
Grassroots dynamic | inheriting the spirit of red doctors Adhere to the Lide tree people - Jiusan Society Huai'an City Medical and Health Commission Municipal Second Hospital Branch organized to watch the "Red Doctor" series of documentaries

author:Nine Pai Health

In order to further promote the study and education of the history of the CPC and carry forward the great spirit of saving lives and helping the injured. A few days ago, Zhuang Yingjiu, chairman of the Huai'an Medical and Health Committee of the Jiusan Society, led the members of the Branch of the Second Hospital of the City to watch the "Red Doctor" series of documentaries together with the four branches of the Qingjiangpu District of the Minjian, the branch of the Second Hospital of the Qingjiangpu District of the Minjian, and the Huai'an Health Management Society, encouraging everyone to learn from the advanced models and adhere to the original mission.

Grassroots dynamic | inheriting the spirit of red doctors Adhere to the Lide tree people - Jiusan Society Huai'an City Medical and Health Commission Municipal Second Hospital Branch organized to watch the "Red Doctor" series of documentaries

The "Red Doctor" series of documentaries is the first documentary to reflect the health work of the New Fourth Army. The film records the medical and health work of the New Fourth Army, which played a "lifeline" role in the development and growth of the troops during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the field medical workers are both health teams and combat teams. In the process of watching the film, the on-site members learned about the great contribution made by field medical treatment to the overall victory of the War of Resistance, and were constantly "tear-jerking" and deeply educated and encouraged.

Grassroots dynamic | inheriting the spirit of red doctors Adhere to the Lide tree people - Jiusan Society Huai'an City Medical and Health Commission Municipal Second Hospital Branch organized to watch the "Red Doctor" series of documentaries

After watching the movie, Xiang Hong, former secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Huai'an Municipal Health Commission and screenwriter of "Red Doctor", introduced the film to everyone, and Zhuang Yingjiu, chairman of the Huai'an Medical and Health Committee of the Jiusan Society, Song Yonggang, vice chairman of the committee, and Ding Xian, vice chairman of the Branch of the Second Municipal Hospital, respectively exchanged views on the aftermath.

Grassroots dynamic | inheriting the spirit of red doctors Adhere to the Lide tree people - Jiusan Society Huai'an City Medical and Health Commission Municipal Second Hospital Branch organized to watch the "Red Doctor" series of documentaries

Zhuang Yingjiu said: As medical workers in the new era, we must cherish the excellent situation created by the martyrs with their blood and lives, take over the banner in the hands of our predecessors, and inherit and carry forward the spirit of the "iron army." We must be based on our posts, be willing to dedicate, not afraid of difficulties, strengthen our faith, continuously improve our ability to serve the people's health, and be a qualified health guardian.

Grassroots dynamic | inheriting the spirit of red doctors Adhere to the Lide tree people - Jiusan Society Huai'an City Medical and Health Commission Municipal Second Hospital Branch organized to watch the "Red Doctor" series of documentaries

Song Yonggang said that the era of war has passed, at this moment, we are personally participating in the historical journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, everyone's fate is closely linked to this country, this nation, this era, the medical staff in the new era, more should inherit the red genes of the "red doctors", but also in the work of more research, more innovation, with their own wisdom to better serve patients, serve the clinic, and make due contributions to healthy China.

Grassroots dynamic | inheriting the spirit of red doctors Adhere to the Lide tree people - Jiusan Society Huai'an City Medical and Health Commission Municipal Second Hospital Branch organized to watch the "Red Doctor" series of documentaries

Ding Xian said that through the film, she has gained a better understanding of the history of the medical and health work of the New Fourth Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and has also been more able to feel the firm ideal and belief of the revolutionary ancestors in serving the people. As builders of the new era, we must remember their deeds, inherit their revolutionary spirit and fine traditions, and forge ahead along the "road" formed by the blood of the martyrs.

Grassroots dynamic | inheriting the spirit of red doctors Adhere to the Lide tree people - Jiusan Society Huai'an City Medical and Health Commission Municipal Second Hospital Branch organized to watch the "Red Doctor" series of documentaries

After the meeting, Luo Guoqiang, president of Huai'an Health Management Society, and Jiang Hanbo, vice president of Huai'an Health Management Society, respectively gave keynote reports on "Using Lifestyle to Solve Lifestyle Diseases" and "Reasonable Diet to Prevent chronic Diseases".

【Source: Huai'an Municipal Committee of Jiusan Society】