seat. In this way, his account did not move. ”

"So, what is he doing in Shanghai this time?"

"Oh, I asked him to send a sum of money to one of his relatives in Pudong Yangjing." A while ago, I was a little tight on my hands, I couldn't get a position in the business, I didn't borrow it from everywhere, and finally I borrowed it from him to his relatives in Pudong. He borrowed the money in the first place, so now the money is called to him for a trip. ”

The criminal police asked Boss Cao if he had heard of Cao Jiadu's "ZhongxingGuo Medicine Store." Boss Cao said that he had heard of it, but had never dealt with them, and our goods were imported from the "double profit" of the sixteen shops, and the finished Chinese medicine was imported from the "Yu Tiancheng" of Songjiang. Hey, comrade, why are you asking this? The criminal police sighed and said that we also felt inexplicable about this matter, and your master Lu also did a thing when he went to Shanghai this time, and he sold some valuable Chinese medicinal materials to the "Zhongxing Guo Pharmaceutical Store"! Among them are wild ginseng, musk, and monkey dates.

Boss Cao hesitated for a moment, then turned back sharply and immediately ran upstairs. After a loud rupture of boxes and cabinets, he roared angrily, scolding Lu Hanyi for "killing a thousand knives."

The situation is generally clear. Lu Hanyi took advantage of the opportunity to go to Shanghai to do business and stole the three precious medicinal herbs in the store to sell cheaply. These kinds of herbs are not used often, and the boss will not check them every day. When it is found out one day, it is estimated that it will not be able to check it out.

At the moment, the criminal police and Boss Cao immediately rushed to Zhujiajiao Town, sixteen miles away. At first, Lu Hanyi still wanted to deny it, but the criminal police did not instigate him, took out the handcuffs and left. After being interrogated at the Zhujiajiao police station, Lu Hanyi had no choice but to give an account. Boss Cao thanked the Shanghai police, but Xiao Leng and Long Yebin were not happy.

Leng and Long returned to the city on Zhu Jiajiao's last long-distance bus to Shanghai, and when they arrived at the Yimiao Branch, where the special task force was stationed, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. When the other comrades in the special case group heard that this was the result, some sighed and sighed, and some shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

Xin Qiang said: "Nothing, who is engaged in the business of criminal investigation, everyone has encountered this situation." Comrades have been toiling for days and have not had a good rest, so tonight they simply have a good night's sleep and meet tomorrow morning to study what to do next. ”

The crowd agreed, so they rested.

This night, just as the criminal police of the special case team were sleeping, the red peach thief who had been silent for a few days reappeared and once again committed a major robbery case in Penglai District!

There is a small and exquisite two-storey bungalow on Zhaozhou Road in the district, with a total of eight rooms on the upper and lower levels. There is a small courtyard in front of the building, planted with some flowers and plants; behind the building there are two bungalows, one is a storage room for miscellaneous items, one is a kitchen; surrounded by a green paint fence, the gate is also painted green, it is said that the former door frame is nailed with a bronze plaque, which reads "Biyang private residence, not allowed to enter." This Biyang is the owner of the small Western-style building, whose ancestral home is Shanghai, born in Nanyang to a wealthy overseas Chinese merchant family, returned to China in 1932 and was admitted to Aurora University. After graduation, he worked in a foreign firm run by the British and was very appreciated by the British boss. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the foreign bank closed its doors, and Bi Yang's rice bowl was gone, so he secretly went to Chongqing. Originally, he was ready to join the Kuomintang army to fight the Japanese devils on the front line, but when he arrived there, he happened to encounter the "military unification" recruiting intellectual youth, and of course a college graduate like him was regarded as a treasure by the "military unification", so he entered the "military unification" and was awarded the rank of second lieutenant. At that time, Dai Kasa also personally received Bi Yang, chatted down, and learned that Bi Yang was proficient in English and had a flexible mind, so he said that you did not have to go to the front line to do dangerous work, so you should stay in the headquarters of the bureau to conduct intelligence analysis, and with your quality, in a few years, you can become an excellent intelligence expert.

With Dai Kasa's position at that time, it was quite important to be able to say such things to a young man who had just joined the "group". It is not difficult to imagine that the "military unification" will definitely take Biyang as the key training object. As Dai Kasa predicted, Bi Yang's quality was really good, coupled with his own efforts, as well as his unassuming personality, his relationship with all the spies, whether they were small roles as janitors or general-level spies with the power of life and death, was in place. Two years later, Bi Yang became the deputy head of the newly established "Special Intelligence Group on Japanese Intelligence Activities against Britain and the United States" in the Intelligence Service, with the rank of captain in the army. By New Year's Day 1945, at the welcome party of the "Military Unification", Dai Kasa had promoted Bi Yang to the head of the major group.

After Japan's defeat and surrender, the "Special Intelligence Group on Japan's Intelligence Activities against Britain and the United States" of the "Military Command" was immediately dissolved. Bi Yang's old mother, wife and children were all in Shanghai, and after four years apart, he asked for leave to visit relatives in Shanghai. Reporting to Dai Kasa, Dai Kasa said that he was not about to send a receiver to Shanghai, and put Bi Yang on the list. In this way, Bi Yang returned to Shanghai as a receiving officer. Later, Dai Kasa died in a plane crash, and the "military command" was reorganized into the "Secrecy Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense," and mao Renfeng took over most of the power. Due to Bi Yang's good popularity, not only was he not excluded, but he was also promoted to lieutenant colonel by Mao Renfeng and engaged in intelligence in Shanghai.

On the eve of the liberation of Nanjing, it is said that the "military unification" was originally prepared to let Bi Yang lurk, because his external identity has always been a "businessman", and no one in the outside world knows that he is a school-level agent of the "Secrecy Bureau". This situation is more suitable for lurking. However, after the list was sent to Mao Renfeng, his name was crossed out, and Mao Renfeng said that this person was proficient in international intelligence and was a rare talent, and it would be better to take him to Taiwan from the future work. In this way, Bi Yang followed Mao Renfeng to Taiwan. Because of the suddenness of the incident, he didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to his family, let alone bring his old mother, wife and children with him.

