
#Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan border conflict #The situation between Ukraine and Russia is becoming more and more tense, and many Western countries have said that they will not send troops to help, and Ukraine is panicked! Never thought about it

author:Square face said

#Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan border conflict # The situation in Ukraine and Russia is becoming more and more tense, and many Western countries have said that they will not send troops to help, and Ukraine is panicked!

Unexpectedly, the Western countries that ostensibly indicated that they would not send troops were actually surging behind their backs, and the hegemonic countries headed by the United States were surging everywhere.

If the front is not good, it will be done behind your back, and it will provoke trouble in your backyard, one is to make Russia take care of it, and the other is to add blockage to China during the Beijing Winter Olympics to provoke China!

According to reports, on January 27, local time, the Kyrgyzstan National Security Council issued a message saying that in the border area between the country and Tajikistan, the Tajikistan army opened fire on the Kyrgyzstan border troops in Bakent Oblast on the Kyrgyz side, using mortars and howitzers. This incident led to a rapid deterioration of the situation on the geeta border, with damage on both sides!

The CSA calls on both sides to exercise restraint! Back to the negotiating table, internal affairs should not be provoked by external forces! #吉尔吉斯斯坦与塔吉克斯坦边境冲突 #

#Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan border conflict #The situation between Ukraine and Russia is becoming more and more tense, and many Western countries have said that they will not send troops to help, and Ukraine is panicked! Never thought about it
#Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan border conflict #The situation between Ukraine and Russia is becoming more and more tense, and many Western countries have said that they will not send troops to help, and Ukraine is panicked! Never thought about it
#Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan border conflict #The situation between Ukraine and Russia is becoming more and more tense, and many Western countries have said that they will not send troops to help, and Ukraine is panicked! Never thought about it
#Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan border conflict #The situation between Ukraine and Russia is becoming more and more tense, and many Western countries have said that they will not send troops to help, and Ukraine is panicked! Never thought about it