
What is the background of the bosses in Resident Evil 8?

author:Shenwu Lecture Hall

Presumably, everyone knows a little about Resident Evil villages, right? There are a total of four scenes in the game, each scene has a unique gameplay and a characteristic boss, the following Xiaobian will introduce to you what each boss is.

What is the background of the bosses in Resident Evil 8?

Lady Vampire and her daughter

What is the background of the bosses in Resident Evil 8?

This boss is the owner of the magnificent castle in the village. She was tall and tall, and it was necessary to look up, and she had a charming face.

The eldest daughter Bella is steady and intelligent, the second daughter, Kassandra, is a sadist who likes to be sadistic, and the third daughter, Daniela, has crazy fantasies in her mind.

Werewolf Heisenberg

What is the background of the bosses in Resident Evil 8?

Heisenberg has appeared in several trailers. He was an engineer who lived in an ancestral factory. Heisenberg's one hand holds a sledgehammer and a cigar in the other. Heisenberg wore sunglasses, a leather jacket and a hat on his head.

For people living in remote Eastern European villages, this kind of dress can be said to be a bit pompous. The designer said that the character's exterior design, like The Vampire Lady, has a strong 60s fashion style.

Heisenberg loves killing games, and in the game's opening torture section, the character's outstanding abilities are perfectly explained. Compared to the rest of the village, the factory seems to be in sync with the current time, with modern facilities.

Also, what sets it apart is that it's not covered in snow. It may be located in the northeast corner of the map, which is higher.

Donna Benevento

What is the background of the bosses in Resident Evil 8?

This boss controls a marionette named Angie. Her whole body, including her face, is dressed in black, and Donna is a mystery, and there is still a question about her marionette.

Benevento's designs include fear and shock, and she lives with Angie in a home on the outskirts of the village, where there are never visitors. The planning of Benevento's home sublimates the elements of horror used in Resident Evil 7.

Salvador Morrow

Salvador Morrow's curated inspiration actually came from the mermaids in Gothic horrors. Compared to other types of lords, Morrow looked more like a typical Resident Evil monster, and Morrow hid most of his body under his robe.

What is the background of the bosses in Resident Evil 8?

Morro he lives in a nearby reservoir in an abandoned fishing village. In the game's map, you can find two windmills nearby, one of which is shown in the picture, and you can see that there is a ladder next to the windmill, which indicates that the player may climb all the way up. The game's map also shows a huge whale-like monster in the reservoir.

The boss in each game, the designer will spend a lot of time to design, this is the essence of the game, just like the warriors in the "Yuanqi Sentient Beings", there are from the mythical Xuanyu, Zhu Rong, and Gonggong, there are also from the Buddhist Heavenly King, Jizo Bodhisattva, Growth Heavenly King, each warlord is designed by Meilun Meilun, before fighting, it has been addicted to their appearance.