After the liberation of Shanghai, the Social Department of the East China Bureau grasped the true situation of Biyang according to the information obtained, and sent personnel to Biyang's residence to check it out. Bi Yang's mother and wife expressed their willingness to abide by the laws and regulations of the people's government, draw a clear line with Bi Yang, and take the initiative to hand over the gold, silver, jewelry, watches, etc. from the family collection to the government. According to the policy, the cadres of the Ministry of Social Affairs did not accept it, saying that this is your personal property, not the funds for Biyang's counter-revolutionary activities, or you should keep it yourself. As for this house, as far as we know, bi yang was funded by his father before he returned to China in 1932, so it cannot be regarded as enemy property, but belongs to your family's private property, and the government will not confiscate it, and if it is violated, the government will protect it.

Bi Yang's family members were very grateful to the people's government, but in this way, the neighbors all knew that Bi Yang was a "military unification" agent and fled to Taiwan. With the political atmosphere at that time, it was inevitable that the Bi family would look at it differently. The Bi family originally had little contact with the outside world, and now they simply close their doors. Of course, the bronze plaque hanging at the door has long been removed, the car was given to relatives, the phone was stopped, and the family originally hired the aunt, but later dismissed. Bi Yang's old mother reads Buddhism at home all day, and his wife Ren Danrui goes out twice a day, sending her nine-year-old son to school and buying vegetables in the morning, and picking up her son at school in the afternoon. Living like this, there are some winds and gossip in the outside world, and it is naturally impossible to pass into the ears of a family. Therefore, in the past few days, the robbery case of the red peach thieves that has been making people in the vicinity noisy, the three members of the Bi family do not know anything at all, and naturally there is no sense of prevention.

At midnight on December 8, Ren Danrui, the hostess of the Bi House, who had fallen asleep, was awakened by a sharp doorbell. The first reaction in her mind was that the government had come, and she came to the door in the middle of the night, so don't come to arrest people, right? I couldn't help but panic. Ren Danrui hurriedly put on his clothes, took three steps and made two steps to rush downstairs to answer the door. I thought that the person who came was waiting for her at the gate to open the door, because the doorbell button was installed outside the gate, but she had just opened the door, and there were already three black shadows standing on the steps. Ren Danrui was not mentally prepared, and he was frightened!

The other was dressed in a dark Zhongshan suit, wearing a cadre hat with a slightly low brim, a mask on his face, white gauze gloves on his hands, and a military satchel on his shoulder. The first one opened his mouth and said, "Don't be afraid! You are..."

"I... My name is Ren Danrui. ”

"We're from the city bureau, and we're in a bit of a hurry to find you." As the man spoke, he showed his ID.

Ren Danrui felt a little relieved, nodded and let the people in the room. After inviting someone to take a seat in the living room, she was about to take a hot water bottle to make tea when she was stopped: "Don't be busy!" Who else lives in your house? Is it the old lady and the child? Okay, trouble you to call them up, the government has something to say to you. ”

Ren Danrui hesitated slightly: "The old man and the child should also be called?" ”

"Yes, call them all. Rest assured, it is not a bad thing, it is a good thing, a happy event! ”

Ren Danrui listened to the movement in his heart, and secretly wondered if her husband had revolted? Because he was convinced of the identity of the other party's city bureau, he did not think about it and immediately obeyed the order.

After the family of three gathered in the living room, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other and waited for them to reveal what good news they had brought. The person who had previously lit up the document opened his mouth, but the content made the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law inexplicable: "Is there a rope in the house?" ”

Sixty-year-old Bimu was overwhelmed and unable to answer. Ren Danrui shook his head hesitantly, "No... No. ”

"Then find a substitute." The man gestured to the one next to him, who turned around on the ground floor and entered the room where his aunt had lived, and there were a few noises like tearing the cloth, and in a few moments the man returned to the living room with a few torn sheets.

At this time, the three uninvited guests finally revealed the true face of the robber, showed the cold shining dagger, and without saying a word, tied up the family of three, tied it to the leg of the table, and blocked the towel brought from the bathroom. The hostess, Ren Danrui, was the last to be gagged, and the key in her pocket had been searched out, asking her to say the code of the safe. She hesitated for a moment, but the dagger had already reached her neck, frightening her to close her eyes and obediently speak.

The robber went upstairs into the hostess's bedroom, opened the safe, and stole twenty-five taels of gold, more than two hundred silver oceans, more than a dozen pieces of jewelry, more than two thousand dollars, and the gold watch that Ren Danrui had taken off and placed on the bedside table before going to bed. After going downstairs, I found the biscuits, coffee cans, and milk powder bottles in the glass cabinet in the corner of the living room, so I rushed the milk coffee and ate the two pounds of biscuits that Ren Danrui had just bought the day before yesterday. Then they took the mop from the bathroom and wiped everywhere they had stepped upstairs and downstairs. Finally, as usual, he took out the spray canister and left a red peach pattern on the wall before leaving.

Poor Bi family of three tied to the living room of the dining table, can not break free, if it is not the morning milk delivery workers to ring the doorbell did not see the reaction, feel that it is not right, summoned the neighbors to push the door into the house to inspect, maybe the child because of cold and hunger and sent his life is difficult to say.

The special case team rushed to the scene after hearing the news, and when they saw the situation, they first asked the security chief and the chief of the first to send Mrs. Bi and her grandson to the hospital for examination, and the hostess was OK, so they left to narrate the situation to the criminal police. The criminal police heard that the other party showed the shanghai municipal public security bureau certificate, could not help but be secretly surprised, thinking that the red peach thief was really good, engaged in an upgraded version, risking the charging lamp company meter reader felt that it was not addictive, and even turned into a policeman! So I asked what the document looked like. Ren Danrui said that the man took a red book from his pocket, pinched most of the cover, and lit it at her. She saw a line of gold printed on the bottom of the book: Shanghai Municipal People's Government Public Security Bureau.

Criminal Police Officer Lao Liu took out his id documents: "Is it such a book?" ”

Ren Danrui looked at it and blinked, "It seems to be slightly smaller than your book." ”

A few police officers felt strange. At that time, the certificate of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau was unified throughout the city, and the cover was all paid by the Municipal Bureau, as for which department and which sub-bureau, it was filled in on the page where the photo was posted, where was the work card that was smaller than the real evidence? If it is said that the robbers forged it, then why not forge the same size?

