
After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

author:Hi Tao Movies

Recently, the domestic web drama "Hidden Corner" with high topic popularity # Hidden Corner # is really very good-looking, and it is addictive after watching 12 episodes. Every minute of the TV series from the opening to the end song is the essence, without the slightest injection of water, and the carefully set details are really the conscience drama of 2020. Xiaobian sorted out 10 European and American suspense thriller movies about the theme of "bad kids" # bad kids# theme, and the theme of juvenile delinquency is worth our deep thinking, let's take a look at it.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > No.10 "Spirit Baby"</h1>

Baby Spirit is a horror film directed by David Cronenberg and released in the United States in 1979. The director is one of the most controversial and successful directors in the international film industry. His work is rich in social issues, and the director is good at exploring illusion and reality, as well as the impact of external forces on all of this.

The film tells frank's wife Nale suffering from severe mental illness, for his daughter Cindy and her husband has an excessive desire to protect and strong jealousy, Frank worried that she will hurt his daughter, had to isolate her to the psychiatrist Raglan's unique psychological treatment, which is a controversial treatment to release the patient's repressed emotions, at this time Frank's female friends and relatives are horrified by attacks and murders, even daughter Cindy is missing, Frank can't help but wonder if the murders were related to his wife, Nelle, who is undergoing psychiatric treatment. Simply put, this is the story of a series of horrific murders triggered by psychiatric healing methods.

After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > No.9 The Exorcist</h1>

The Exorcist is a modern horror film released by Warner Bros. Pictures on December 26, 1973, based on william Peter Brady's novel of the same name.

The film tells the story of a little girl who is possessed by an evil spirit, and her mother tries various ways to treat the little girl, but to no avail, and finally his mother has to ask a Catholic priest to perform an exorcism ceremony for the little girl.

After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > No.8 Halloween</h1>

Halloween is an American horror film released on August 31, 2007. The film tells the story of a paranoid childhood, a manic metal music, an unbridled deviant deviance, and a fanatical zombie plot.

A child of only 6 years old brutally killed his mother and sister and others and was sent to a spiritual institution for care. In fact, this particular little boy seemed to be filled with deep evil and hatred from his face to his heart throughout his life. And Every year, Halloween, which symbolizes the "dance of the demons", seems to have become a moment of his activity. The sanatorium's doctors are responsible for grooming and supervising the demon boys. Rumis, who had never seen such a ferocious child, tried everything to get close to the psyche of this terrible teenager, trying to influence and change everything about him. But all the attempts made by doctors ended in failure.

After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > No.7 "Magic Boy Village"</h1>

It is a 1960 American science fiction film directed by Wolf Rilla.

The film is about a small town in the United States with only 2,000 inhabitants, who suddenly fell into a coma at 10:00 a.m., and was sent by the U.S. federal government to send pathologist Kirsten. Eli traveled to the area to investigate the matter, but to no avail. A few hours later the town woke up, but strange things have been happening ever since. First, all women, including virgins, are pregnant on the same day. Subsequently, the children they were born with were all white-haired and xenophs with supernatural killing powers. The town's doctor Christopher. Reeve is the father of one of the children, and after a long period of observation and effort, he discovers that they are alien immigrants who lack "humanity".

After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > No.6 Dangerous Little Angel</h1>

Dangerous Little Angel is a thriller directed by Joseph Ruben and starring child star Macaulay Kalkin and others, released in the United States on September 23, 1993.

The film tells the story of Mark Elia Wood, who was sent to her uncle's house for foster care after the loss of her mother, and became a terrible murderous devil in order to compete for her mother's love. The child star Macaulay, who has always appeared as a little ghost, changed the drama to play a child who was bad to the bone, which was frightening, and indeed subverted the previous mischievous and cute little boy's human setting.

After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > No.5 Pet Graveyard</h1>

Pet Graveyard is a horror film directed by Mary Lembert and released in the United States on April 21, 1989.

The film tells the story of Louis and his family moving from the city to a rural town in Maine, where his two-year-old son Gage died tragically under the wheels and was buried in a pet cemetery, but his ghost was revived as a horrible killer.

After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > No.4 "Omen"</h1>

Omen is a horror film directed by John Moore and starring Levi Schreiber, Simus Davey Fitzpatrick, Mia Farrow, and others. The film is a remake of the 1976 film of the same name, which was released in the United States on June 6, 2006.

It tells the story of an American couple who have a series of bizarre murders after adopting a baby of unknown origin, Damian, only to discover that the child turned out to be the son of a demon. The little boy is Satan, born into the world through the mistress, and the nanny is Satan's mother. In the end, the boy was about to be stabbed to death, but the police killed the male protagonist.

The film was nominated for Best Suspense Film at the 8th Teen Choice Awards and a Scream nomination for Best Movie at the 8th Teen Choice Awards in 2006. When the title of the film was determined, it was originally named "The Omen 666", because the number of demons in 666 in religion was in line with the content of the film (the boy had the demon birthmark of 666), and the production company also decided to set the premiere date on June 6, 2006, but in order to avoid negative psychological effects on the audience, the title was changed back to "The Omen".

After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > No.3 Bad Species</h1>

Bad Breed is a 1956 suspense thriller directed by Mervyn LeRoy.

The film tells the story of Christine, who seems to have a perfect family, a "lovely" daughter and a thoughtful husband, but the daughter's incredible behavior keeps Christine suffering from recurring nightmares. The daughter is a very polite eight-year-old girl, no matter what she wants, she is always desperate, even causing the life and death of others to get, and all kinds of cruel mysteries that are constantly repeated point to her daughter who has always been well-behaved and cute, and Christine has completely collapsed.

After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > No.2 "The Child of the Cornfield"</h1>

This is an American horror drama released in 1984 and is based on the novel "The Child of the Cornfield" by Stephen Edwin King, the king of horror novels.

The film tells the story of a boy named Isaac, who has the magical ability to call the shots, who comes to a small town called Gatlin and encourages all the children to kill every adult in the town.

After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > No.1 Sweet Alice</h1>

Sweet Alice is a horror film directed by Alfred Sole and starring actress Brooke Little Silk and released in the United States in 1976.

The film tells the story of 12-year-old girl Alice from a single-parent family who lives with her mother Catherine and sister Karen. Catherine gave karen almost all of her maternal love, and Alice seemed to be forgotten. As a result, her character became increasingly rebellious and twisted. After the first communion, Karen was brutally murdered, and all the evidence pointed to Alice. Soon after, Catherine's sister Anne was stabbed, and she accused Alice of committing murder. However, only Alice's father believes that his daughter is innocent, and he runs around to find the true murderer.

After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"
After watching these 10 "bad boy" European and American movies, no longer afraid to climb the mountain No.10 "Spirit Baby" No.9 "Exorcist" No.8 "Halloween" No.7 "Magic Boy Village" No.6 "Dangerous Little Angel" No.5 "Pet Graveyard" No.4 "Omen" No.3 "Bad Seed" No.2 "Child in the Cornfield" No.1 "Sweet Alice"

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