
Chen Sheng, who has the "ambition of the birds and birds", why did his dream of wealth and wealth be shattered?

author:Biographical stories of historical figures

Liu Bang's falling grass for Kou is just a helpless little fight, trying to survive. There were people who were even more cattle than him, and this was Chen Sheng, the first one to fight with Great Qin.

Chen Sheng, a peasant from a poor peasant background, lived in Yangcheng (present-day southeast of Dengfeng County, Henan Province).

It is often said that dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and the son of a mouse will punch holes. But this sentence is not the case with Chen Sheng.

Chen Sheng, who has the "ambition of the birds and birds", why did his dream of wealth and wealth be shattered?

Chen Sheng has been different since he was a child, although he works part-time, has no decent job, and has no status and money, but in addition to eating chaff and throat dishes, he said the bold words of "Gou rich and noble, don't forget each other".

My well-behaved, a master of odd jobs, still thinking about what rich, is really a complete toad. So the employees laughed at his "gibberish" together.

Chen Sheng was enraged by the unbridled and penetrating laughter, and instead of moving, he uttered a phrase that has been passed down through the ages: "Yan Que An Zhi Zhi Zhi Ya." ”

Everyone touched the door of Chen Sheng's brain, there was no fever, it seemed that 80% of this child had a nervous problem.

This is Chen Sheng's first appearance on the big stage of Chinese history - a person who has a dream in his heart and strives for his dream.

Although people unanimously believe that Chen Sheng's "wealth" is 100% nonsense, Chen Sheng is obsessed, he feels that he just lacks opportunities, and he silently waits for opportunities.

As long as there is that attachment in the heart, there will always be opportunities.

No, the opportunity has come.

In 209 BC, Chen Sheng was honored to be selected by the government and appointed as the commander of the tun to lead the army, and went to Yuyang (present-day Miyun County, Beijing) to strengthen border defenses. There were nine hundred of them, including a Yangxia man named Wu Guang (present-day Taikang County, Henan Province) who was also from a poor background. Although he was also a tun chief, he was deeply attracted by Chen Sheng's dream of "wealth and nobility" and thought that the person in front of him would definitely become a big thing. So the two became the closest comrades-in-arms.

If it goes well, Chen Sheng may become a petty officer in the army; if unfortunate, Chen Sheng can only act as cannon fodder. His dream of "riches" will always be just a dream. His story will also become a joke after dinner.

But none of these assumptions had a chance to be realized, because the nine hundred people had changed on their way to Yuyang.

History is frozen in a place called Daze Township (in the southeast of present-day Suzhou City, Anhui Province).

Although the team rushed day and night, it encountered heavy rain in Osawa Township, and the rain kept falling, and the atmosphere was quite unharmonious.

As a result, the road was blocked by floodwaters and impassable. Seeing that the deadline for arriving in Yuyang was approaching, everyone was anxious like ants on a hot pot, not knowing how to be good. Because according to the cool laws of the Qin Dynasty, all conscripted border soldiers who do not arrive at the designated place on time will be beheaded. It can be seen that these people are in a dilemma.

I thought that the rich and noble were coming, but I didn't even see a hair of the rich man, and I was about to move my head. This was not something that Chen Sheng was willing to see, he was not willing, quite unwilling.

Mediocre is guilty, think of Li Si, who is known for his "the wisdom of man is not as good as a rat, in his own ears" can climb from a small civil servant to a prime minister above ten thousand people under one person, and I Chen Sheng will not be worse.

Chen Sheng originally wanted to achieve wealth through the proper way, but now it seems that it will not work. That could only be enriched by extraordinary means, so Chen Sheng thought of rebellion.

Rebellion is the process of seizing power from the current government through armed confrontation. Although this is a bloody road of no return, those who are forced to the end of the road will not take blood in their eyes at all.

However, Chen Sheng is very cute, because the starting point for declaring war on the seemingly powerful Qin state is simple: I want to be rich. Rebellion is not about gaining the whole world, it is just about getting rich, it is a typical poor and fearful peasant mentality.

Chen Sheng, who has the "ambition of the birds and birds", why did his dream of wealth and wealth be shattered?

If Chen Sheng could eat and dress warmly, have a decent job, and have a virtuous wife, would he still choose this road of no return? Maybe not, because he has great ambitions; maybe not, because he has achieved the "riches" in his heart.

History has no assumptions, and we can't guess Chen Sheng's psychology, so we stop here.

Since we have chosen to rebel, we must be prepared and find a reason for rebellion.

First, look for helpers.

After all, a person is alone, and perhaps even the two Qin officials in the team can't figure it out, let alone raise the flag to rebel. Therefore, Chen Sheng quietly consulted with Wu Guang, who had nothing to talk about, and he said to Wu Guang: "There are still thousands of miles away from Yuyang, and we will not be able to reach Yuyang on schedule no matter what." To go is also to die, to escape and be caught back is also to die, the big husband simply do a big cause, how? ”

"What's the big deal?" Wu Guang's face was blank.


"Okay?" Wu Guang, who was shocked into a cold sweat, was full of questions.

"Of course, the brutal rule of the common people over the Qin Dynasty has reached an unbearable level. I heard that fu su, the eldest son, should have succeeded to the throne, but was killed by Hu Hai, who usurped the throne. There is also a celebrity named Xiang Yan, who was once a famous general of the Chu State, who had outstanding military achievements and loved soldiers, and was very loved. In their name, we can call on the people of the world to rise up against the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty. ”

Chen Sheng's boldness made Wu Guang admire him so much that he threw himself to the ground, and he naturally raised his hands in favor of the rebellion plan.

