
Ambassadors to China: "China has played an extremely important role in the United Nations over the past 50 years"

author:Overseas network

Source: Overseas Network

October 25 marks the 50th anniversary of The restoration of New China's legitimate seat in the United Nations. These 50 years have been 50 years in which China has continuously made greater contributions to the world. The ambassadors of many countries to China recently said in an interview with overseas networks that China has played an extremely important role in the United Nations over the past 50 years.

These 50 years have shown that China is a builder of world peace. Sultan's ambassador to China, Jaffar Caral Ahmed, said that Chinese culture emphasizes peace, fraternity, tranquility and cooperation, and "Chinese is the child of a culture of peace."

The Lebanese ambassador to China, Miriam Jabour, highly appreciated China's contribution to the cause of United Nations peacekeeping. She said that China's peacekeeping forces in Lebanon are very welcome. "Chinese peacekeepers always put a smile on their faces and are close to the hearts of the Lebanese people. They were very helpful and always available within our means. ”

Ambassadors to China: "China has played an extremely important role in the United Nations over the past 50 years"

On November 15, 1971, in New York, USA, the Chinese delegation officially attended the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly. (Source: People's Vision)

These 50 years have shown that China is a contributor to global development. El Salvadoran Ambassador to China, Aldo Alvarez, believes that China's return to the United Nations 50 years ago was encouraging, and it is a matter of world justice and justice. Over the past 50 years, China has actively shouldered its responsibilities as a major country, especially in dealing with developing countries, and china has played the role of a development partner.

Pakistan's ambassador to China, Moin Haq, spoke highly of the important role of the Belt and Road Initiative in promoting common development. He said that as the flagship project of the Belt and Road Initiative, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has changed the face of Pakistan. At present, the corridor has entered a very important second phase, which will focus on industrialization, agricultural modernization and poverty alleviation projects. This will comprehensively promote Pakistan's economic and social construction.

South Africa's ambassador to China, Mr Xie Shengwen, said China has made significant investments in critical infrastructure in Africa. China's infrastructure in Africa has helped African countries achieve connectivity within and between countries. As a result, Africa's infrastructure has improved dramatically.

These 50 years have shown that China is a defender of the international order. Benin's ambassador to China, Simon Adowelland, said that some countries have tried to engage in "one-liners" in the international arena, and China has brought different voices. China actively promotes multilateralism and advocates international cooperation. "Over the past 50 years, China has played an extremely important role in the United Nations."

Gambia's ambassador to China, Masane Nuku Kandy, also believes that China has played a huge role in bridging differences and promoting dialogue. "We see China stand up and defend multilateral organizations and institutions. In the multilateral arena, countries can strengthen dialogue and mutual understanding to achieve peaceful coexistence. Kandy said he saw the world's role model and future from China.

These 50 years have shown that China is a provider of public goods. China's concept and actions of treating COVID-19 vaccines as a global public good impressed the UAE Ambassador to China Ali Zahiri. He said that China's recovery from the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and the provision of medical assistance and vaccines to many countries "such solidarity measures have been highly concerned and appreciated by the international community."

Sri Lanka's ambassador to China, Palita Kohona, has been involved in climate change since the 1992 United Nations Climate, Environment and Development Conference in Rio, and he pays great attention to China's environmental protection policies. He believes that climate change is the main threat to the sustainable survival of human society. "I am delighted to hear that China is striving to be carbon neutral by 2060, which will be an extraordinary achievement."

Planner / Wang Piyi

Review/Niu Ning Maoli

Copywriter/Zhang Liulu

Late/Lu Ningyuan


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