
Continuing Friendship and Promoting Cooperation (Harmony)

author:Beiqing Net
Continuing Friendship and Promoting Cooperation (Harmony)

China and the five Central Asian countries firmly promote the sustained and stable development of bilateral relations, which will inject more positive energy into regional peace and development and bring more benefits to the people of both sides

"China is willing to take advantage of the momentum with The Central Asian countries, work side by side, and work together to build a closer China-Central Asia community of common destiny." President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the video summit on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the five Central Asian countries, advocating that the two sides work together to share a common destiny and move towards the future together, systematically expound specific plans to enhance all-round cooperation between the two sides, and establish a general direction and add new momentum to the development of relations between China and Central Asian countries.

30 years of wind and rain, 30 years of hard work. China and The Central Asian countries have adhered to mutual respect, good-neighborliness and friendship, mutual assistance and mutual benefit, forged a strategic partnership, reached an unprecedented high level of political mutual trust and comprehensive cooperation, and set an example of a new type of international relations. Looking forward to the future, the two sides need to further enhance mutual trust and expand cooperation, and it is timely for the two sides to jointly draw up a blueprint and clarify the goals of action, and it is opportune for China to propose to work together to build a closer China-Central Asia community of common destiny.

In terms of building a community with a shared future for mankind, China and The Central Asian countries have always been in the "first square" of the international community, and have a broad consensus and a solid foundation for further guiding the development of bilateral relations with the concept of a community of common destiny. The Joint Statement between the Leaders of China and the Five Central Asian Countries on the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations adopted and issued at the summit pointed out: "The six countries are determined to continue to work together to build a strategic partnership with rich connotations, fruitful results and lasting friendship on the basis of taking into account each other's interests, and to build a China-Central Asia community of common destiny." "This solemn commitment fully demonstrates the determination of the six countries to firmly promote the sustained and stable development of bilateral relations, which will inject more positive energy into regional peace and development and bring more benefits to the people of both sides."

To build a closer China-Central Asia community of common destiny, it is necessary to strengthen the top-level design and improve the cooperation path. Focusing on the long-term development of cooperation among the six countries, President Xi Jinping has put forward a five-point proposal on deeply cultivating the demonstration field of good-neighborliness and friendship, building a cooperation belt for high-quality development, strengthening the protective shield for guarding peace, building a big family of diversified interaction, and maintaining a global village of peaceful development, which has received positive responses from the heads of state of the five Central Asian countries. China's international cooperation initiatives have always been action-oriented and aim to effectively promote mutual benefit and win-win results and enhance the well-being of the people of all countries. Strive to increase China's trade volume with Central Asian countries to 70 billion US dollars by 2030, Provide 50 million doses of vaccine assistance to Central Asian countries in 2022, strive to increase the number of sister cities between the two sides to 100 pairs in the next 5 to 10 years, plan to provide 1,200 Chinese government scholarships to five Central Asian countries in the next 5 years, and China will provide 500 million US dollars of free aid and 5,000 training and seminar places to Central Asian countries in the next 3 years... At the summit, President Xi Jinping announced a series of specific measures, demonstrating China's sincere willingness to promote the development of bilateral relations and injecting strong momentum into bilateral cooperation.

Working together to build a closer China-Central Asia community of common destiny is not only a vivid portrayal of China's adherence to the diplomatic concept of sincerity and benevolence for the surrounding regions and the building of a community of common destiny for the surrounding regions, but also reflects China's responsibility to actively promote the construction of a new type of international relations and promote world peace and development. At present, the century-old changes and the century epidemic are superimposed on each other, and the world has entered a new period of turbulent change. In this context, China and the Central Asian countries firmly support their respective chosen development paths and governance models, emphasize that democracy can only be judged by their own people, oppose any form of "double standards" and interference in the internal affairs of other countries under any pretext, and jointly defend multilateralism, which has a more prominent global impact and is of exemplary significance for safeguarding the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UnIntend. At the same time, China has comprehensively expanded pragmatic cooperation with Central Asian countries, deepened the alignment of the Belt and Road Initiative with the development strategies of the five Central Asian countries, which will not only help the two sides create new opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation, but also lead the international community to focus on development, cross the development gap with unity and cooperation, and inject impetus into the revitalization of global development.

The blueprint has been drawn, and action creates the future. Proceeding from the common well-being of the people of the six countries, China and the Central Asian countries will continue to build friendship and promote cooperation, and will certainly be able to jointly write a better tomorrow for bilateral relations and jointly promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

People's Daily ( 2022-01-28 Edition 03)

(People's Daily)