
Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

author:21st Century Business Herald

The Year of the Tiger is approaching, and 10 "21st Century Annual Good Books" have met with you again.

At this time, you may be walking on the way home with a little trepidation, this is still a winter full of uncertainty, we are waiting in anxiety, searching in hope, but I believe that the moment you step into the door, you will have a warm little luck in your heart.

May the fragrance of books accompany you on your journey. In this year's good book selection, the principle of "ideological value + realistic impact" has been clearly reflected. In the 2021 financial book market, "Inside: The Chinese Government and Economic Development" is a masterpiece that must be mentioned, the author understands the government and the economy, and vividly introduces the Chinese government and economic development to the reader; green and low carbon is one of the most important development themes in 2021, Bill Gates has a keen insight and deep care, through the "Climate Economy and the Future of Mankind" to show people the solidarity between climate change and human society; in many annual good book selections, We are proud to find for our readers "American Agricultural Policy: Historical Change and Economic Analysis", which provides a panoramic view of the meaning of the high-quality and efficient policy of American agriculture, and the significance of "the stone of his mountain". Vigilance and regulation of new technologies has been a new global challenge in recent years, and the warnings of Automatic Inequality: How High Technology Can Lock, Regulate, and Punish the Poor are deafening, and of course, everyone can and should think independently about the unknown.

This year, in addition to the 10 best books of the year, we have selected the "Annual Value and Business Management Book" for the first time. The magnificent history of reform and opening up is also the history of self-reliance and self-improvement of Chinese enterprises. We presented this award to "All Things Are Born: TCL Dares to Be 40 Years", which records the transformation and development of TCL company despite adversity. These respectable companies create wealth for themselves and value for society.

"Ebb tide and new tide" is the theme of this year's good book selection, which should coincide with the Spring Festival blessing of "always exchanging new peaches for old charms" and wish readers and friends a happy New Year.

【Final Judges (ranked in alphabetical order of last name)】

Shusong Ba, Executive Dean of HSBC Institute of Finance, Peking University, Chief Economist of China Banking Association

He Fan is a professor at the Antai School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the author of "Variables"

Luo Weidong, President and Professor of Zhejiang University of Great Cities

Xie Zhibin Is a member of the Party Committee and Vice President of China CITIC Bank

Zhang Yongsheng, Director and Researcher of the Institute of Ecological Civilization, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Zhong Wei, Director and Professor, Center for Financial Research, Beijing Normal University

Zeng Gang is the deputy director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory and the director of the Shanghai Finance and Development Laboratory

【Preliminary Judges (ranked by surname phonetic order)】

Ben Li Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Peking University Financial Review, Secretary-General of Peking University HSBC Financial Research Institute

Chen Chenxing is the executive editor-in-chief of 21st Century Business Herald and the president of the 21st Century Economic Research Institute

Peng Bing is a professor at Peking University Law School and the director of the Financial Law Research Center of Peking University

Zhang Xiang Vice Dean and Professor of the Institute of Culture of Capital Normal University

Zhuo Xian, Deputy Director and Researcher of the Development Research Center of the State Council

【Strategic Support: Sunac China】

【Academic Support: Peking University HSBC Business School】

The following is the bibliography and award speeches of the 21st Century Good Book of the Year (2021) (in no particular order):

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

Staying inside: the Chinese government and economic development

Lan Xiaohuan wrote

Century Wenjing 丨Shanghai People's Publishing House

August 2021

【Award Speech】This book tells the story of China's economic development from the perspective of economic analysis, which is comprehensive, systematic and simple. Since the reform and opening up, the rapid growth of China's economy is inseparable from China's unique economic system, in which the government plays a vital role. The title of the book, "Inside the Matter", may express that in China's economic development, the government is not the so-called "night watchman" in classical economics, but the key driving force of "being in the matter". Focusing on the relationship between the government and the market, the book historically and comprehensively explores the mode change of government participation in economic development, and the logic behind it, so that we can better understand the growth model with Chinese characteristics that combines "promising government" and "efficient market". While looking back on the road ahead, "Inside the Matter" also looks forward to the evolution of government roles and functions in the new development period, and puts the foothold on "people-oriented", transforming from "production and investment government" to "service-oriented government", which also provides a very meaningful reference for our future exploration. (Zeng Gang)

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

U.S. Agricultural Policy: Historical Change and Economic Analysis

James S. L. Novak James M. W. Pislarry By D. Sanders

Translated by Wang Yu, Hu Wuyang, and Lu Yajuan

The Commercial Press

March 2021

The high degree of agricultural development in the United States is well known. As an agricultural population accounting for only 2%, but can strictly implement the fallow, farmland and production limitation system arrangements, become the world's largest food importer, its successful experience is worthy of attention and learning. From past experience, government and government policies have played an important role in agricultural development. Based on the principles of economics, this book comprehensively and historically introduces the main agricultural policies and programs of the US government, explains the formulation, implementation and impact of policies, and reveals the process of change and internal logic of the development of US agricultural policy. For Chinese readers, examining and exploring the agricultural policy of the United States through this book has an important reference for the development of agriculture in the mainland, especially for the mainland to achieve the goal of ensuring national food security at a higher level, which is of great practical significance. (Zeng Gang)