Criminal police officer He Shoujie suddenly muttered: "This boy must have taken this bicycle license to impersonate!" ”

With this said, the other criminal police suddenly realized! After the liberation of Shanghai, the work of the new regime gradually began to proceed, one of which was the issuance of bicycle licenses. A car license, also known as a license, is a hard cover with two pages of paper stating the car and its owner's condition and precautions. The city bureau printed on the cover of the car license is the same as the policeman's work card, and the red peach thief has a clever move, and even uses the car license to impersonate the police!

The site survey, as the task force had expected, found no traces. After returning to the sub-bureau, the special case team held a case analysis meeting, and unanimously believed that this was the fourth robbery committed by the Red Peach Thief. At this time, they suddenly received a call from the North Station Sub-Bureau, saying that they had caught a pickpocket in the square in front of the station the day before yesterday, found an antelope horn on his body, and asked the special case team if they wanted to come and inquire about it.

According to Xin Qiang afterwards, the moment he received the call, he suddenly developed an intuition: this is a really valuable clue, and this pickpocket may be a key to open the door of the maze of the Red Peach Robbery!

Suspicious old policemen

North Railway Station, short for North Railway Station. Until the late 1980s, the departure and arrival points of trains from Shanghai to Foreign Ports and foreign ports to Shanghai were all North Railway Station, and the bustling north station can be imagined all year round. And this kind of hilarity just provides a very favorable condition for pickpockets to commit crimes.

The pickpocket Luo San'er was caught by the anti-pickpocket plainclothes of the North Station Bureau in the square in front of the station. At that time, a plainclothes person found Luo San'er coming out of the waiting room, turned around, and stared at a middle-aged woman with a child. Plainclothes looked at Luo San'er's eyes from experience, and knew that this boy was eating this line of food, so he decided to arrest him. Not long after, when Luo San'er committed the crime, he was caught in plainclothes, handcuffed and taken to the police room not far away.

After entering, he searched for some stolen money on Luo San'er's body, and there was a small cloth bag that was nearly a foot long and more than inches wide and high, and asked Luo San'er what it was, and he shook his head and said nothing. Plainclothes thought that Luo San'er was not honest, and almost slapped him on the face. In fact, this boy really did not know that he had pickpocketed from a waiting passenger in the waiting room. I thought it was a treasure, but after the police unwrapped the layers of cloth wrapped on the outside, what appeared in front of them was a section of animal horns. A few plainclothes policemen did not know what it was, so they put it aside and then counted the stolen money. Luo San'er was still lucky, and the money in the two wallets he had picked up before added up to millions of yuan, which was a decent amount of money at that time. So, congratulations! Change luo san'er's place —send it to the detention center.

The stolen money and the stolen goods, which resembled the horns of animals, were taken from plain clothes to the sub-bureau office. According to the regulations, the stolen money and stolen goods must be handed over to the leader of the Public Security Unit, and the leader shall register it and then hand it over to the Secretary Unit of the Sub-bureau (later the "Office"). Due to the busy workload of the head of the Public Security Unit, the head of the Public Security Unit has stipulated that it be paid twice a week, once every three days. Today is the day to hand over the stolen money and stolen goods, and all the plainclothes have poured into the office of the chief of the public security unit. An old policeman who also came to fight the spoils accidentally saw the horns of the animals and could not help but be shocked: "My mother, antelope horns!" This is the most expensive taste in Chinese medicine, and the price is more than gold. How much is such a long section worth? ”

This exclamation attracted the attention of the chief of the public security unit; when he looked at the stolen goods, he immediately took out the co-investigation notice of the special case group, looked at it, pointed to the "antelope horn" above, and said, Didn't you read this notice to everyone at the meeting a few days ago, how did you listen, and found the stolen goods specified in the co-investigation notice and did not immediately report it, and it has been dragged on until today. Saying that, immediately call the task force according to the telephone number on the co-investigation notice.

The task force immediately sent personnel to the substation to retrieve the antelope horn. However, none of the criminal police officers in the special case team had ever been in contact with such valuable Chinese medicinal materials, and it was not guaranteed whether it was an antelope horn or not. Some people remembered that there was an old man with a table and chair on the side of the road who sat in the hall on the side of the street to consult, so he sent Xiao Leng and Xiao Li to ask him to identify. After Qian Langzhong read it, he said that this was indeed antelope horn, emphasizing that this was the most precious Chinese medicinal material, and then he wanted to say the medicinal effect. Leng and Li were not interested in the efficacy of antelope horn, and before they could finish listening, they thanked old man Qian for rushing back to his life.

Next, it was necessary to find out whether this piece of stuff was one of the stolen goods that the "Tiannian Hall" had been robbed. Out of a precautionary consideration, the special case team did not take the things to the owner to identify, but sent personnel to the "Tiannian Hall" to inquire: How heavy are the stolen antelope horns?

Precious Chinese medicinal materials such as antelope horn are generally powdered, and pharmacies use a file on the spot to file the powder from the horn according to the amount indicated on the prescription prescribed by traditional Chinese medicine, and file it while filing, so that consumers can see that this is the real thing. Therefore, as long as the boss checks the accounts, he can know the exact weight of the antelope horn that has been filed and lost several dollars. At the moment, after letting Mr. Accounting Office check it, he said that the stolen antelope horn weighed three, two, one dollar and seven cents. Xiao Leng and Xiao Li came back and said that Xin Qiang let the two take the stolen goods to a nearby middle school and borrow the balance of the chemistry laboratory to weigh it down, and sure enough, it was this weight. So it was confirmed that it was stolen goods.

Then, he went to interrogate the pickpocket Luo San'er. Luo San'er confessed that this cloth bag was stolen from a satchel carried by a passenger when he went to the waiting room of the North Railway Station to steal it. There was something else in the passenger's satchel, and the ideal for a pickpocket was, of course, cash. He stood behind the man, quietly unzipped his satchel, and was about to put his hand in and touch it, but the passenger turned around. Luo San'er decided to abandon this object, and when he pulled out the thief's hand, he stole the strip of cloth bag by the way.

