
Douban 8.8 "It's better to be a cat and dog": I am ashamed to be born as a human being

author:Intensive reading
Douban 8.8 "It's better to be a cat and dog": I am ashamed to be born as a human being

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In the reading circle, it is always said that "life is free, and read Liang Shiqiu".

As a person who loves to read prose much, this sentence is magical, sucking me to read "Liang Shiqiu", and the title of "Better to Be a Cat and Dog" perfectly aroused my desire to read.

After reading it, I found that although this book is only the "tip of the iceberg" in Liang Lao's many works, it is enough for me to "see the micro-knowledge", and my admiration for Liang Lao is spontaneous.

In this book, Mr. Liang uses witty and humorous writing to write a profound philosophical reason for ordinary people.

The articles in this are either fun, or elegant and leisurely, or humorous and witty, or calm and wise, and they are read to make people feel divine and their teeth and cheeks are fragrant.

In particular, those words full of wisdom and fun always make people can't help but be amused in the process of reading.

What is really true is that life is at ease, and read Liang Shiqiu.


I am ashamed to be born as a human being

In this world, as long as it is a person, it is very complicated.

In life, there are always people who lament: the pressure is really great, and it is really tiring to live. It seems that everyone is trapped in daily chores and has not been able to live the comfortable life they want.

But what exactly is the so-called free life? Is it to be full of food all day and do nothing?

There is a saying in the "Cai Gen Tan" that "if life is too idle, don't think about it; if you are too busy, the true nature is not seen."

But Liang Shiqiu said:

"The highest ideal of mankind should be that everyone can have leisure, and in addition to the necessary work, they can also be idle, have leisure to do people's work, and enjoy people's lives.

We should hope that everyone can belong to the leisure class. If the leisure class can be popularized throughout mankind, it will no longer be a sin. People are most like a person when they are idle. The hands and feet are quite idle, and the mind can be quite busy. ”

The best life is that idleness must have taste, and busyness must have value.

Of course, idleness is not lying flat, nor is it brushing mobile phone movies, but idle to experience the bits and pieces of life, watch this flower world, enjoy the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy joys and sorrows of being born as a person, not to live yourself as a machine or a gyroscope.

Elder Liang is such a wise man who can turn leisure "small things" into interesting and humorous "big things".

In "Better to Be a Cat and Dog", many of them are records and insights of daily idle things.

In "Sickness and Taking Medicine", Elder Liang said, "Unfortunately, I was born as a human being, so it is inevitable that I will get sick."

How common it is to be sick, but Elder Liang's light and ingenious word "unfortunate" suddenly makes the boring life more interesting.

People who have really been sick see it, immediately resonate, and instantly feel that it is not so unfortunate to be sick, while healthy people see it and only feel relaxed and witty.

Then, Elder Liang said, "My proposition is: it is better not to be a person; the second best is to be a person without getting sick; again it is better not to be sick in Shanghai; again it is better to be sick in Shanghai and not take medicine; again it is better to be sick in Shanghai and take medicine without seeking medical treatment; again it is good to have hope only in the next life." My above six propositions can be completely fulfilled in reverse order! ”

After reading this proposition, did everyone immediately feel quite good and couldn't help but laugh out loud?

This is the daily life of Liang Lao's "leisure".

There is also about the article "Spending Money and Being Angry", Elder Liang said: "A person should not have money, and if he has money, he should not spend; if you have money and want to spend, then you must be angry." It is not surprising that this is an axiom of heaven. ”

Why? Elder Liang talked about the psychological process of going to the store to spend money to buy things before, "In the past, when I was not out, I liked to go to the street to buy things. The façade of the shop is large, the glass on the window is also large, and the temper of the gentlemen serving in the shop is also big. ”

Even in today's stores, there are indeed such cases.

"When I walked into this kind of shop and saw that everything was big, I felt trembling in my heart, as if I looked very small. Under the oppression of this environment, they often forget what they bought. ”

"I always feel that I want to buy too few things, I want to buy two or two melon seeds, often on the spot, see the face of the gentleman at the counter is not right, immediately changed to half a pound, the tense situation can be slightly eased." Whether things are good or bad, whether they are satisfactory or not, I have never been picky, because I have come to ask people to reward some things, how dare I pick and choose to attract people! ”

I don't know if everyone feels the same way, anyway, I read this and had to give a big thumbs up for Elder Liang.

It's exactly the same as my mental journey! Yes, it doesn't cost money to be angry, it's necessary to be angry when you spend money.

