
The Taiwan authorities hyped lai Ching-te's initiative to greet Harris as a "diplomatic breakthrough" in response from the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council

author:Taiwan Net, China

Taiwan's Taiwan Network, 28 Jan (Xinhua) -- Zhu Fenglian, spokeswoman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said today that anyone and any force who commits provocations against "independence" will certainly be severely punished according to law.

A reporter asked: During his stay in Honduras, Lai Qingde took the initiative to "interact and greet" US Vice President Harris. The DPP authorities hyped this as a "diplomatic breakthrough." Any comments on this?

Zhu Fenglian responded: We urge the US Government to abide by the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiques, fulfill its solemn commitment not to support "Taiwan independence" with practical actions, and stop playing with fire on Taiwan-related issues.

The DPP authorities have colluded with external forces, constantly carried out provocations to seek "independence," and regarded acting as a pawn of the United States in opposing China and curbing China as a so-called "diplomatic breakthrough," thus standing against the Chinese nation. Anyone or any force that commits provocations for "independence" will certainly be severely punished according to law. (Taiwan Network Juanzi)