
The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

author:I don't know the history

He has been the richest man in the world for twenty years, but he is extremely stingy with his wife and children.

He has been in a lifetime with a hundred lovers, but when dating, he is not pulled out, and he can be called the richest man in history.

The grandson was kidnapped by the kidnappers but refused to pay the ransom, resulting in the grandson having one of his ears cut off, and finally he died of depression.

After the ransom was paid, he actually let his son pay back the money, why was he so miserly with a value of hundreds of millions?

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?
Self-made to a millionaire, he only took half a year, only 24 years old to retire, unique business acumen to become the world's first billionaire, occupy the position of the richest man for twenty years but became a scrooge, controlled by money alone to bring down the entire family, cheating, suicide, kidnapping, murder, the rich family cursed? Today we're going to talk about paul getty, the world's most critical billionaire.
The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?


Oil tycoon

Paul was born in the United States in 1892, and although his family conditions were not particularly rich, he was also wealthy enough, and Paul's father, George, was a lawyer who occasionally did some investment business.

By chance, George began to turn to the oil extraction industry. In 1903, in order to recover the loan, George came to a small town in a remote area, this town is not an ordinary town, because someone has found a coal mine here, as long as it can be mined oil mines, you can get rich overnight, but there are many people who are not well run and bankrupt, in short, there are many people who want to try, and many foreign people have moved here.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

George always liked to make some investment before, after coming here, George felt that oil exploitation was very promising, so he directly spent $500 to buy more than 1,000 acres of local land, and the first well was put into production the next year, and George also moved here with his family.

Paul was only 11 years old at the time, and paul's desire as a child was to become a writer or a diplomat, and by chance, Paul saw his father's process of extracting oil, which made Paul have a strong curiosity about oil exploration.

In just three years of oil exploitation, George became one of the largest oil merchants here. When Paul was 14 years old, the family moved to Los Angeles, paul is also a rich second generation, but his father's education in money is very strict with him, will not give him too much pocket money, never let him squander at will.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

If Paul wanted to buy something, he could only make a deal with his father, and when Paul earned money, his father would take profits from his income, perhaps under the influence of his father, Paul loved money and kept money from an early age, and became a dime".

Paul's academic performance was very bad, and there were very few passing cases, typical of scum. After several twists and turns, Paul still got an acceptance letter from Oxford University by his own efforts, and although Paul had no talent in learning, it did not affect Paul's financial acumen at all.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

In 1914, Paul returned to his hometown after completing his studies at Oxford University, because he did not want to live under his father's wing, so Paul discussed with his father that he wanted to start a business, and George agreed after considering it, but he made a request to Paul, and he would give Paul $100 a month in living expenses, but 70% of the income after the success of the business must go to his father George, and the rest of the profits are Paul's.


Self-made to millionaire

Paul began the road to entrepreneurship in this way, at first Paul was very confident, thinking that others could do it himself, and under the influence of his father, Paul thought he knew the oil industry very well, but things did not go as smoothly as Paul imagined, and a year passed, and Paul did not earn a penny.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

It was not until 1915 that Paul encountered a career turnaround, when there was a farm that would be publicly auctioned, Paul went to the farm to see and concluded that there must be a lot of oil hidden under this treasure land, in order to get this land, Paul worked hard to use his friends to disguise himself as a high-end company, and finally Paul successfully bought the land.

After getting this land, Paul began to set up a company to extract oil, but when he bought this land, he had used up all of Paul's funds, and now he had no capital to buy mining machinery, so Paul reached a cooperation with his father, and after getting his father's financial support, Paul's company officially began to dig wells.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

In 1916, the first well Paul dug officially began to produce oil, in just a few weeks, Paul received his own 30% income, nearly twelve thousand DOLLARs, when the time was ripe, Paul decisively leased the land to others, from which to make more income, at the age of 24, Paul has become a millionaire.


