
Literati do not know martial arts - inventory of the literati assassins of the Republic of China period

author:Pick up wild micro-products

Literati are also intellectuals. China's intellectuals have always appeared as weak scholars, without the strength to bind chickens. However, from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the end of the Republic of China, a group of open-minded and radical intellectuals organized dozens of assassination groups and created many assassinations against reactionary high-ranking officials.

- Cai Yuanpei, the academic titan who planned to assassinate Empress Dowager Cixi and the president of Peking University

As we all know, Cai Yuanpei is the president of Peking University, a well-known university, and is a titan figure in China's political and literary circles. He was admitted to Xiucai at the age of 17, a mid-level scholar at the age of 22, a mid-level soldier at the age of 25, and a rank of thirty-four in the temple examination (equal to the thirty-seventh place in the national examination). However, as a class of vested interests, Cai Yuanpei was very enthusiastic, he regarded Tan Sitong as an idol, saw the Qing Dynasty government in the Sino-Japanese War Gengzi massacre successively defeated, and gradually realized that there are only two ways to revolution, one is riots, the other is assassination. The reason why Cai Yuanpei chose assassination was because the preparation and implementation of the riot was complicated, and the assassination was simple and immediate.

In April 1902, initiated by Cai Yuanpei, Ye Han, Jiang Zhiyou, etc., the Chinese Education Association was established in Shanghai. In November of the same year, students who had studied in Japan were repatriated to China, and with the financial support of the Education Association, the Patriotic Society and the Patriotic Women's School were established. Cai Yuanpei thus came into contact with the student group studying in Japan.

In the first half of 1904, the National Education Association of the Tokyo Students Studying in Japan, headed by Yang Dusheng, secretly established an "assassination group" with the intention of assassinating Cixi in the form of an assassination. Cai Yuanpei also joined the assassination group and became a member of the Assassin Order.

Cai Yuanpei believed that assassination needed to make his own convenient, secret, fast and easy to disguise concealment weapons, so he began to develop chemical poisons, successively absorbed the chemistry teachers Zhong Xianju and Yu Ziyi into the assassination group, and after developing liquid poisons, Cai Yuanpei thought that solid powder was more difficult to be detected, so he personally studied solid poisons, and then felt that it was better to use explosives, so he began to study explosives again. The R&D team slept and forgot to eat, tackling key problems day and night, and in addition to the revolutionary party, there was Also Chen Duxiu. Chen Duxiu said in "Speech after the Death of Mr. Cai Xiaomin": "The first time I worked with Mr. Cai was in the last year of the Guangxu Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, when Yang Yulin, He Haiqiao, Zhang Shizhao, and others launched an organization in Shanghai to study explosives in an attempt to assassinate.

In October 1904, Huang Xing of the HuaxingHui planned to revolt in Changsha on Cixi's birthday, but the uprising failed due to the leak of the plan. After Huang Xing fled to Shanghai, he plotted another uprising with Yang Dusheng. On November 19, Wan Fuhua was arrested after a failed assassination attempt by the former inspector of Guangxi, and Zhang Shizhao exposed his targets during his visit to prison, resulting in the raid on the secret site of the assassination group and the arrest of Huang Xing and others. After that, Cai Yuanpei and others were forced into hiding, and the assassination activities came to an end. Cai Yuanpei's assassin experience also came to an end.

——Participated in the assassination of a reactionary politician, haojie, a celebrity lawyer, Zheng Yuxiu

During the Republic of China period, especially in the 1920s and 1930s, Zheng Yuxiu was a prominent name, because she created a number of firsts in the legal circles of the Republic of China: the first female doctor in France, the first female lawyer, the first female court president... Moreover, her life experience is also very legendary: she was born in a family of eunuchs in Xin'an, Guangdong (today's Bao'an District, Shenzhen), her grandfather Zheng Yao worked hard from poor carpentry to become a famous real estate developer in the early days of Hong Kong, and her father Zheng Bingyi was an official in the household department of the late Qing Dynasty government for a long time. The young Zheng Yuxiu was intelligent and studious, but stubborn in nature, had a spirit of resistance, and did not want to wrap his feet from an early age; when he was a teenager, he opposed his parents' arranged marriage contract, took the initiative to quit marriage, ran away from home, and went to Tianjin Church School to study. Subsequently, she traveled east to Japan, joined the League, and after returning to China, she transported explosives for the revolutionaries and participated in the assassination of late Qing politicians.