So, what did that passenger look like? This, Luo San'er couldn't say, because he had never looked at each other head-on. When the criminal police were disappointed, Luo San'er added: "I have heard him ask others where to queue up in Kunshan. "The criminal police whispered, this clue is more valuable than being able to tell what the other party looks like!"

The special case team immediately held a case analysis meeting, and some criminal police believed that judging from the fact that a robber reported by the victim, Mrs. Kang, and others had a clear local accent in the western suburbs, this person was likely to be a Kunshan native, and after he participated in the crime in Shanghai, he returned to Kunshan with the stolen goods he had received. This view was questioned by another part of the criminal police, saying that if this is the case, then how can the robbery of the Bi House that occurred last night be explained? The criminal police who held the previous view retorted: Maybe two other robbers sent the Kunshan one back and found another accomplice?

The two group leaders, Xin Qiang and Peng Wenrui, did not participate in the argument, and after exchanging views, they said that Luo San'er's criminal target was the most reliable and direct clue obtained at present, and since the guy had a Kunshan accent and got on the train to Kunshan, it was still necessary for us to follow this clue to investigate. However, how to track down this person is a difficult problem. Because Luo San'er couldn't say what he looked like, the robbers in several robberies also lowered their hats and wore large masks. Kunshan is a county, not to mention the other townships in this county, let's say the county town of Yushan, there are also 40,000 people, to track down a man without physical characteristics among such people, the difficulty is great, can be imagined. Comrades are invited to consider and pool their wisdom and efforts to see how this person can be successfully found.

Everyone gathered firewood and the flames were high, and everyone talked about it, and gradually concentrated on one point: the Kunshan man entered the waiting room of the North Railway Station, and actually wanted to inquire from which ticket gate to drive to the train in the direction of Kunshan, it seems that this master is just a rare rural person from Shanghai, this kind of person participated in the series of robbery and criminal activities of the Red Peach Thief, at best, it is just a small role like the class, an accessory. As for the main culprit, it is estimated that it should be a person who has lived in downtown Shanghai for a long time, so that he can have the accuracy of choosing the target of robbery and the calmness, sophistication and cunning of committing crimes in the city. The accomplice in Kunshan should have been invited by the main criminal in Shanghai to participate in the crime, so it seems that the main criminal may have a special relationship with this place in Kunshan. Previously, judging from the robbers' modus operandi, it had been suspected that at least one of the robbers might have had experience in criminal investigation work, so the city's sub-bureaus were also asked to provide information on the old policemen who had been dismissed from the former Kuomintang police station.

Therefore, first check the information provided by each sub-bureau to see if there are any Kunshan people among them. Finally, it was found that there were four Kunshan members of the old police who were dismissed after liberation, namely the New Component Bureau, the Yangshupu Branch, the Lujiawan Branch and the Penglai District Bureau. The old Song of the Penglai District Bureau and the criminal police officers from the special case team from the bureau all knew each other. The man was fifty-eight years old, suffering from severe tuberculosis, and had been sick at home for half a year before liberation. After liberation, when the organization examined the retained personnel, they crossed him out, because this person had always done his duty and had not done any evil deeds, so he was also given a subsidy. Tuberculosis was a terminal illness like cancer today, and it is difficult to say whether this person is alive now, and even if he is alive, he is definitely not a robber, so he has ruled it out. Of the remaining three, the task force decided to conduct a peripheral investigation immediately to see if there was a time for the crime.

The six criminal police officers went to the three sub-bureaus of Xincheng, Yangshupu and Lujiawan to investigate until the evening before returning to the special case team's station. The results of the investigation were: The two dismissed old policemen of the Yangshupu Substation and the Lujiawan Sub-Bureau have found new jobs, one is working as a partner in the "Chunxing Rice Shop" and the other is a janitor at the "Zhengtai Textile Factory", and there is no time for committing the crime after investigation; the dismissed old policeman of the new branch bureau is named Yuan Xiaomo, and his whereabouts have not been found, and it is not even clear where he lives.

Su Bo and Lao Liu, the criminal policemen who went to the new component bureau to investigate, then learned some basic information about Yuan Xiaomo. Yuan Xiaomo, 39 years old, from the Yushan Town clan in Kunshan County, Jiangsu Province, came from a small family of street vendors, and at the age of sixteen went to the coal ball factory in the French Concession in Shanghai as an apprentice. At that time, the machine for making briquettes was shaken by hand, and the physical exertion was very large, but if it could be persevered, the strength was amazing. Yuan Xiaomo had been doing it for nearly three years, and when he was about to fill the division, he resigned and did not do it. Of course, the boss does not allow it, you signed a contract to learn art when you came to the student intention, saying that not only do you have to study for three years, but after three years of full division, you have to continue to work on the boss's side for three years, called "learning for three years, helping for three years", your boy's three-year apprenticeship period is not yet complete, and he will leave, and it is really against you! The boss is a disciple of the Qing Gang, who has always been arrogant, and he will punish Yuan Xiaomo at the moment. But as soon as he inquired, he had to dispel this idea. How? It turned out that the Criminal Department of the Bureau of the Ministry of Works of the French Concession recruited "package inquiries", Yuan Xiaomo secretly went to register, and his strength was favored by others. Of course, the patrol room is much more cattle than the owner of the briquette factory, and told Yuan Xiaomo at the moment that you just have to report to work, the boss dares to move a hair of your sweat, and we want him to look good! In this way, Yuan Xiaomo became a plainclothes member of the Criminal Department of the Patrol Room.

After the outbreak of the Pacific War, Shanghai fell, and the Japanese took over the patrol house. Some of the chinese who had patriotic ideas refused to serve the Japanese aggressors and voluntarily resigned. However, Yuan Xiaomo did not leave, worked hard to handle the case for the Japanese, and was also seconded to the notorious Wang Pseudo Secret Agent Headquarters "Seventy-Six" to be a little third son (that is, a minions). After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Yuan Xiaomo was unemployed for a time, but two months later he was introduced to the New Component Bureau of the Kuomintang Shanghai Municipal Police Station as a criminal policeman.