Unique and bold investment with a unique vision

During world war I, the price of oil in the United States soared, Paul's value also expanded, Paul began to do leasing business, as a middleman in the lease, earned a lot of income, Paul will listen to the opinions of experts to extract oil, will not blindly exploit, under the guidance of experts, Paul found a lot of high-quality oil fields.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

Paul felt that he had no room to develop, so he decided to "retire" and enjoy life.

In 1930, Paul's father George died of illness, he left almost all of the inheritance to his wife, the control of the inheritance was also named by the father to the executor, and Paul only received a $500,000 inheritance, which made Paul's heart very heavy.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

In the 1930s, the economic crisis in the United States caused the stock of many enterprises to collapse, and the businessmen threw away their shares, only Paul felt that this was a good opportunity to show his talents, so he went up to the difficulty to buy a large number of oil stocks, but at that time, the market stocks fell very badly, in order to control oil shares, Paul spent almost all his assets, but fortunately got the support of his mother, so that Paul survived the difficulties.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

It turned out that Paul was right, the rebound after the economic crisis led to a sharp rise in oil demand, Paul's assets also rose, Paul also opened refineries around the world, became the world's richest man, and there was a saying that the world's money was in Paul's pocket.


The lover is not pulled out

Although Paul has become the richest man in the world, rich assets can make several generations of people worry about eating and wearing, but he is very stingy in money, eating and dating with each other AA, living a luxurious life, having hundreds of mistresses, but will not give each other a rich life.

Paul has been married five times in his life, celebrities, counts, stars, etc. have been involved in Paul, and each wife has given birth to a son for Paul, Paul is an extremely free person, never trapped by love, after the wife is pregnant, Paul will abandon her to find another person, after the novelty will be happy to divorce.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

Paul's lovers can reach hundreds, and before being with each lover, Paul will sign an agreement with them, if he accidentally gets pregnant, he will not bear any responsibility, and during the period with the other party, Paul will only pay his own expenses, never help each other to bear any expenses, why is Paul so stingy and many lovers are willing to follow him?

The reason is simple, because Paul will draw a big pie, and the lovers with him will be coaxed by his sweet words: My assets will be left to you in the future

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?


How much can the world's richest people cut the door?

Paul's door is simply cut to the extreme, in order to prevent guests from rubbing the phone at home, a shared telephone booth was installed in front of the house, as a high-class person, Paul inevitably invited big men from all walks of life to come to the house as a guest, for a long time, Paul found that these people always like to use the home phone.

Although not bad money, but as an iron rooster Paul is still distressed about his money, so he specially installed a coin-operated telephone, who wants to call again must coin, over time, few people come to Paul's house as a guest.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

After Paul had negotiated business with someone else, he asked them to send him a telegram in order to save him money for telegrams.

However, Paul has also been generous in his life, when he was 61 years old, he held a beauty contest for himself, the prizes of this competition are very attractive, but most of the people who come to see the competition are Paul's lovers, and the judges are Paul himself, who sorts according to his preferences and selects the top twelve from this hundred or so lovers.

The first place can get Paul's inheritance of $5 million and will be given $50,000 per month for living expenses, the second place can get a $3 million inheritance, and the cost of living expenses of thirty thousand dollars per month, which is decreased until the twelfth place.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

But it is said that Paul did not leave them the inheritance, and the money left for them was pitiful, and it has to be said that paul's personality was maintained very well until his death, worthy of his status as an iron rooster.


Sons are living unhappy?

Paul is also very stingy with his children, the eldest son was expected to become Paul's successor, Paul also had high hopes for him, but Paul's education method is too depressing, every day is a constant blow to his son, he thought it would motivate his son to become better, but he did not expect too much blow, so that his son had severe depression, and he committed suicide at a young age.

