
Published novels

author:Mei Xuepiao - original literature
Published novels

1. The long contemporary military novel "Our Division's Political Commissar" (the first part of "Political Commissar")

The long contemporary military novel "Political Commissar" is composed of the trilogy of "Our Divisional Political Commissar", "Military Organ" and "DE Base", the novel is the first part, has been published by the "People's Publishing House" (sold out), won many national awards, and was called a phenomenon-level contemporary military literature work by the media and the most valuable online literary work of the year. [The text has been serialized and is now "in its entirety".] Video (full version) is being serialized】

Published novels

A sudden transfer order, a feeling that has been hidden for many years, in the face of long-simmering changes, one is a young and promising division political commissar, the other is a gentle and capable female officer, a comrade-in-arms, a confidant, a brother, a friend, how will they go? This is an interpretation of the times of "the party commands the gun", a transformational thinking of "new military reform", and an epic of the iron bones of contemporary soldiers and the intellectual comrades of the emotional world. Readers who like to read "main theme" novels into...

2. The long contemporary military novel "Military Organs" (the second part of "Political Commissar")

The long contemporary military novel "Military Organs" is the second part of "Political Commissar", which won the first place in the National Online Literature Competition. 【Text is being serialized】

Published novels

SiKongzhi was appointed deputy director of the Political Department of the A Army, and from a division-level political worker chief who "strategized and won a decisive victory thousands of miles away" to a "big official" who "had to do everything himself." On the night he reported for work in a major organ, he received an anonymous text message questioning his character and getting the post of deputy director in a "disgraceful" way. At the same time, the relationship between Sikong Zhi and Jiang Xin suddenly became confusing...

This is an interpretation of the times of "the party commands the gun", a transformational thinking of "new military reform", and an epic of the iron bones of contemporary soldiers and the intellectual comrades of the emotional world. Readers who like to read "main theme" novels into...

It is strongly recommended that readers and friends read the first part of the song "Our Division and Political Commissar" first, so as not to affect the integrity of the storyline.

3. Long-form contemporary military youth emotional novel "Pear Blossom Pale White"

The novel is part of the "Love of the Army" series, ["Text" is being serialized]

Published novels

It is a story about a young soldier and a little girl who have a life-and-death pact. She was a lonely little girl, a lonely young soldier. She was the young daughter of the leader, and he was the son of a worker. He was the haven of her troubled childhood; she was the bright sunshine of his bumpy youth. They met in the camp in the spring, respectively in the loess mound in the autumn. She politely called him —Uncle! He affectionately called her, Pear Blossom! In the long river of years, they parted, met, parted, reunited...

4. Long contemporary military emotional novel "Honeysuckle"

The novel is part of the "Love of the Army" series and won the Excellence Award of the National Online Literature Competition. [The text has been serialized, now "full text"]

Published novels

On July 9, 1992, with the beautiful dream of "Mandarin ducks in pairs, the entanglement of love, and wholeheartedly dedicating love to you", three female military doctors - 26-year-old pediatrician Yun Jun, surgeon Ge Wei, Si Yao Su Jie and military instructor Cheng Siming, combat staff officer Situ Cong, and military research institute engineer Ye Wenbo were married. However, what awaits them is not a romantic marriage of wind and snow, but the truth hidden by the fathers and the shock again and again. Readers who like to read novels with complex emotional entanglements and "exploration" colors enter...

5. Long contemporary military documentary novel "The Sun Has Tears"

[The text has been serialized, now "full text"]

Published novels

The top-secret project code-named "210" brought together the signal engineers of the whole army in Daqinling, and a group of 15-year-old Beijing soldiers of the 831 Regiment and specially recruited female literary and artistic soldiers were also ordered to go, where they composed a different kind of signal soldier battle song! Readers who like to read military documentary novels into...

6. Long-form contemporary military youth emotional novel "Qingdong Gardenia"

Published novels

With the passage of time, the fiery life of the troops made the new technician (technician) Xue Ru dust and the company commander Li Yu secretly leave each other's figures in their respective hearts. As a result, a snow-like blue life-and-death love affair in the barracks quietly unfolded. Readers who like to read young soldier emotional novels into...

7. Long contemporary reality novel "Xiongguan Mandao from the Beginning"

The long contemporary realistic novel "Great Change" consists of "Xiongguan Mandao from the Beginning" and "Residual Sun Like Blood Long Empty Goose". The novel is based on a TV series of my own name and is the first of the "Great Changes". [The text has been serialized, now "full text"]

Published novels

"Xiongguan Mandao from the Beginning" tells the story of the new generation of taxpayers represented by Feng Guoqing, who are facing a variety of life situations such as the reform of the national land tax system, the great changes in international and domestic politics, and the new crown epidemic. Readers who like to watch suspense, workplace, and human nature game novels enter...