
Who is not suitable for coarse grains? These people eat as little coarse grain as possible

author:Seek medical advice

Modern people often eat too fine, but also easy to cause a variety of rich diseases, so nutrition experts often tell everyone, usually must be balanced diet, pay attention to coarse and fine collocation, so now there are some friends in life to eat coarse grains more and more times, but eating coarse grains is not suitable for everyone, some friends are not suitable, which people are not suitable for eating coarse grains? These people eat as little coarse grain as possible.

Who is not suitable for coarse grains? These people eat as little coarse grain as possible

Who is not suitable for coarse grains?

1. People with poor digestion ability

People with peptic ulcers and poor gastrointestinal tract can not eat coarse grains, because the large amount of fiber contained in them will irritate the gastrointestinal tract, which is undoubtedly worse for patients with gastric ulcers. Foods containing more fiber will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, causing stomach swelling and pain, etc., for patients with stomach ulcers and cirrhosis, eating coarse grains may induce blood. In addition, people who lack iron and calcium for a long time can not eat coarse grains, because coarse grains contain a large amount of food fiber and phytic acid, which is easy to combine with calcium substances in the body to form a precipitate, which hinders the absorption and utilization of minerals by the body. Experts recommend that people with gastrointestinal diseases try not to eat too much buckwheat, otherwise it will cause indigestion, and it is also necessary to control the intake of soybeans, otherwise it will cause abdominal distention and pain.

2. People with malnutrition and low immunity

Coarse grains will lead to the slowing down of the body's absorption of nutrients, and is not suitable for malnourished people, which contains a large amount of fiber, hindering the use of fat and protein by the body, and people who lack calcium and anemia cannot eat coarse grains, which contain oxalic acid and phytic acid content, which will inhibit the absorption of calcium.

3. Adolescents in the growth and development stage

In order to be able to meet the growth of the body, adolescents need to supplement a large number of energy substances, if you use too many coarse grains, it will hinder the body's absorption of nutrients, which affects the reproductive ability, adolescents can not eat coarse grains more than three times a week, each time controlled at about 50 grams.

4. Children

Children's digestion and absorption capacity is relatively weak, if you eat too many coarse grains will cause indigestion, but also affect the body's absorption of iron, zinc, calcium, is not conducive to growth. Especially for children under the age of three, eat less coarse grains, and the number of times they eat coarse grains cannot exceed twice a week, and each time it is controlled at about 25 grams.

5. The elderly

The metabolic capacity of the elderly's various functions has been reduced, while the ability of the digestive system to regulate and adapt will also decline, if the long-term excessive intake of coarse grains, it will hinder the body's intake of protein, serious lack of trace elements, resulting in damage to bone organs, prone to osteoporosis, anemia and so on.


Patients with kidney disease should try to eat exquisite noodles and rice, diabetes should control the intake of starch, even if eating grains should also be controlled, gout patients can not eat too many beans, otherwise it will increase uric acid.

Through the above introduction, everyone knows that we usually pay attention to the method of coarse and fine collocation in our diet, but for some friends with diseases, such as kidney diseases, it is not suitable for eating coarse grains, usually eat more fine food, which is relatively good for the body, so coarse grains are not suitable for everyone to eat.