The second son wanted to borrow some money from his father to become a film producer after graduating from college, but Paul did not think that he would succeed, not only did not lend him but also hit him, the second son was afraid of becoming like the eldest brother, so he drew a line with the family and moved away from the family to live alone.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

After the third son married the famous actress, both of them were infected with DU Cain, the wife died in Rome, and the third son felt that the family environment was not good, so he changed his nationality and moved to Britain.

The fourth son is completely inherited paul's genes, still unstable after marriage, after the wife gave birth to four sons, he also raised a mistress outside, and gave birth to three daughters with the mistress, and later the mistress sued him in court, and the matter was exposed.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

The fifth son is more miserable, Paul has repeatedly declared that the little five is his favorite child, the result of the fifth son was tested in the hospital when he was six years old, it takes a lot of money, Paul not only did not go to the hospital to see his son, but also complained to his wife many times that the cost was too large, and the treatment had no effect at all, and finally even the medical expenses were not willing to pay, allowing the son to fend for himself in the hospital, the fifth son died in the operation when he was 12 years old, and paul was busy making money after the death of his son and did not even participate in the funeral.


Grandson kidnapped but heartbroken for ransom?

The most tragic is getty III, that is, Paul's grandson, in 1973, the 17-year-old Getty III was kidnapped, this kidnapping case has caused a sensation in the United States, when the kidnappers demanded that Paul pay a ransom of $17 million to let Getty III go, Paul knew the news without the slightest panic, and even thought that this was a drama directed by Getty III in order to ask him for money.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

In the face of the kidnapper's request, Paul ruthlessly refused, Getty's mother could not help it, her son was still in the hands of the kidnappers, and Paul, as a grandfather, was still drinking coffee leisurely, she rushed to ask Paul why he was so cruel, Paul said that he had many grandchildren, if it was so easy to give the kidnappers ransom now, then other children are likely to become the next target of the kidnappers.

The kidnappers and Paul negotiated many times without getting results, things got bigger and bigger, and the kidnappers who didn't get money were very anxious, so the kidnappers decided to give Paul a dismount, he cut off one of Getty III's ears, and pulled off a strand of his hair, put it in an envelope and sent it to Paul, after seeing this envelope, Paul began to pay attention.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

$17 million was certainly too expensive for Paul, but he thought it was too expensive, so he negotiated with the kidnappers, saying that he could only come up with $3 million, and there was no more, and bargained with the kidnappers for the first place. The kidnappers saw that they could easily get money from Paul's hand, so they quickly agreed.

But afterwards, Paul still felt that $3 million was too expensive, so he signed an agreement with his son, the father of Getty III, asking his son to return the ransom to him, and what was more excessive, after Getty III returned home, he wanted to call Paul to report that he was safe, but Paul was unwilling to even answer the phone.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

The kidnapping also affected the second half of Getty III's life, although he had plastic surgery, but he was still severely traumatized psychologically, relying on alcohol and DU products to numb himself every day, attempting suicide at the age of 24, and then suffering from stroke, paralysis of the limbs, aphasia and so on.

For the next three decades, Getty III lived in a wheelchair and died at the age of 54. Paul's other grandchildren also lived a miserable life, some dying of excessive medication, some losing weight from alcoholism, and others dying unexpectedly.


The entire estate goes to the museum

Although Paul was very stingy with his wife and son, he was particularly fond of collecting art, and even if he spent more money, Paul would take it down and collect it all in his own museum, which contained more than 50,000 treasures.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

When Paul died in 1976, he left only a $500 inheritance to each son, and the remaining two billion dollars were all reserved for the museum, and before he died, Paul said that the museum would be open to the public, and everyone could visit the museum for free, and now the museum has millions of visitors every year.

The richest man for 20 years, with hundreds of mistresses in his lifetime, dating but asking for AA, why is it so cut?

Paul's image of a scrooge has become the object of criticism in the media, but the world's richest man lives an incredible life. He was a successful businessman, but in his relationship he was cold, he had many lovers in his life but none of them could really enter his heart, and he didn't seem to get anything else in his life except money.