On January 9, 1912, Zheng Yuxiu and a dozen other revolutionaries began to act, and they laid an ambush in the streets of Beijing. The revolutionaries learned that Yuan Shikai would go to court early on the 15th, and on January 15, Yuan Shikai appeared on the streets of Beijing on time in a luxurious carriage, surrounded by many soldiers to protect and follow. When Yuan Shikai's motorcade marched to the ambush site of the revolutionaries, Zheng Yuxiu and others threw several bombs at Yuan Shikai's carriage. The bomb exploded next to Yuan Shikai's carriage, which did not kill Yuan Shikai, but only killed the people around Yuan. Suddenly, the crowd on the street was in chaos! When Zheng Yuxiu, Zhang Xianpei, Huang Zhimeng and others saw that Yuan Shikai was unharmed, they quickly rushed to Yuan Shikai's carriage and took a pistol and shot at Yuan Shikai nearby, but they were all evaded by Yuan Shikai! Yuan Shikai was very difficult not to die. Zheng Yuxiu pulled the trigger too hard, causing his fingers to rupture and bleed.

In November 1918, World War I ended, and China became a victorious power as a member of the Entente Group. In 1919, a Chinese delegation headed by Lu Zhengxiang went to Paris to attend the Peace Conference. At the Paris Peace Conference, the Western powers, as the manipulators of the peace conference, formulated relevant treaties that seriously damaged China's interests, and they actually gave the right to Shandong in China to Japan, which provoked the May Fourth Patriotic Movement of Chinese youth in China.

The night before the contract was signed, Zheng Yuxiu and others organized hundreds of students studying in France and Chinese workers to surround Lu Zhengxiang's residence. Because Zheng Yuxiu was proficient in English and French, and had excellent diplomatic skills, the students elected Zheng Yuxiu as a representative to negotiate with Lu Zhengxiang. When Zheng Yuxiu went into Lu Zhengxiang's residence, she passed a courtyard and saw rose trees. At this time, Zheng Yuxiu was in a hurry, she folded a rose branch and hid it in her sleeve. When she went in to negotiate with Lu, she suddenly pulled out a rose branch and put it against Lu's waist, and said to him sternly: "If you dare to sign, my gun will not let you go!" The next day, Lu did not dare to sign, and Zheng Yuxiu and others reserved the right to take back Shandong Province on behalf of the Chinese government. Later, Zheng Yuxiu also put this rose branch in his living room as a souvenir!

The Rose Gun incident was the proudest highlight of Ms. Cheng's wonderful life, and she was more than happy to tell others about the experience; in the 1940s, when she was the wife of the ambassador in the United States, she also published her autobiography under the title of the book.

In 1926, Zheng Yuxiu, who received a doctorate in law from France, returned to Shanghai and opened a law firm with her later husband, Wei Daoming, a classmate who studied in France, and thus began his colorful life legend in the legal circles of the Republic of China.

—— Ten years of sharpening the sword to avenge her father's revenge, the Republic of China's heroine Shi Jianqiao

Shi Jianqiao was the adopted daughter of Shi Congbin, the commander of the Seventeenth Mixed Brigade of the Beiyang Army. She was originally Shi Congbin's niece, and her biological father participated in the Xinhai Revolution and was killed by the Qing government. In 1925, the Fengzhi warlord and Sun Chuanfang went to war. Shi Congbin was already an old man with white hair at that time, and at the behest of Zhang Zuolin, he led his troops to attack Anhui, and Zhang Zongchang attacked Nanjing at the same time. Shi Bu was originally an old, weak and disabled soldier who lacked training, and for example, the military was not paid in arrears, and the soldiers had no fighting spirit. In the Battle of Bengbu, the Feng army was defeated and Shi Congbin was captured. Ignoring the persuasion of his subordinates to ensure the safety of the prisoners' lives, Sun Chuanfang ordered Shi Congbin to be beheaded and hung up for public display. When Shi Congbin's body was hung on the street, passers-by looked up at the white-haired old general and secretly scolded Sun Chuanfang in his heart for being too inhumane and his hands too dark.

The news of Shi Congbin's murder reached the Shi family, and the saddest thing was Shi Jianqiao. She bit her lip, grabbed her younger brother's hand, and said angrily: "The boy has tears and does not flick, he wants to avenge his father, and the blood debt must be repaid with blood!" Shi Jianqiao had planned to rely on others to avenge himself, even at the expense of marrying. But several attempts to rely on others for revenge failed. The Father's vengeance is not repaid, and death is not blind. She made up her mind to personally go out and kill Sun Chuanfang.

In June 1935, Shi Jianqiao returned to his mother's house in Tianjin and inquired about Sun Chuanfang's residence and whereabouts. Sun Chuanfang lived in the British Concession, the residential courtyard wall was particularly high, there was also a power grid installed, and the two iron doors were often closed. Sun knew that he had many enemies, and he was deeply afraid that someone would assassinate him, so he was very strictly guarded. Shi Jianqiao repeatedly scouted outside Sun's house and felt that he could not get in; murder outside, Sun's bodyguards were numerous, and there was no way to start. Later, when she went to Guanyin Temple to burn paper to pray for her father, she learned from a monk that Sun Chuanfang not only donated money to build a lay forest, but also often went there to chant the sutra. It was really joy to descend from heaven, and Shi Jian felt that this was a good opportunity for revenge.