At that time, it was a very new thing to create a rebellion against the Great Qin Empire. Most people do not have this concept, and even Liu Bang, who was born as a "bastard", only fell into the grass and did not expect to rebel for the time being.

In Chen Sheng's eyes, rebellion was such a light thing, he wanted to be the first person to eat crabs, so it could be seen that he was really not an ordinary person.

Second, unify thinking.

After all, rebellion is a major matter concerning one's own family's life, and in order to make a good start and ensure that everyone's thinking is completely unified with the focus of the work of "joint rebellion," Chen Sheng and Wu Guang have done a lot of preparatory work to create a strong momentum for the rebellion to be justified.

The two self-directed and self-performed, setting a precedent for how the peasants rebelled, and became a model for future generations of rebels to learn and imitate. First of all, Wu Guang wrote "Chen Sheng Wang" on a piece of silk with cinnabar and stuffed it into the stomach of the fish caught by the fishermen. Then, buy a fish seller and let him sell this special fish to a few soldiers. As a result, the silk paw with "Chen Sheng Wang" written on it appeared in everyone's field of vision. At that time, China was still in a very strong atmosphere of feudal superstition, and when it saw this thing, it was considered to be providence.

In order to further create a mysterious atmosphere, there are more important things to follow.

At the behest of Chen Sheng, Wu Guang mysteriously disappeared every night, not kidnapped, but squatting in a deserted temple near the camp. In the middle of the night, he lit a bonfire next to the temple and pretended to be a ghost fire, imitating the voice of a fox, shouting and shouting: "Great Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng." ”

After shouting for several days, those under his command were a little confused and talked about it one after another: Even the ghosts and gods were on Chen Sheng's side, and it seemed that Chen Sheng was really not a mortal.

In this way, Chen Sheng's prestige was gradually established.

Chen Sheng, who has the "ambition of the birds and birds", why did his dream of wealth and wealth be shattered?

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

If you Chen Sheng is not an ordinary person, it is not enough to only have the help of ghosts and gods, and you have to take some practical action. Chen Sheng aimed at the supreme commander of this escort force, the general, and only by cutting them down would this small force rebel with his own heart.

Therefore, Wu Guang went out on horseback, and he bought good wine and meat and delivered it to the two generals, and soon drunk him. Then he deliberately threatened to flee, and the two drunken lieutenants were really provoked, scolding and whipping Wu Guang, causing the soldiers to be dissatisfied and coaxed. Wu Guang rose up and grabbed one of the generals' swords and killed him, and Chen Sheng also took advantage of the situation to kill another general.

If the rain stops, everyone may rush to Yuyang with more effort. Now that the officials in charge have been killed, everyone's last glimmer of hope has been dashed, and there is no way back at all. People like headless flies don't know what to do.

This is the perfect time to win hearts and minds.

Chen Sheng took the opportunity to start his elaborate speech that had been prepared for many days. The gist goes something like this:

Dear fathers and fellow villagers, we have encountered heavy rain here, and we can no longer reach Yuyang on schedule, and if we miss the deadline, everyone will be killed, even if we are lucky not to be beheaded, six or seven out of ten people who guard the border plug will also die. Horizontal and vertical are all a death, everyone might as well fight a hand, follow me, maybe there is still a way to live. Besides, did the prince have a natural noble breed? I Don't believe in this evil.

These sonorous and powerful words spoke the hearts of the people, stirred up people's emotions, and with the help of Wu Guang and others, the bloodiness of the people was mobilized, and soon an agreement of collective rebellion was reached.

So Chen Sheng took the lead, and Wu Guang became his deputy, and everyone showed his right arm as a symbol, built an altar and swore an oath, and falsely declared an uprising in the name of gongzi Fusu and Chu general Xiang Yan.

The first large-scale peasant uprising in Chinese history broke out.

Chen Sheng had not read any books, and with an infinite desire for a rich and noble life, only 900 people dared to hold high the banner of rebellion with their bare hands and openly fight with the Qin state. It is really a pure grandfather, and this spirit of not being afraid of heaven is admirable.

After Chen Sheng's uprising, the nearby people who suffered from Qin "cut wood for soldiers and unveiled poles as banners" to join the uprising team. The rebels soon captured Daze Township, and then captured Pu County, Chu County, Yu County, Ku County, Zhe County, and Yu County. There is a great spark of fire.

A series of unexpected victories made the rebel forces grow rapidly like snowballs, and when Chen Sheng personally led a large army to attack Chen County (present-day Huaiyang County, Henan Province), the troops already had six or seven hundred chariots, more than a thousand cavalry, and tens of thousands of infantry.

After capturing Chen County, Chen Sheng proclaimed himself king and established a regime with the state name "Zhang Chu", which was the first peasant regime in Chinese history.

However, from the time Chen Sheng established Zhang Chuguo to its demise, it only existed for more than 6 months, which made people feel deeply sorry. In any case, Chen Sheng realized the ideal of wealth and nobility he had set up that year, although it was only a short period of 6 months, it was not a waste of his life.

Although Chen Sheng's dream of wealth and nobility was shattered, he took the lead in rebellion and caused a great impact.

It was as if Chen Sheng had knocked down the first domino, and his mission was over, but the end of the game would be directed at the overthrow of the Qin state.

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