After liberation, when the military deputies reviewed the retention of the police, they looked at Yuan Xiaomo's resume and immediately crossed out his name -- he had worked in "Seventy-Six", and it was already cheaper not to look for him to settle accounts. Yuan Xiaomo then lost his job. He originally had a family, but later divorced, lived in the dormitory of the sub-bureau, ate in the canteen, and his household registration was also hung on the collective household registration book of the sub-bureau. When he was dismissed, of course, the hukou had to be moved, but Yuan Xiaomo did not have a house, so he gave him a certificate of moving out, which he kept, and when he had a fixed address, he could move in at any time. This practice was called "bag bag hukou" in Shanghai at that time ("bag bag" in Shanghai means pocket, and "bag bag hukou" means the account in the pocket).

The special case team analyzed Yuan Xiaomo's situation: He had worked as a plainclothes man in the criminal department of the French Concession patrol house for many years, and he must be very familiar with the situation in the Nanshi area, which was a good condition for finding the target of the crime. In addition, unemployment after liberation will certainly have a serious impact on their lives, and it is also possible to have the idea of committing crimes. This target should be investigated as a key suspect target!

Seventh, the truth has not yet come out

However, how to find this Yuan Xiaomo in the vast sea of people?

Criminal police officer He Shouming had an idea: Yuan Xiaomo was born in Yushan Town, Kunshan County, which is a small town in Jiangnan, located next to the Shanghai-Nanjing Line, although it is not closed, but after all, it is a small place, and the kind of communication habits between people that have been formed for a long time have the characteristics of a small place. This characteristic is reflected in the small towns in the counties and towns around Shanghai. He had a relative who lived in Sijing Town, Songjiang, and remembered that in the year of the victory of the War of Resistance, he once accompanied his parents to visit there, and the neighbors of the relatives heard that a policeman had come from Shanghai (He Shoujie was a Kuomintang policeman at the time), and they all felt curious, and they all came to visit them, and finally, even several police officers of the town's police station heard the news and insisted on pulling him to a restaurant to drink. From this, it is speculated that when Yuan Xiaomo was an old policeman, he would definitely return to his hometown to visit his relatives, and most of the police officers of the Kuomintang police station in Kunshan would also warmly entertain Yuan Xiaomo. If so, some of the old police officers at the former Kuomintang police station in Kunshan may know Yuan Xiaomo. Of course, it is unlikely that they can say where Yuan Xiaomo settled after liberation, but they may know whether this colleague from Shanghai has relatives and friends in Kunshan, and the master who was selected by Luo San'er as the target of the crime, if it is indeed Kunshan, then it is undoubtedly one of these relatives and friends.

That is to say, He Shoujie proposed a new direction of investigation: since yuan Xiaomo could not be quickly found, he would use Yuan Xiaomo's clue to track down the guy who wanted to bring the stolen antelope horn from Shanghai to Kunshan.

The task force thought it was a good idea and decided to put it into practice immediately.

At noon, Xin Qiang, the head of the special case team, led four criminal police officers straight to the North Railway Station, boarded a train bound for Nanjing, and arrived in Kunshan at one o'clock in the afternoon. The group of five went directly to the Kunshan County Public Security Bureau. The other party heard that it was a Shanghai colleague who came to investigate the case, and it was very important, and a deputy director surnamed Lu came forward to receive it, saying that the director went to the Suzhou Prefectural Committee for a meeting, and the Shanghai comrades had something to cooperate with, although they opened their mouths. Xin Qiang then said the reason and asked his colleagues in Kunshan to help investigate the relevant situation. Deputy Director Lu said that I was from Shandong and was not familiar with the situation before the liberation of Kunshan, but the two old policemen of the criminal police team probably spoke clearly.

Both retained police officers in the Interpol Squad are in their forties. One surnamed Zhang, who had assisted the underground COMMUNIST Party and the anti-Japanese guerrillas many times before liberation in collecting intelligence and transporting materials, belonged to a trustworthy progressive figure; the other, surnamed Jiang, was a revolutionary martyr, and his brother-in-law was a guerrilla scout in Taihu Under the leadership of the Communist Party during the War of Resistance. Since his parents had long since died, the sign of the martyr's family was hung on the old Jiang Gate.

Lao Zhang and Lao Jiang listened to the reasons for the special case team and laughed and said that you really expected this, and there was indeed a person named Yuan Xiaomo in Kunshan, who used to live on the other side of the Taiping Bridge. The Yuan couple has a pair of children, the son is Yuan Xiaomo, he has a sister above, it seems that his name is Yuan Xiaoyu. Yuan Xiaomo went to Shanghai to earn a living at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and the following year his sister married Yu Carpenter on the banks of the Yuxing Bridge. A year before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, on their way to the countryside by boat, the yuan couple was hit by a steamship and sank, and both the couple died.

That Yuan Xiaomo did not come back when he was an apprentice, and later when his parents were killed and returned to their hometowns for mourning, it was said that he had entered the criminal department of the Shanghai French Concession Patrol House as a "bag inquirer". At that time, several heads of the county police station said that the son of the Yuan family had entered the patrol room, and it seemed that the future would be far-reaching, even if it was an ordinary "bag inquiry", it would be helpful for us to go to Shanghai to handle the case in the future, so to make friends with him, your criminal police team first sent someone to mourn it. At that time, Lao Zhang and another criminal policeman went, but when he came to the door, Yuan Xiaomo had already received an urgent telegram from Shanghai and returned to Shanghai.

This time did not see, after a while to Qingming, Yuan Xiaomo returned to his hometown to visit the tomb, the county bureau invited him to a restaurant to eat. Later, there were cases in Kunshan that needed to be handled in Shanghai, and they did get great help from Yuan Xiaomo. After the Japanese occupied Shanghai, because Yuan Xiaomo was also serving as a policeman for the Japanese at that time and had a friendship with the "Seventy-Sixth", he could still help. This person, the old policeman of the Kunshan County Bureau, knew.

