
Listen to the good voice of "Rong Drift" (3) - Qin Pan, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress and general manager of Sichuan Yijie Technology Co., Ltd

author:Rongcheng talent comprehensive service platform

Rongcheng talent comprehensive service platform

Contribute wise strategies and innovative measures

Npc deputies and CPPCC members among the talents of "Rong Drift",

Discuss reports, offer good ideas, and seek development.

Listen to the good voice of "Rong Drift",

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Listen to the good voice of "Rong Drift" (3) - Qin Pan, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress and general manager of Sichuan Yijie Technology Co., Ltd
Listen to the good voice of "Rong Drift" (3) - Qin Pan, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress and general manager of Sichuan Yijie Technology Co., Ltd

"Among the many indicators that judge the innovation level of a city, the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements is an important parameter." Qin Pan, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress and general manager of Sichuan Yijie Technology Co., Ltd., suggested that it is possible to accelerate the construction of a pilot maturation platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Qin Pan said that as an important carrier of technological innovation and practice, the pilot curing platform is an indispensable process for the commercialization of practical technology and technology, and it is also an important starting point for the transfer of innovative achievements to the production field. The pilot platform undertakes the key link of the technical chain of follow-up testing and application development of scientific and technological achievements to the product, "For enterprises, through the pilot test, there can be more trial and error opportunities and reduce operational risks." ”


1. Take the construction and improvement of the pilot maturation platform as a continuous undertaking, and introduce a series of feasible policies to open up a path for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. If you can, you can try from a number of industrial fields where Chengdu has competitive advantages, and gradually form a landing document with industrial characteristics.

2. Relying on the geographical advantages of Chengdu and the technical favorable conditions of major universities and scientific research institutes in Chengdu, through the integration of resources of all parties, especially the dominant enterprises in the industry, a pilot maturity platform of "state-owned assets participation, market-oriented operation, and risk sharing" has been established, and the superior experimental results have been actively promoted to move forward in the direction of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

3. Make use of the advantages of platform specialization, grasp the dynamic situation of advantageous projects, deeply integrate with venture capital funds, maximize the probability of success of platform projects, reserve more and better quality projects for advantageous capital, and realize the coordinated operation of platform and capital.

4. Build a talent support system for technical managers and technical brokers to support the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and give play to the important role of technical intermediaries in the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.