
Age is a wealth When the opportunity comes, don't walk away with the idea of "I'm old and can't do it", which will bring mental dullness and eventually lead to spiritual death.

author:Wang Wenbin 677

Age is an asset

When the opportunity comes, don't walk away with the idea of "I'm old and can't do it", which will lead to mental dullness and eventually spiritual death. If you believe you're done, your subconscious mind will accept the idea and make it a reality Many people are 30 years old, and some are 80 years old, but they are still like young people. The mind of a person is the weaver of life, the architect, the artist, the designer or the sculptor. When the playwright George Bernard Shaw was 90 years old, he was still active in his creative work, and he did not relax in his pursuit of artistry.

I've met people who have complained that some bosses, hearing that they're 40 years old, almost push them out the door and shut it again. This attitude of the bosses is devoid of wisdom and humanity.

Who says you must be under the age of 35 to be hired? The logic behind this is superficial and nonsensical. If employers can stop and think about it, they realize that people are not selling their gray hair or age, but are giving their years of experience, wisdom and talent in life.

Your age should be a rare asset for any organization, as it symbolizes your many years of experience working with people in your life, reflecting your kindness and love. Your gray hair, if any, represents more wisdom, skill, and understanding of others. Your emotional and intellectual maturity is a great asset to any unit.

Whether it is 65 years old, or any other specific advanced age, people should not stand on the opposite side of life. This age is when you are good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, scientifically formulating future plans and policies, and effectively guiding others in the creative field. For time has given them the experience of insight into the nature of the development of things.

—By Joseph Murphy

Wu Jihan's translation of "The Power of the Subconscious"

Age is a wealth When the opportunity comes, don't walk away with the idea of "I'm old and can't do it", which will bring mental dullness and eventually lead to spiritual death.

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