The criminal police of the special case team asked: "In addition to his sister in Kunshan, does Yuan Xiaomo have any other relatives?" If so, who did he walk around with more when he returned home? ”

Zhang and Jiang were both natives of Kunshan, and at that time, Yushan Town was within a radius of a few miles, and the people in the county town may not have a good relationship with each other, but they basically knew each other. Therefore, it is possible to say that several of Yuan Xiaomo's relatives are involved in criminal police, so it is still very detailed, and even a few of Yuan Xiaomo's brother-in-law's family have also said in passing. Further down, it was found that the owner of the antelope horn who was the target of the crime by the pickpocket Luo San'er seemed to be the brother-in-law of Yuan Xiaomo's brother-in-law who lived in Wusheng Lane, and the one nicknamed "Shen Gongbao".

Therefore, Deputy Director Lu called the Yushan Town Police Station and asked the police in charge of the management section of Wusheng Lane to come to the county bureau immediately. After the police officer Xiao Min hurriedly arrived, he introduced the situation of "Shen Gongbao": This person's surname is Yu Beichang, and his head is naturally a little crooked, so after the friends who played together when they were children listened to the "List of Fengshen Gods" said by Mr. Storyteller, they transplanted the name of one of the crooked head characters, Shen Gongbao. It became famous as soon as it was called, and it continues to this day, so that the real name is not well known. Yu Beichang was a bamboo craftsman, and a person born into a carpenter family did not become a carpenter but became a bamboo craftsman, and no one can say why this is clear. It is said that this is Yu Beichang's own choice, but he can't love the line he chose, the craftsmanship is not good, the work attitude is also very problematic, three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, but also alcohol and gambling, it is said that when he goes to work in people's houses, his hands and feet are not very clean. In a small place like Kunshan, reputation is very important, and once Yu Beichang's bad reputation is spread, everyone looks at him differently. Coupled with those rumors of adding oil and vinegar, Yu Beichang was twenty-eight years old and could not get a wife.

So, did Yu Beichang have any contact with Yuan Xiaomo?

Xiao Min said that I couldn't say whether there was any contact, because Yu Beichang was a master craftsman, and the custom was to go out often, and he didn't know where he went--he was not the object of internal control, so he didn't pay attention to him.

After consultation, the Shanghai criminal police decided to immediately summon Yu Beichang and search his residence at the same time. But Yu Beichang was not at home, asking the neighbors, who could not say where they had gone. So I decided to open the lock and search inside first, and then sit back and wait for him to come home. After searching, no stolen goods were found, but eighty percent of the new zipper satchel that Luo San'er had contacted when he committed the crime was found.

The criminal police waited until dark, and Yu Beichangfang returned home drunk and immediately took him to the county public security bureau. The five criminal policemen set up a scene for trial, and Yu Beichang trembled with fright when he saw the situation, asked what to answer, and explained the crime one by one.

A month ago, Yu Beichang went with two bamboo craftsmen to work on Xujing on the eastern side of Qingpu County, which borders Kunshan. After ten days of work, he thought that Xujing was only thirty or forty miles away from downtown Shanghai, so why didn't I go to Shanghai Xiaomoge to have a look. He also did not know that Yuan Xiaomo had not been retained by the new composition bureau after liberation, xingchong rushed to ask, and the guard room said that this person had left, and we did not know where he went. Yu Beichang had to return home in sorrow, but unexpectedly received a letter from Yuan Xiaomo. The letter had been sent for a week, and because Yu Beichang was not at home, the postman had slipped through the crack in the door into the house. Yu Beichang has a primary school education level, and the general script is generally recognizable. At the next look, Yuan Xiaomo told him to have time to go to Shanghai to play, if he went, he could go to No. 29 Mirror Lane, Zhongzheng North 2nd Road, Jiangning District to find him. If you don't plan to go to Shanghai to find him recently, please send a letter to let you know.

Yu Beichang read the letter several times in a row, and from the content of "If you don't plan to go to Shanghai recently, please go to the letter to let you know" that Yuan Xiaomo may have something to do with him to Go to Shanghai, so he immediately left.

Yu Beichang is very admiring of Yuan Xiaomo, a twisted relative, and being a policeman is already very impressive, and people are working as policemen in Shanghai, which is even more extraordinary! The heads and brains of the police station on this side of Kunshan were all polite and respectful to Yuan Xiaomo, and the residents of Kunshan were much more polite to Yu Beichang after they knew that Yuan Xiaomo was the "bag inquirer" of the shanghai patrol room.

On November 23, Yu Beichang went to Shanghai, asked seven or eight people with the letter, and finally found the mirror lane of Zhongzheng North 2nd Road. Yuan Xiaomo was very happy to see him and introduced him to his friend Shi Dingxiao, who lived with him. Later, Yu Beichang knew that the house at No. 29 in Mirror Lane was the private house of Shi Dingxiao's family, and Shi Dingxiao's family had another house nearby, and the house here was lent to Yuan Xiaomo. Shi Dingxiao came from a family of Traditional Chinese medicine merchants, and had also done "bag inquiry" before, and was a colleague with Yuan Xiaomo, and the relationship between the two was very iron. Later, When Shi Dingxiao was injured in a fight with someone while on a mission, he felt that it was a little dangerous to do this job, so he decided to resign. After resigning, Shi Dingxiao has worked in a variety of professions and has been working as a timber broker in recent years.

Yuan Xiaomo and Shi Dingxiao were also cheerful, and asked Yu Beichang bluntly if he wanted to get rich, and Yu Beichang's answer was yes. Then the second question is: Do you dare to take risks? Yu Beichang said that if you follow your two eldest brothers, then no matter what kind of risk I dare to take. Yu Beichang's answer satisfied the two, so Yuan Xiaomo showed him a showdown: After the Communists occupied Shanghai Beach, the situation was rather chaotic, there was a shortage of materials, prices were rising, and social order was also very problematic. At present, Shanghai Beach is like a pool of muddy waters, and some former small people have fished in muddy waters, and they have made a fortune and retreated with all their might, with impunity. Therefore, I and Brother Shi have summed up, the Communist police can't even solve these small and three cases, if a veteran of solving cases like us goes to do a vote, it is not three fingers pinching the field snail - firmly! Therefore, we want to take advantage of the chaos to do a vote, and if there is still a shortage of manpower, we think of your Beichang brothers. What do you think?