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

Automatic inequality: how high technology locks, regulates, and punishes the poor

By Virginia Eubanks

Translated by Li Mingqian

April 2021

The higher the hope for the new technology, the greater the disappointment. Big data is a technological change that affects the evolution of human society, and anti-poverty is the lofty dream of human society since ancient times. When new technologies are applied to fight poverty, the results can backfire. American scholar Virginia Eubanks' "Automatic Inequality" reveals this phenomenon. While algorithms may seem to treat each other equally, technology is just tools, and tools can be manipulated by societal biases. The root cause is that American society has always adopted a denial attitude towards poverty, and Americans blindly believe in individual struggle and stubbornly believe that poverty is the result of individual inattention. This is the ideological root of the "workhouse" system that once prevailed in European history. Under the influence of this social bias, algorithms have become tools for evil, and the poor have fallen into a ubiquitous and inescapable data network, tracked and monitored by data, discriminated against and deprived by algorithms. This book helps other countries, including China, learn from the United States and reflect on how digital technologies can be better used for social governance and build a harmonious society. (HE Fan)

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

Crash: How the global financial crisis is reshaping the world

By Adam Tuz

Translated by Wu Qiuyu

Ideal Country | Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore

June 2021

After the geographical discovery, the imprint of how fierce competition between Western powers for gold and silver is still there, and now, the passing of globalization and laissez-faire economics has brought people deep doubts about how financial crises have reshaped the world. Adam Tuz, author of Collapse, painfully points out that the subprime mortgage crisis and its aftermath did not dissipate, and that there was no convincing explanation for how large technological systems participated in the financial system and exacerbated its automatic imbalances after 1914, and how the crisis and the great period of ease in the aftermath of the world war were followed. People are still confused, uneasy, and even afraid of the financial system they have created, and financial collapse is still a major problem of modernity hanging over the global sky. (Zhong Wei)

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

Climate Economy and the Future of Humanity

By Bill Gates

Translated by Chen Zhaoqiang

CITIC Publishing Group Rover

Climate change is the most significant crisis facing mankind today, which is related to the survival of human civilization. But not everyone has a clear idea of the dangers of climate change and how to address the climate change crisis. While discussions about climate change are pervasive, they are also rife with fallacies. The book "Climate Economy and the Future of Mankind" is a book that makes the public aware of the crisis and challenges of climate change, as well as the great opportunities to solve climate change. This book is easy to understand and informative, and is one of the best books for the public to understand climate change. The book's English title, "How to avoid a climate disaster," seems to accurately reflect the reality of the climate change crisis than Chinese name. (Zhang Yongsheng)

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

Turbulent Times: Shirakawa experienced 39 years of economic prosperity and decline in Japan

Sun: Written by Shirakawa No.

Translated by Pei Guifen and Yin Fengbao

CITIC Publishing Group

【Award Speech】When there is a trade friction between a rising economy and a former developed economy, how should macro policies, including monetary policy, be responded to? This is an important topic that China's economic circles are thinking about at present, and it is also a topic that is not easy to find first-hand experience for reference. It is in this sense that Shirakawa's book is indeed enlightening to read at the moment. Influenced by the popular views of Europe and the United States on the Japanese economy, Chinese readers are usually prone to underestimate the reference value of Japan's policy experience, in fact, not only in response to trade frictions, but also in the real estate market fluctuations, industrial upgrading and transformation and technological innovation, the expansion of domestic demand, the adjustment of the exchange rate system, the transformation of economic growth from high-speed to medium-speed, and the challenges encountered in participating in international economic governance. The author of this book, Kataaki Shirakawa, joined the Bank of Japan in 1972 and served as governor from 2008 to 2013, and during his 39-year career at the central bank, he can be said to have witnessed the above series of major economic and financial events. Considering that Japan is still a developed economy with a per capita GDP of up to $40,000 today, and China has just entered the threshold of a developed economy from the perspective of per capita GDP level, many of Japan's experiences and lessons are still of reference value. (Bashusong)

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

Noise: A flaw in human judgment

[Israel] Daniel Kahneman [French] Olivier Siboni [U.S.] Kas by R. Sunstein

Translated by Li Shu, Wang Zuojun, Wei Zihan, et al

Zhanlu Culture 丨Zhejiang Education Publishing House

September 2021

We are in a complex and noisy world. Noise is everywhere and in all sorts of unimaginable forms. The decisions we make every day are largely influenced by the invisible noise behind them and are full of fallacies. The book Noise: The Flaws in Human Judgment by Professor Kahneman et al. seeks to tell people how noise exists because of flaws in human judgment, how it affects people's decision-making, and how humans can avoid the effects of noise as much as possible. The analysis and examples in this book are believed to be helpful for people to make the right decisions. But perhaps the biggest takeaway from this book is that it may be more important to be aware that our world is full of fallacies because of noise than to try to get rid of noise that can't actually be rid of it. Doubting, criticizing, and tolerant of the world is perhaps the best way to live with noise. (Zhang Yongsheng)

