
[iOS 15.3 official version released, fix safari browser vulnerability] news reports, today Apple officially pushed iO to iPhone users and iPad users

author:Internet podcasts

【iOS 15.3 official release, fix safari browser vulnerability】

The news reported that today Apple officially pushed the iOS/iPadOS 15.3 update to iPhone users and iPad users, fixing the recently exposed Safari browser vulnerability.

It is understood that this is Apple's third major update to iOS15 since the official launch of iOS15 last September, and due to the danger of the vulnerability, Apple recommends that all users upgrade to this version. Since the launch of iOS15, bugs about iOS15 seem to have been emerging in an endless stream, and the safari vulnerabilities fixed by iOS15.3 will give malicious websites the opportunity to spy on safari users to access other website records, and there is a risk of identity information theft.

If there are still iPhone users who stay in iOS14, there may be some security risks, and now Apple has stopped the security updates for iOS 14, which seems to help Apple promote the update rate of iOS 15.

[iOS 15.3 official version released, fix safari browser vulnerability] news reports, today Apple officially pushed iO to iPhone users and iPad users