
shocking... Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi Yang Yuanqing and other pillar worms of the ten deadly sins one: Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi is the real century of the great flicker, the legal person Wang Shuhe, calculated the capital of 1.3 million yuan, the state pulled 80,000 square meters

author:Fa Yu Chengdu to Weining

shocking... Associate The Ten Deadly Sins of Liu Chuanzhi Yang Yuanqing and other pillar worms

One: Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi is the real century of the great flicker, the legal person Wang Shuhe, calculated the capital of 1.3 million yuan, the state pulled 80,000 square meters of land to establish lenovo, flickered into his Liu Chuanzhi led 11 people, with 200,000 yuan, in the communication room twenty square meters of place to create lenovo.

Second: Allocate 80,000 square meters of land from the state, privately embezzle and develop real estate, and put all the income into their own pockets.

Three: Liu Chuanzhi used his power to steal the Lenovo Hanka and the motherboard developed under the auspices of Academician Ni Guangnan for a long time. He also tried every means to exclude and frame Academician Ni.

Fourth: Lenovo was originally a high-tech enterprise under the Institute of Computing of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but it was fooled by Liu Chuanzhi and slowly became a comprador enterprise in the United States.

Fifth: Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi Yang Yuanqing and others in the name of high-tech enterprises panic, but in fact engaged in the financial illegal activities of lending usury, causing indelible losses to the vast number of ordinary people.

Six: Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi, Yang Yuanqing under the guise of national enterprises, the products sold to China are high-priced and low-end, and the products sold abroad are low-priced and high-quality. The beautiful name is the development of an international city, but also let the Chinese people support the Lenovo national brand.

Seven: Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi and Yang Yuanqing, 5G does not support Huawei, but voted Qualcomm, which is really a traitorous act.

Eight: Associating Liu Chuanzhi and Yang Yuanqing with too many problems, they do not know how to actively reflect on their own problems, but on the Internet please 270 to find ways to whitewash themselves.

Nine: Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi, Yang Yuanqing and other executives in the case of corporate debt of up to 90%, to themselves and executives to pay ultra-high salaries, intending to hollow out Lenovo enterprises, so that their pockets are inflated.

Ten: Lenovo moved its headquarters to the United States, and when it claimed that it was China's national enterprise and enjoyed the state's preferential dividend policy for Lenovo, they claimed that Lenovo was a Chinese national enterprise, and when they served the Americans, they declared to the outside world that Lenovo was an international enterprise and not a Chinese enterprise. What are executives like Lenovo Liu Chuanzhi and Yang Yuanqing who are not Lenovo's moths?