
Supervise ecological and environmental protection work to prevent the rebound of environmental problems

author:Texas News Network

Dezhou News Network News (Dezhou Evening News all-media reporter Yuan Minghui)

Recently, the supervision team of Dezhou Economic Development Zone has successively gone to Xuzheng construction material field, Yuezhuang Steel Market, Lichuantou Village and other places to supervise the ecological environmental protection work on the spot.

The supervision group demanded that all relevant departments and subordinate streets and towns should earnestly strengthen inspection and supervision to ensure that problems are discovered and dealt with quickly, and that problems must be rectified by clarifying the source, classifying and implementing policies, treating both symptoms and root causes, and resolutely preventing "simplification" rectification. It is necessary to strictly enforce work discipline, promote the in-depth development of all work with a clear attitude, decisive measures, and strict requirements, resolutely overcome lax and paralyzing thinking, strictly prevent the rebound of environmental problems, do not flow forms, do not go through the formalities, and do not leave any troubles, and strive to promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the ecological environment in the whole region.