Let's look at his "Lazy":

"There is no one who is not lazy. Early in the morning, especially in the cold winter, the nest is warm, and it is not easy to get up if you want to stand up. The wild chicken barks, and it calls. The alarm goes off, so why not press the button and lie on the bed for a few more minutes. ”

Isn't this the everyday "we"? Of course, Mr. Liang also said that "all the heavens and the earth are born of people, it is advisable to be diligent and self-sustaining, not lazy, if you deserve lazy words, it is useless for lazy people", so please encourage yourself.

Elder Liang recorded the perception of some things in life that we ignored, and recorded them with witty and profound humorous words, which made people can't help but reminisce repeatedly after covering up.

Life is not static; life is not tedious and tasteless; life is a practice, and bitterness is all in the state of mind.

Only by not delusional, not greedy, not scrambling, doing one's own thing, and holding a normal mind can one become a free person.

As sir said, "I am ashamed to be born human."

People must always maintain a normal heart, so that they will know how to cherish everything in the present, cherish everything in the world, and calmly face the storms and rains in life.


It is better to be a cat and a dog

Having a cat or dog is often more healing than loving someone.

Elder Liang is a person who loves cats and dogs, which can be seen from the name of the book "It is better to be a cat and dog".

The books "Friends with Animals", "The White Cat Prince Is Eight Years Old", "The White Cat Prince Is Nine Years Old", and "The Black Cat Princess" are all records of his cats.

Liang's hometown has three cats, all of which are stray cats brought home by the lady from the outdoors, and the names of the kittens are also very simple, namely the white cat prince, the black cat princess and the little flower.

The kittens became part of the family, and Mr. Liang and his wife fed them, bathed, played with them, pampered them, and also gained satisfaction from getting along with them.

Among them, the white cat prince should be the most liked by Liang Lao, because Liang Lao will compose an essay for it every year as a birthday gift, so there is "White Cat Prince Five/Six/Seven/Eight/Nine Years Old", which records the daily life with cats and cats.

Yes, pets are such a close existence to us, we take good care of them, do not ask for returns, just to give, because to pay, is to gain. As a result, those loves and cares also become more meaningful.

There is a documentary called "Pet Hospital", which is the first pet medical observation reality show in China, known as the "animal version" of "Human World", which tells the story of love related to the owner, doctor and pet in a pet hospital in Shanghai.

Among them, there is a story about a cat named Ashpool, and the owner calls him the boss because he came to the house earlier than the owner's children.

The eldest is the hero of this family, when the hostess is pregnant, it accompanies her day and night, and on the night of childbirth, it wakes up the man and rushes to the hospital.

Douban 8.8 "It's better to be a cat and dog": I am ashamed to be born as a human being

Since the birth of the baby in the family, the eldest is also responsible for coaxing the baby every day.

For so many years, the owner has worked hard in Shanghai, and every time he can't get by, he relies on this cat called the boss to heal and survive.

As the owner said: "With it, life is simple and happy", "It is not a cat, it is the person you can't live without in your life".

Yes, almost everyone has a story with animals in their lives.

Non-talking pets are our best spiritual healers. In front of pets, people can easily do what they look like children, simple and relaxed, no need for impression management, no need to consider speaking skills, as long as "real".

When pets are anxious and worried, they will become our safe harbor, giving us emotional comfort and decompression. They often give encouragement with silent eyes, allowing us to work confidently and explore the world with peace of mind.



Mr. Liang Shiqiu's life is rich and colorful, reflected in every essay in this book.

Most of the topics in the book are inconspicuous, even ordinary behaviors, such as bathing, cats and dogs, diaries, listening to plays...

However, from this seemingly ordinary event, we can appreciate all sentient beings through the witty words of Elder Liang, and see thousands of lives clearly in a smile, and discover the cuteness of this world, the taste of this world, and the free joy of this life.

As Liang wrote in his old book:

This world, this life, has its ugly side and its bright side.

Beautiful scenery, enjoyable things, everywhere. The wise man enjoys the water, and the benevolent one enjoys the mountain. Rain has the fun of rain, sunny and sunny, birds jump and peck, cats and dogs eat and sleep, which one does not make people feel happy?

It is on the road, in the store, in the organ, occasionally encounter a smiling face, can not make people happy for half a day?

We should be happy.

Author: Su Yun, a member of the Intensive Reading Association. Use time to exchange talents, the harder you work, the luckier you are, don't forget your original intention, you have to be consistent.

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It is better to make a cat and dog ¥23.52 to buy