
Why does my baby have a fever when he gets vaccinated?

author:Director Angel Han

Vaccinating the baby is almost something that every child must do after birth, and the baby's vaccination will be divided into several stages, and the purpose of vaccination is also very simple, that is, to let the newborn baby have antibodies to certain diseases such as smallpox, chickenpox, etc. This is very helpful in preventing your baby from getting infected with the virus.

Why does my baby have a fever when he gets vaccinated?

The starting point of vaccinating children is good, but for every parent, the child's health status is one of the things they are most concerned about, so some parents have a fever after vaccinating their children, which makes adults very worried, afraid that vaccines will have a bad impact on the child's body, so why do some babies have a fever?

For the matter of vaccination, there is no doubt that it is for the sake of the child's good. Because vaccination is to prevent children from being attacked by epidemics. For the child after vaccination, the fever situation, the reason is that the principle of vaccination is to inject some similar elements of the virus into the human body, and then the human body will produce corresponding antibodies, which will cause some immune reactions, so it is normal for children after vaccination to have fever.

Why does my baby have a fever when he gets vaccinated?

Of course, although it is normal to have a fever after vaccination, it does not mean that parents can ignore it. If the baby has a fever after vaccination, but the temperature has not yet reached a very high level, and the fever has subsided after a day or two, then this is indeed within the normal range after vaccination, and parents do not have to worry. However, if the child starts to have a fever after the vaccination, and the temperature of the fever is relatively high, and it is not good after three days, then it is necessary to take the child to the doctor, and when consulting, you must also explain the situation of the child's vaccination with the doctor.

After the child is vaccinated, how to effectively help the child reduce fever? The first is to help the child cool down. For example, wet a towel and apply it to your child's forehead, or put your child's head under a cold water pillow. In addition, when the child has a fever, remember to ventilate, ensure air circulation, and give the child more body washing. Just wipe your child's skin with a damp, hot towel. Another point is to ask your child to drink more water and remember not to take medicine indiscriminately, because after vaccination, there may be adverse reactions to some medicines.

Why does my baby have a fever when he gets vaccinated?

Every parent is very concerned about their child's health, and parents who have a little discomfort or a little adverse reaction are very worried. Therefore, after the vaccination, the child's fever situation parents will inevitably be a little uneasy, but the vaccination itself is good for the child's body, some phenomena are normal, parents in their leisure time can learn more about parenting knowledge, after the child appears to be able to judge. In this way, it is possible to prevent too much worry and making wrong judgments from having a bad impact on the child.