
Moses exodus the truth

author:Review the taste outlook

I am a non-professional and my writings are only personal opinions and may be subject to errors. The original intention is to share and communicate with everyone, welcome everyone to correct and add, do not like to spray, thank you.

We have to go back to The Exodus period of Egypt, which is a topic of interest to many earthlings. In Egypt, the Ninth Level Advanced Civilization discovered that the descendants of the astronauts who had accidentally landed on Earth had become Hebrews (the name derived from their planet Hebera).

Moses exodus the truth

Accidental landing on Earth

This race has gone through great hardships, has been and is still experiencing. As the Earthlings now believe, compared to other races, the Jews were very intelligent and held most of the wealth. Their religious beliefs are different, and they do not intermarry with other races. In modern times, they have encountered a lot of persecution, and their spirits have been released and directly to the higher planets that belong to them (the universal law allows your spiritual civilization to go to a higher planet when the current planet reaches a higher level, until the ninth level of civilization, and finally return to the consciousness of the Creator God to achieve eternal life).

During the time of Pharaoh Seti I, an age when the human race on Earth was materialistic, the religious beliefs established by the Hebrews and Joseph, the son of Jacob, were hated by the Egyptians, so the Ninth Order Advanced Civilization intervened to help them when necessary according to their mission, and they wanted to get the Hebrews out of Egypt. Because it was impossible to sublimate the hearts of the people under the evil rule of the Egyptians at that time, it was decided to send an upright and capable man to bring the Hebrews from Egypt back to their previous gathering place, where they lived shortly after they arrived on Earth.

On Nashti (an eighth-level planet), a man named Siostin had just died and his spirit was waiting to be reincarnated on the ninth-level planet, and he agreed when [Haiohua] decided to give him the task so that he could be the savior of the Hebrews in his next life instead of reincarnated on the ninth-level planet. So he went to Earth and became the Moses who would later lead his people out of Egypt.

Moses exodus the truth


Moses was born into an Egyptian military family, and his father was named Rezzeotis. Moses and his Hebrew friends were brothers and sisters, and often played with them, which was the reason for his reincarnation. But one thing to know is that when he agreed to go to this life, all the details about him would be erased from his memory, and he crossed what the Nagas called the "River of Oblivion" (similar to what we call Nai Ho Bridge Mong Po Soup).

Moses exodus the truth

A river of oblivion

This step happens whether a spirit agrees or rejects a viable reincarnation. There's a reason for this, for example, if you remember that at some stage of your life, you will have an accident that affects the life of the whole family,,, such a situation will encourage you to take your own life, rather than face it directly. Or there's bad behavior in other ways, so your "movie" is erased, like washing off the recording in the tape, of course, sometimes there are "accidents", the machine does not clear all the information, so you can hear or feel some fragments that should have been erased, in reality, this process is related to electrons_ photons. It happens so often that your higher self makes your spirit see what's going on, like why a lot of people have "I seem to have seen ,,, somewhere before", "I seem to have heard ,,, somewhere" and will know what the action or statement is next. That is, monk-like acquaintance. (It's also like some people seem to have memories of their previous lives.)

So Moses wanted to help the Hebrews, and he chose the most ordinary way to enter the world, in the way of a newborn. He must forget what life will be like in the future. Another advantage was that he was sent to a good school (the first of which was reincarnation into a military family), and his studies were extremely successful and he qualified for higher-level institutions, which were led by priests and Egyptian experts. They taught the knowledge that Toth had brought from Atlantis before.

A later incident had a great significance for him, he had always had a deep affection for the Hebrews, so he often walked with them, but his father strongly opposed his actions. The Hebrews were increasingly despised by the Egyptians in Egypt. As he walked past a construction site where the Hebrews were working under the command of egyptian soldiers, and there was a soldier beating the Hebrews, and before he could stop them, the other Hebrews rushed up and killed the soldier, and they quickly buried the body in a foundation where the pillar was to be erected. Not knowing what to do, he was about to leave when he was seen by several Hebrews who thought Moses had gone back to denounce them, so he panicked and spread rumors that he had killed the soldier. Finally his father advised him to leave and go into the desert. It is true in the Bible that he went to Midian and came back to marry the daughter of a priest in Midian, but I will not describe it in detail. When Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt it was Pharaoh Ramses II. There were about three hundred thousand Hebrews at that time, and when they reached the Sea of Reeds instead of the Red Sea, the advanced civilization opened up very shallow seawater with force, let them pass, and then reclosed the seawater.

Moses exodus the truth

The gods helped the sea of reeds

And the food that Moses needed in the course of the desert was also distributed by the higher civilizations (Manna). It is very nutritious and easy to compress, but it can no longer be exposed to the air for too long, so you can only give the amount you need every day. The Hebrews did not actually take forty years to reach Canaan, but only three and a half years. Finally, moses' story of being at Mount Sinai is also true, as Mount Sinai listens to God's arrangements.

Moses exodus the truth

Mount Moses was inspired

Moses exodus the truth

Mount Sinai receives divine revelation

After driving them back to the place where they originally settled, they established the Solomon civilization. (also known as David)

Until the later death of Solomon, When Alexander invaded Egypt, the Roman Empire, established an empire that developed more toward materialism than spirituality, and belonged to a spiritually barren land. In the end, the higher civilizations chose Israel because they believed that the Hebrews were very intelligent and had highly advanced ancestors. On Earth, they are called "God's chosen people" (when in fact they are indeed elected).

Moses exodus the truth

Moses led the people into the God-given Canaanite

Later, the story of Jesus unfolded ,,,, to be continued.

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