Yu Beichang listened and replied almost without hesitation: "Thank you two brothers!" I'm willing to do it with you!" ”

So the three of them began to prepare. Of course, the plan was formulated by Yuan Xiaomo and Shi Dingxiao. The two were very familiar with the original French Concession and the surrounding areas, so they decided to go to Yimiao District and Penglai District. The target was Shi Dingxiao, who was in the timber broker business, and there was a trading point near Mrs. Kang's house on Fuxing East Road, where he often sat idly and waited for business, nothing more than drinking tea and smoking and chatting. There are not only brokers and merchants from all districts of the city who come to the timber shop, but also some idlers in the vicinity, who are waiting at the trading point to prepare to run errands for the timber merchants to buy things, deliver urgent mail, run to the post office and make a few small money, and when they drink tea together, they are like the tea guests in the tea house. As a result, Shi Dingxiao knew which ones in the vicinity were suitable targets. He consulted with Yuan Xiaomo and selected Mrs. Kang and Old Man Zhang.

Before this, Yuan Xiaomo passed by the night market on the other side of the Waibaidu Bridge one night, and saw someone selling a set of "Chinese businessmen" meter readers, so his heart moved, secretly thinking that if the meter readers of the charging lamp factory came to the door to commit crimes, it was a brilliant idea, and the odds of winning must be 100 percent! So, after some bargaining, I bought it from the other party. Now, this set of lines can work.

On December 1, Yuan Xiaomo and Yu Beichang committed two consecutive crimes and received a lot of stolen goods. Shi Dingxiao has not come forward because he has been frequenting nearby timber trading houses recently, and he is worried about being recognized. Yuan Xiaomo and Shi Dingxiao were worthy of being trained in criminal investigation, and after the crime was successful, they burned the head of the meter reading worker that night. So, aren't they ready to commit crimes again? No, the next step is to attack the "Tiannian Tangguo Pharmacy". However, this can no longer use the trick of camouflaging the meter reader of the electric light factory, and knocks on the door at night in the name of the sick. "Tiannian Hall" was in Penglai District, and Shi Dingxiao did not have to worry about someone knowing him, so he also directly participated in the crime.

After the "Tiannian Hall" crime was successful, the three people shrank in the mirror lane No. 29 and closed the door. On December 6, Yuan Xiaomo said to Yu Beichang, tomorrow you should go back to Kunshan first, leaving there for a long time, it is easy to arouse the suspicion of others. So he gave Yu Beichang some banknotes, saying that those gold, silver, jewelry and so on, can not be moved now, a move will have a problem, wait for a gust of wind to be small and then sell; as for the passbook, it is even more unknown how long to put it, it is not easy to burn it; these medicinal materials, at present, can not move, you take some back to Kunshan to hide well, next year Huangmei tian will have to move, otherwise the price will drop if it is moldy.

The next day, Yu Beichang returned to Kunshan with some medicinal materials such as antelope horns, but he did not expect that at the North Station, he was ripped open by pickpockets and stolen the antelope horn placed on the top. Yu Beichang was heartbroken, because he was afraid that Yuan Xiaomo would blame himself, so he thought about it and did not dare to write a letter to tell Yuan Xiaomo.

The medicinal materials that were brought back to Kunshan, Yu Beichang confessed that he put them into an old wine altar, and after sealing the altar with oil paper, they were buried in the ground behind his house. After the interrogation, the criminal police went to pick up the stolen goods overnight, and sure enough, they dug it up.

After Yu Beichang finished his explanation, the criminal police asked you about the case that the Red Peach Thief did against Bi Zhao later? Yu Beichang said he didn't know.

When the criminal police took the night train back to Shanghai, it was more than 5 o'clock in the morning of December 10. After summoning Peng Wenrui and three other criminal policemen who remained behind, they immediately went to the mirror to arrest Yuan Xiaomo and Shi Dingxiao, and seized three cases of stolen goods in their residences, but there were no stolen goods from the house robbery. After interrogation, Yuan Xiaomo and Shi Dingxiao's confessions were the same as those of Yu Beichang. The two also agreed on leaving a red peach pattern after committing the crime: It was yuan Xiaomo who came up with it in order to divert the attention of the investigation and lead the police's thinking to the jianghu thieves. The spray canister used to spray the red peach pattern, the peach mold made of cardboard and the red advertising paint have been destroyed by them.

For the robbery case of Bi Zhai, which also had a red peach pattern, Yuan and Shi were shocked when they heard it, and they all said that they did not know. The criminal police conducted an investigation based on the time of the activities given by the two men and confirmed that they did not have time to commit the crime.

In this way, the princes of the special case group who originally thought that the investigation work was about to end and were preparing to celebrate victory were greatly surprised: So, there was even a group of red peach thieves?

VIII. Peach Thief Clone Edition

The special case team immediately retrieved the photos of the scenes of the four robberies preserved in the case file, and after careful comparison, found that the red peach patterns of the first three cases were indeed different from the patterns left at the scene of the fourth case. In this way, the situation is clear: there is indeed another group of robbers who imitate the modus operandi of Yuan Xiaomo's criminal gang to commit robbery crimes, and the Bizhai robbery case is the first case they have committed.

On the evening of December 10, the task force held another case analysis meeting. This analysis will be a bit special, instead of going straight to the subject to analyze the case, it recalls and reviews the whole process of the special case team's investigation of the robbery of the Bi house. From the group leader Xin Qiang to the deputy team leader Peng Wenrui and even every criminal policeman, they all recalled in detail the work they did in investigating the robbery case of Bizhai, and then let others evaluate this part of the work by themselves, not to talk about the correctness, but to specifically look for loopholes.

This process took two full hours. Everyone found that in dealing with the bizhai robbery, the entire task force had made a mistake: because the robbers left the same red peach pattern as the previous three robberies at the scene, everyone took it for granted that this was the fourth case committed by the same criminal gang. The direct consequence of this misunderstanding is that because everyone has preconceived notions in their minds, they are not as meticulous and solid as in the investigation of the scene and the investigation and interrogation of the victims.

The team leader Xin Qiang very sincerely reviewed this mistake and said that it was entirely the responsibility of his task force leader. After the review, Xin Qiang said that we should immediately remedy this, and asked the comrades to talk about what kind of remedial measures we should take in order to solve the Bi house robbery case as soon as possible.

