
What happened to the mother 12 hours before the baby was born? (2)

author:Emotional little pink pig

What kind of pain is it to have a baby (1)? The Spring Festival of 2022 is coming, the time is fleeting, since I have a baby, I really feel that this day and day have passed so fast. Before, when I went to work, it was 4 p.m., and I felt that the day had just begun. After taking the baby full-time, it felt like the day was coming to an end at four o'clock in the afternoon.

What happened to the mother 12 hours before the baby was born? (2)

Four o'clock in the afternoon

Why did you want to write this article? Mainly there is a roommate baby ready to check out ah, the first 12 hours of the baby's birth, as a mother-to-be, she has been admitted to the hospital.

A 12-hour experience for roommates

Told us on Wednesday morning that it was red. Then I went to the hospital, and after a series of tests, the doctor let me go home again, saying that I was just red, had no other symptoms, and could not meet the hospitalization conditions. I was surprised at the time, why not let me be hospitalized, it has been 40 weeks + 1, there may be movement at any time.

On Thursday, yesterday morning, she told us that she had begun to have regular labor pains, that is, real contractions, and was ready to go to the hospital.

What happened to the mother 12 hours before the baby was born? (2)

Contractions are recorded

Wednesday night has been a variety of toss ah, not to say that it is particularly painful, but also let you not sleep, so the girlfriend got up at 6 o'clock to record the contractions, more than 9 o'clock in the morning to go to the hospital.

Then there is news is about 5 p.m., and then began frequent contractions, about 3 minutes, 9 p.m., the doctor gave an internal examination, said that opened a thumb tip, the stool feeling is strong, we predicted that the early morning estimate will be born.

I woke up nursing my son at 3:40 a.m. and asked my roommate what was going on? At 5:00 a.m., the housemate's husband took his mobile phone and replied to me with a message, saying that he had just injected painlessly, opened 5 fingers, and so the night passed, there is no news at present, and I don't know what my girlfriend is like! We are all looking forward to the draw to see the results.

The housemate has not yet been born, counting the time, equivalent to 12 hours in the pain of contractions and open fingers, the process is also very long. And I really had a fight last year.

My 12 hour experience

Thinking back on that pain, I really have forgotten what it felt like! But if someone says that there is another one, it is better to get a son and daughter, and the country now has a corresponding three-child policy, and it is necessary to respond positively to Austria! Whenever I hear these words, my heart will instantly burst out of all kinds of resentment, and I will speak lightly, and whoever suffers will decide.

I vaguely remember that I was in the hospital at ten o'clock in the evening, (I wrote an article before, see the top link.) 2 a.m. hit painless, I did not feel the discomfort caused by contractions for an instant, but the tearing feeling of the open finger was even more painful...

In all kinds of shouting, all kinds of tossing, I finally survived to the doctor's shift, came a quick knife to cut the mess of obstetricians and gynecologists, not long after pushing me to the production room, 7 o'clock into the, all kinds of cooperation force, 8:22 the little guy came out, just feel that moment suddenly liberated the feeling, just like living in a hypoxic environment, suddenly return to the comfort of nature.

12 hours I really spent in the shouting, the most sad thing is that the hospital does not let the family accompany, once someone asked a topic, said should not let the husband accompany the birth? If there is a paternity, will there be postpartum phobia?

I think it's okay not to accompany the birth, but it's okay to take care of the accompaniment in the ward!!! However, on this point, I did not feel that because of the epidemic, the hospital did not allow family members to enter, and I had to fight alone. So in this regard, I envy my roommate, because he has a husband to accompany him, and at least he can have a place to vent his emotions.

Is it easy to have a baby? I am most afraid of men saying what they think is right: If there is a woman who does not have a baby, isn't this how everyone has come? My husband has said this kind of thing, does he really not know the pain of childbirth or did he say it on purpose? I didn't want to know, and I didn't bother to argue with him. After experiencing Half-Life and having my little cutie, I felt that in the 18 years of his underage years, I wanted to be his greatest reliance. The others are all floating clouds, and the housemates after graduation are just living together haha.

What happened to the mother 12 hours before the baby was born? (2)

15 months old little guy

Definition of 12 hours

This in itself is a range, my other roommate has children and daughters, both babies are born very quickly, the second child from the feeling of the baby was born, it is 20 minutes, not even to the hospital time, directly born in the car, the big block, the second is even faster. So this 12 hours just want to express as a mother is not easy.

Continue to look forward to the feedback of the housemate's news, looking forward to winning the lottery, at this moment, 6:33 Beijing time, I completely insomnia in the middle of the night, I don't know if this insomnia is because of the fear of the New Year when I am older or because the roommate has a baby, feeling a kind of pain and bone perception? I guess it should be both. Wax moon 26, in advance to say a happy new year to everyone!