On the afternoon of November 13, 1935, when Sun Chuanfang was chanting the sutra in Jushilin on Tianjin's South Road, he was assassinated by Shi Jianqiao, who assumed the pseudonym Dong Hui, with a Browning pistol, firing three shots, one hitting the temple, one in the back of the waist, and one in the back of the head. Sun Chuanfang immediately fell to the ground, his brain plasma bursting out, and he died of exhaustion.

- Wang Jingwei, the chairman of the puppet Nationalist government and a traitorous giant who plotted to assassinate the regent of the Qing court

Wang Jingwei was the number one traitor of Tianzi during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. However, what is less known is that In his early years, Wang Jingwei was also a hot-blooded young man who was determined to oppose the Qing Dynasty.

In 1909, when six uprisings organized by the revolutionaries failed one after another, Wang Jingwei was so anxious that he decided to form an assassination group despite the bitter persuasion of Sun Yat-sen and his friend Hu Hanmin. He vowed to "turn himself into ashes to cook revolutionary food," "borrow the power of a bomb to think that he is the one to get excited," and "although his brother is bleeding on the streets of the vegetable market, he still looks forward to the entry of the revolutionary army into the capital."

In 1910, Huang Fusheng and Mao Xin opened the "Shouzhen Photo Studio" in Beijing as an assassination base. In December of the same year, Wang Jingwei, Together with Li Zhongshi, Chen Bijun, and Yu Peilun, arrived in Beijing, and the target of the assassination was finally selected on the regent Zaifeng. There is a detail here, Chen Bijun was bitterly in love with Wang Jingwei, dead or alive to assassinate Wang Beishang, someone half-jokingly said: "You have a passport of a British subject, of course, not afraid of death, at the critical moment, the British consulate will come to save you." Chen Bijun did not say anything after listening to the two words, and took out his British passport and tore it into pieces on the spot, and the seat was full of shock.

  Zaifeng's daily path to the dynasty was fixed, and the Assassins made careful plans for this. First of all, Zaifeng was supposed to pass through Gulou Street, but unfortunately, the road was being built at that time, and as a result, Zaifeng was diverted. Later, Huang Fusheng found that Zaifeng must pass through the tobacco bag street, but it is difficult to rent a house on that street, and there is no place to hide. Finally, under the Ganshui Bridge next to the ShichaHai Sea, it became the best place to blast. The place was surrounded by water on three sides, the big tree next to the small stone bridge was very thick and suitable for hiding, and there was an abandoned Taoist temple next to the tree, which was very secluded.

  The localities were chosen, and the assassination plan was quickly implemented. Huang Fusheng and Yu Peilun were responsible for burying explosives, Wang Jingwei was responsible for detonating, and Chen Bijun was responsible for ventilating the message. The bomb was so powerful that there was no advanced technology such as a telephone detonation, and the detonator would undoubtedly die.

  Unexpectedly, there was a problem when planting the bomb. In the early morning of April 2, 1910, the spring was cold, the revolutionaries were buried in the heat, suddenly found someone spying on the bridge, and then called the police and gendarmes, the servants evacuated urgently, but the bomb was too heavy to take away, and a shocking case was exposed. The bomb was not buried, and Yu Peilun and Chen Bijun returned to Japan at the request of Wang Jingwei to continue to raise funds to buy explosives. Wang Jingwei and Huang Fusheng continued to stay behind, and as a result, they were quickly arrested by the military police.

  During the interrogation, Wang and Huang competed to be the mastermind and wanted to sacrifice themselves, and Wang Jingwei even talked about it, and when he was tried, he still did not forget to propagate revolutionary ideas. Prince Shanqi of Su, who was in charge of the bombing, personally read Huang and Wang's confessions and was particularly appreciative of Wang's talents, and the Qing court was also afraid of attracting more revolutionary parties to take revenge with bombs, so the regent followed Shanqi's advice and changed his execution to eternal imprisonment. Later, the Wuchang Uprising broke out, and Wang and Huang were released and welcomed by the people.

Between life and death, the reputation is ruined. The picture of the deceased, such as Yu Peilun, charging with a bomb basket, was later frozen in the history textbook after the founding of New China. The living, such as Wang Jingwei, gradually drifted away from their own ideals, and eventually defected to Japan in the War of Resistance Against Japan and became national sinners. This once ambitious and beautiful teenager, now looking at his poems in prison, can't help but make people sigh: "Generous Song Yan City, calmly be a Prisoner of Chu; lead the knife into a fast, live up to the head of the teenager!" ”。