
Hong Kong entertainer Ho Yun-shi came to Taiwan in 2019 to participate in the hong Kong chaos parade, and was self-loyal to Taiwan's Chinese Reunification Promotion Party when she was interviewed

author:Taihai master brother

[Splashing paint He Yunshi, Taiwan's Reunification Promotion Party Hu Zhiwei sentenced to 3 months]

Hong Kong entertainer Ho Yun-shi came to Taiwan in 2019 to participate in the hong Kong chaos parade, and when she received a joint visit, she was thrown red paint from the top of her head by Hu Zhiwei, chairman of the self-loyalty party department of Taiwan's Chinese Unification Promotion Party, and the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office prosecuted 11 members of the Unification Promotion Party, including Hu Zhiwei, for obstructing the assembly and parade, forcing, blatantly insulting, and destroying the damage, etc. The Taipei Municipal People's Court finally found Hu Zhiwei guilty, and yesterday sentenced him to 3 months in prison for the crime of destruction, and could be fined NT$90,000, because the activities continued as usual after the painting, which did not constitute the crime of obstructing the group tour and compulsory. The remaining ten people did not reach a consensus on the crime with Hu Nan and were acquitted.

The Northern Inspection Department said that it would consider whether to appeal after receiving the judgment; it is understood that the prosecution is inclined to appeal. According to the investigation, Hu Zhiwei and others contacted the division of labor through the LINE group, plotting to be splashed with paint by Hu Zhiwei, Chen Youda and four other people prepared water bags, water balls, urine bags, and water guns.

When the procurator made the accusation, Hu specifically asked for eight months' imprisonment, and He's lawyer also expressed his hope that he would be sentenced to a fine that could not be easily imposed; Yao Nianci, the sole judge of the Northern People's Court, determined that Hu had direct intention to destroy and blatantly insult He, but could not prove that Hu had the intention of sabotaging the group tour and obstructing the interview, that the painting process only briefly interrupted He's speech, and that the parade and interview were carried out as usual, and did not constitute the crime of coercion and obstruction of the group tour.

The judge held that although Hu told the other ten defendants that they would pour paint and asked for protection from being beaten, according to the evidence, it could not be confirmed that the ten people reached a criminal consensus with Hu, as well as to share or help commit the crime, and the ten people actually did not throw urine, cover Hu and other acts, so they were acquitted.

Hong Kong entertainer Ho Yun-shi came to Taiwan in 2019 to participate in the hong Kong chaos parade, and was self-loyal to Taiwan's Chinese Reunification Promotion Party when she was interviewed
Hong Kong entertainer Ho Yun-shi came to Taiwan in 2019 to participate in the hong Kong chaos parade, and was self-loyal to Taiwan's Chinese Reunification Promotion Party when she was interviewed
Hong Kong entertainer Ho Yun-shi came to Taiwan in 2019 to participate in the hong Kong chaos parade, and was self-loyal to Taiwan's Chinese Reunification Promotion Party when she was interviewed