After some discussion, the criminal police made a decision: to revisit the victims of the Bi house robbery, this time, even the ten-year-old child had to be questioned. Three victims, equipped with six criminal policemen, two to one, must list a detailed outline of the inquiry in advance, and send it to the two team leaders for review and approval before it can be implemented.

At 9:00 a.m. on December 11, six criminal police officers went to Bi House to revisit the victims. It was Sunday, and Bi Xueqin, the only son of the Bi family, who had been present at the last inspection of the scene but had not spoken to him, was at home, and the criminal police officers Su Bo and Xiao Li had asked him about the situation. The clue was taken from the mouth of this ten-year-old child.

Of course, Bi Xueqin did not know what a clue was, and with the robber's experience and method of committing crimes, it was impossible to expose obvious loopholes on the spot. However, there were still inconspicuous loopholes, and they were noticed by Bi Xueqin. Of course, until he said it, he didn't realize it was a clue.

Bi Xueqin admired the police, and at this moment, two criminal policemen were chatting with him like old friends, and he was suddenly excited and asked what to answer. The police asked him what he thought of the three robbers, and he said hatefully, "Too bad!" ”

"What a bad law?"

"They ate all my biscuits, which were creamy sandwich biscuits that my mother bought from Taikang Company on Nanjing Road, but it was delicious!"

The two police officers were a little sorry because they hadn't tasted the cookies. In those days, cream sandwich biscuits were an almost luxury high-end food. Subo smiled and asked, "Do the robbers eat and say it's delicious?" ”

"They eat like hungry wolves, saying 'delicious' as they eat. One of them also said: 'As soon as I ate it, I knew that this was Taikang's product, but the quality was not as good as before.' In the past, Taikang's biscuits, put the white sugar is Taiwan sugar, now Taiwan sugar is gone, had to use Fujian sugar, Fujian sugar is not as good as Taiwan sugar, I ate it as soon as I ate it. ’”

This sentence attracted the attention of the criminal police. At this moment, this is a clue: a person who knows that the biscuits are produced by Taikang as soon as he eats them, and can even distinguish the origin of the sugar in the biscuits, only the extraordinary customers who do not know how many cream sandwich biscuits have this ability. Therefore, the criminal police concluded that the owner who spoke should be an old customer of Taikang Company!

This was the only clue obtained from the re-investigation of the victim, and the task force immediately decided to investigate this to the end.

The criminal police went to Taikang to understand the customer's situation. The company maintains a list of all its regular customers since its inception, which has been bound into thick volumes over the years. The criminal police issued an IOU and took the roster back to the sub-bureau for review and study. There is a characteristic of the customers on the roster: more than two-thirds of the customers are staged, usually after a year or so of stopping buying cookies, but after two or three years will appear again, and buy for another year or so... This situation occurs three or four times in some families, or even more. According to the analysis of the criminal police, this was bought for the child's weaning. Such a family, the economic conditions can be said to be good, but not to the extent that adults also buy such high-end biscuits as a must-eat snack every day. So, these customers are excluded first.

The criminal police determined that the robber and Taikang's high-grade biscuits seemed to have such a relationship: they had been enjoying Taikang's high-grade biscuits every day as a child, and continued to live on when they grew up. However, it has been discontinued. You know, most of the citizens of this high-grade biscuit on the beach have never tasted a piece in their lives, and this person regards it as a must-eat snack every day, such a rich man, it is difficult to associate with the thug who risks his life with a white knife into a red knife to do robbery. Therefore, the robber must have been down recently, not only can not eat Taikang's high-grade biscuits, and even whether the normal three meals a day can be guaranteed is unknown. Therefore, the special case team followed this idea to find suspects from the roster.

So checked down, there are twelve eligible customers. The criminal police called the sales manager of Taikang Company, wrote twelve names to him, briefed him on the facts of the case, and asked him to talk about his views. The sales manager said, call me to say, this is probably this person - Pan Lianghu!

Pan Lianghu, twenty-three years old, unmarried, came from a bully family. His father, Pan Shu, a line of bullies and a backbone member of the "Consistent Tao", also opened two shops in the late period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and during the Liberation War, he used the shops he operated as secret contact points for the Kuomintang secret service. The above crimes, coupled with Pan Shuyi's long-term oppression of working people, the debt of four lives, and the rape of many women, so on the third day of the liberation of Shanghai, he was arrested by the Military Control Commission and executed in less than a month. Pan Shuyi's situation is different from Biyang's situation, his family property is all obtained by exploitation and plunder, so on the day Pan Shuyi was arrested, his family property was seized, confiscated after inventory, and the shop was also nationalized, leaving only the house, utensils, and money for Pan Shuyi's family to ensure his basic life. After Pan Shuyi's accident, his family's life plummeted, and it was naturally impossible to eat Taikang's high-grade biscuits anymore.

The task force immediately decided to summon Pan Lianghu immediately. The Pan family lived in Huangpu District, so the whole task force went out to contact the Huangpu Sub-Bureau first and asked the Sub-Bureau to assist it. After Pan Lianghu was summoned to the case, he confessed to the crime of planning and organizing the robbery of Bi's house, saying that due to the embarrassment of life, he was plotting a windfall, and after hearing about the series of robberies of the Red Peach Thief, he decided to follow suit, so he gathered two brothers Wang Heng and Tao Yangshi to commit the case together, and the stolen goods obtained were not moved and were hidden in Wang Heng's house. On the same day, Wang Heng and Tao Yangshi were captured, and all the stolen goods in the Wang family were copied out of the Bi house robbery. The criminal police specifically asked the other party what was going on with the "City Bureau Dispatch Division" presented when committing the crime, and sure enough, just like the analysis of the special case team, it was a newly obtained bicycle license.

At this point, the series of robberies of the Red Peach Thief was successfully solved. In the spring of 1950, the Shanghai Municipal Military Control Commission rendered a judgment on the series of cases: Yuan Xiaomo and Pan Lianghu were sentenced to death and executed immediately; the other four were sentenced to 10 years to life imprisonment.