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

New Doubling Strategy: A Ten-Year Outlook for China's Economic Growth (2021-2030)

Liu Shijin Editor-in-Chief

CITIC Publishing Group Comparison

October 2021

【Award Speech】Researcher Liu Shijin is often responsible for presiding over some major research projects in interdisciplinary fields in the Development Research Center of the State Council, which makes the research departments of different professional fields of the Development Research Center of the State Council form a professional synergy, and this book can be said to be another important research result presided over by Researcher Liu Shijin. If he was the first in the economic world to argue that China is shifting from high-speed to medium-speed growth, the book focuses on answering the question of how China's economic policy decision-making system should be advanced under medium-speed growth conditions, especially under the guidance of the 2035 common prosperity strategic goal formulated by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee. One of the outstanding features of this book is that interdisciplinary research allows readers to grasp the same policy goal from different professional fields; secondly, it reflects a clear policy decision support goal, which requires theoretical and practical support on the one hand, and connects with the existing policy decision-making system on the other hand. These two distinctive features make this book of outstanding value in understanding China's current macro policy. (Bashusong)

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

Cheese and maggots: a universe of 16th-century millers

By Carlo Günzburg

Rui translation

The Republic of China | Guangxi Normal University Press

July 2021

[Award Speech] This is a book that is difficult to forget after reading. Cheese and Maggots: A 16th-Century Miller's Universe is like the name of a play, and it's true that its narrative is a bit like a play, but it's a serious academic treatise. Carlo Günzburg resurrected his compatriot, a "little man" who had drowned for more than 400 years, from a large collection of ancient archives, including inquisitions of inquisitions, transcripts of judgments, and prints popular in that era: the life and spiritual world of The Miller Menocchio. As an ordinary and highly unusual of the thousands of millers in Europe in the late Middle Ages, Menorchio's spiritual world was linked to both the world of the political and religious elite (earthly and conceptual) that monopolized the interpretation of the canon and thus gained the dominance of secular society, and the world (living and spiritual) of the underlying society based on oral literature based on a deep historical heritage. He lives for the world he understands and believes in and tries to make others understand what he believes and believes in what he understands. His unusual "independent thinking" and obsession took his life. With his original historical concept, unique and extensive materials, superb historical processing skills and highly readable narrative methods, Günzburg presents this small miller who has been lost in the dust of history, making him incarnate as the "Italian peasant version of Socrates". Although it cannot be compared with the great figures of montaigne, the humanist master Montaigne who lived in seclusion in the castle of his time, and the revolutionary monk Bruno, who died at the stake, he can also be called the hero of the ideological emancipation of that era. This masterpiece, rich in extensible historical implications and modern revelations, has opened up a new world of academic research and can be called a milestone in microhistory. (Luo Weidong)

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

Great Game: What's So Good About Peking Opera?

Guo Baochang and Tao Qingmei

Movable Type Culture | Life, Reading, and New Knowledge Triptych Bookstore

【Award Speech】The historical text of sitting on the edge of the precarious situation may not contain the taste of absurd games, and the operas such as Peking Opera at a glance may not have traces of oral history. "The Great Game" tells you that you can use the game mentality to dissect the prosperity of "Dream of the Red Chamber", and you may as well look back at the gains and losses of the revolutionary model drama with a historical mentality. When Peking Opera "applauds" has a set of rules, the audience outside the play may not be absent from the play; when the genealogy of the birth of the net and the ugly reflects the social class, life itself may not be a game of singing and playing. Is Peking Opera the essence of the country or the scum of the country? Ranking officials, there is a way that there are "pure" and "slag" everywhere on the stage.

Annual Value and Business Management Book

Ebb and Flow: The Best Book of the Year for the 21st Century (2021) Ultimate Book List

Everything is born: TCL dares to be 40 years

Qin Shuo Qi Dezhi

CITIC Publishing Group and businessman

Every Chinese enterprise is a sample of China's economy. The macro trend affects the fate of every enterprise, and every enterprise is like a drop of water, converging into the torrent of the times. Qin Shuo and Qi Dezhi's "All Things Are Born" combines the grand history of China's reform and opening up with the hard work and struggle of TCL in each historical period, telling the story of the difficult entrepreneurship and ups and downs of a manufacturing enterprise. This book brings us to the historical scene of each of TCL's key decisions, restores the multiple challenges faced by the company at that time, and reproduces the mental journey of the TCL team. After a series of successes and failures, transformations and adjustments again and again, TCL has acquired a rare resilience that can help it through the cycle. We need more such works to document the vivid cases of China's economy and to enable future generations to remember the path taken by this generation of entrepreneurs. (HE Fan)

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