
The chief officer set an example and built a solid defensive line, and The commander of the Ma Xiaobin detachment gave a safety lesson in combat training

author:Taiyuan Fire Protection

In order to further enhance the professional theoretical knowledge of all fire rescue personnel and the practical combat ability of fire fighting and rescue, and focus on the theme of fully promoting the safety control of combat training of fire rescue teams, on the afternoon of January 27, Ma Xiaobin detachment leader gave a special lecture on combat training and safety for the city's fire rescue teams.

The chief officer set an example and built a solid defensive line, and The commander of the Ma Xiaobin detachment gave a safety lesson in combat training

In the course of the lecture, Ma Xiaobin, detachment leader, combined with the actual work of the work and his own work experience, explained the importance of the combat training safety work to all personnel from three aspects, such as the current situation of the safety of the combat training of the fire rescue team, the causes of casualties in the combat training of rescue personnel, and some thoughts on the safety work of combat training. The lectures contained both factual statements and case studies, both theoretical analysis and practical experience, and put forward specific countermeasures to effectively fight the tough battle of safety work.

The chief officer set an example and built a solid defensive line, and The commander of the Ma Xiaobin detachment gave a safety lesson in combat training

The lecture pointed out: First, standardize the safety cultivation of combat training. In terms of business study, we will deeply study the characteristics and laws of various major disasters and accidents and the norms of rescue operations, and consolidate the theoretical foundation. In terms of daily training, it is necessary to regard basic combat safety training such as safe marching, emergency evacuation, and escape and danger avoidance as a compulsory subject for large-scale training of all posts, practice protection, practice procedures, practice command, and control, and strengthen special training for safety in complex environments. In terms of actual combat drills, it is necessary to vigorously carry out "random and recap" actual combat drills, and organically combine the drills with improving actual combat capabilities, improving safety literacy, and cultivating awareness of risk prevention.

The chief officer set an example and built a solid defensive line, and The commander of the Ma Xiaobin detachment gave a safety lesson in combat training

The second is to effectively make up for the shortcomings of ability and quality. Policies and measures have been introduced to cultivate and retain command personnel at all levels, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of commanders at all levels in learning business, seeking combat, and practicing command, and promote the enhancement of the overall actual combat capability of the contingent. In terms of strengthening rescue capabilities, we will continue to do a good job in the identification of the primary, intermediate and advanced skill levels of firefighters, strictly identify standards, and continuously improve the professional skills level of firefighters.

The third is to increase the intensity of supervision and accountability. Strictly implement the system of pursuing responsibility for dereliction of duty, and in accordance with the principle of "four do not let go" in all units that have accidents involving the safety of combat training, seriously investigate the responsibility of the parties concerned, strictly investigate the responsibility of the leadership, persist in the "one-vote veto", cancel the qualifications of the units to evaluate the first and evaluate the excellent; all units that have accidents of responsibility for the deceased caused by the failure to implement responsibility, the lack of work, the mistakes in commanding operations, the lack of safety precautions, etc., will all start a joint investigation mechanism for on-site commanders, unit chief officers, leaders in charge, and supervision and support for personnel who are responsible for each piece. Carry out responsibility investigations, and seriously pursue responsibility and accountability.

Contributed by: Combat Training Division

Editor: Yan Nannan

Review: Xue Ning