
It's time to learn丨 Red Wrapped in the Winter Olympics

author:International Online

When the Winter Olympics meet the Spring Festival

When the crystal ice and snow meet the festive Chinese red

Beijing, the "city of the Two Olympics", is about to rekindle the Olympic flame

The Covenant of the Winter Olympics, the promise of China

2017 to 2022

General Secretary Xi Jinping has made five field visits

Preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics

Fully deliver on every commitment

The competition venue was completed ahead of schedule

The Winter Olympic Village was delivered and used as scheduled

The Beijing-Zhang high-speed railway and the Beijing-Li expressway were all opened to traffic

The "Winter Olympic Blueprint" becomes a reality

IOC President Bach

Many times praise the miracle of China

This is a reflection of China's vitality and determination

and the best example of efficiency

Beijing Winter Olympics The world looks forward to

In the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic

The Successful Hosting of the Winter Olympics

It will inject more unity, confidence and strength into the world

"The Winter Olympics will bring some light to the world"

"China is fully capable of running a term

The highest level, the wonderful Winter Olympics"

February 4

See you in Beijing

Director system| Qian Wei Wang Shanshan

Executive Producer | Ma Lijun

Choreographer | Zhao Di

Reporter | Zhao Di, Liu Yan, Han Yaoyue

Edited | He Junhui Zhao Di

Camera | Yang Yongqi Xiao Zequn Yu Jie

Visual | Duan Haochen Sun Zhiwei

Editor| Liu Saiyin

Co-ordinating | Mao Hui