
My Russian Years Chapter Twenty-Eight See Dalian Again

author:Russian translation

Chapter Twenty-Eight See Dalian again

In the early morning, just after waking up from sleep, a ray of morning light shone on my face through the window of the crock pot room, warm, as if my mother's warm hand was caressing my cheek, soothing my homesickness after five months of leaving home. There was a mist in the woods, and the mist drifted from the window into the house, soaking my hair. In early spring, the waters of the river, which had been fully civilized, were rushing and flowing. Due to the snow, the amount of water is very large, and a small stream overflows from the river, and the stream flows by the side of the clay pot house. The sound of the babbling brook and the chirping of migratory birds, as well as the warm sunlight, made me feel as if I had woken up from my sleep, but I was still in a dream.

In mid-March in Russia, the weather warms and the snow melts. After breakfast, we came to the freight yard to work, this forest piece is the last operation today, tomorrow will go to the new yard, the station is still unchanged.

When I got to the yard, I drew the rest of the oak wood and sat down to wait for them to saw it. At this time, the worker Peter Sr. returned from the forest and handed Natasha a small yellow flower in his hand. Natasha was very happy, pinching the little flowers to her nose and smelling the flowers. The first time I saw this little flower, I asked what kind of flower it was, and Natasha said that it was called "Подснежник", which I understood at the time to mean that the flower that grew out of the snow should be the first flower in spring. Years later, I found out that natasha was not right, its Russian should be "Адонис", Chinese means "ice flower, side calendula", not "snowflake lotus" as Natasha said. I took a picture of this little flower with my mobile phone, and the photo is still in my QQ space.

The weather in the spring is also said to change, the morning is still sunny, and the first rain of 2008 began in the afternoon. At this time, the work of this freight yard is also over, and the rest is left to the timber truck. We finished our work and returned to our station in an old but "old and strong" Ural car.

Although the spring rain is not large, it is also wet with clothes, sitting on the car, feeling that everywhere is tidal and sticky. I opened the car window and took a deep breath of the jungle air of the early spring. The air is fresh, mixed with the aroma of earth and the rosin of tree oil, making people feel relaxed and relaxed.

The tall and mighty red pine seems to be a little less powerful than the former king of the jungle, shrugging down thick branches and leaves, helplessly enduring the baptism of spring rain. But it was as if it had deliberately shrugged its branches and leaves to shade the jungle beauties who were lower than itself, which was also gentlemanly. It also seemed as if it was proud of its gentlemanly move.

As the Urals pass through the birch forest, two fawns chased and frolicked with each other by the creek, and they seemed to like the spring rain very much. The deer in front of him suddenly slipped under his feet as he ran, fell on his heels, and fell to the ground. My heart clenched as the fawn fell to the ground. At this time, another fawn ran forward, looked at the deer that fell to the ground, and suddenly retracted its head as if startled by something, as if checking the injury of the deer that fell to the ground.

The Ural car gradually drifted away, and I was very relieved to see that the deer that fell to the ground shook its head and climbed up with difficulty, and after stumbling a few steps, it was able to bounce and jump again. I'm glad to see this and won't worry about it anymore.

Back at camp, everyone was washing and brushing. According to the Russians, the mountain will soon be on holiday. There was civilisation everywhere, and the grounds and roads were muddy and not suitable for work. I also quickly cleaned up my personal hygiene and prepared for going down the mountain.

After I took a shower, I asked Basha to help me get my hair cut, and after five months, my hair was already braided. Basha wasn't a barber, but before he went up the mountain, his mother bought him an electric fader so he could shave his hair for himself and his colleagues. After Basha had cut my hair, I gave him 100 rubles and thanked Basha with my hands folded. Then I hurriedly picked up a broken mirror and saw how it was. In the mirror I saw a strangely ugly man, his hair seemed to have been chewed by a dog, one long and one short, with a long stubble and a thin yellow face, but I still recognized myself through two large teeth. The next day Natasha saw me for the first time, was amused by my look and bent over, and then she ran to Basha to get a pusher and carefully helped me to re-sort it. After the haircut, I took the mirror with trepidation, and inside I finally saw a man, a clean man.

Later, we changed to another yard, which was a mixed forest of birch and poplar, and when we passed by by car, the white flowers in front of us were all birch trees with black spots and some poplar trees. At this time, it is close to the end of March, the road is very muddy, especially in the forest, the road itself is newly opened, and it is not compacted, so the car is very difficult to walk.

My mountain shoes were wet every day after work and needed to be baked dry by the stove before they could be worn the next day. On this day, a person in charge of Liso's headquarters came, he was the little old man mentioned earlier, he was a president-level figure, he was very thin, always looked like a drug, dizzy. I suspect that there is a high probability that he is an addict.

This man was called Vasily Mikhailovich, and everyone was afraid of him, knowing that he was the great leader. Behind him, as usual, were two bodyguards as strong as bulls. Both of them were white and creamy little students, but they were extremely strong, and it could be seen from the look in their eyes that they must be extraordinary.

I know Vasily Mikhailovich well, because he comes to the mountains every three to five minutes to inspect the work. Since I am a foreigner to them, I occasionally make jokes about him and call him a teacher, mainly because he will "teach" me as soon as he comes, let me work hard to build good materials, and create benefits for the company.

"Hello, Misha, I haven't seen you for a long time, how is it doing?" Have you worked hard? Don't lie, Koska told me all! Vasily Mikhailovich came up and talked a bunch of things, but his expression was still dizzy, fluttering, squinting his eyes, and I was sure in my heart that he must have come out after taking the medicine.

"Hello Vasily Mikhailovich, my teacher! Rest assured, I worked very hard, you see this material is made, great! "I saw him joking with me, and I joked, pretending to tout my achievements, but in fact this yard is mostly soft wood, and I don't need to draw lines at all."

"Aha! You have to work hard, and when the time comes, let Koska find you a Russian chick as a reward! The little old man finished speaking, blinked his eyes, and everyone laughed.

"Uh... This one...... What the heck, hmmm... This one is not needed! "I didn't know how to continue when he said it, after all, I wasn't a very talkative person, and Natasha was around, which made me even more shy.

"Hello Vasily Mikhailovich!" Natasha listened to the little old man's words and sat down and smiled and greeted him.

"Hello Natasha! Hard work, you are still so beautiful, not tanned at all! The little old man smiled and said to Natasha.

"I heard you're Misha's teacher?" Natasha asked.

"Yes, I can teach him all about wood." The little old man was obviously a little puzzled and didn't know what Natasha was going to say.

"You see, your student's shoes are all wet, and he may need a pair of boots. Otherwise you will get sick. Natasha said, pointing to my snowshoes.

The little old man looked at my shoes and didn't speak, and neither did anyone else, staring at a pair of waterproof boots worn by the little old man. Later, before leaving, Vasily Mikhailovich called me over, and it turned out that he was going to take off his waterproof boots for me, and then put on a pair of high-end leather shoes that the bodyguard handed him from the trunk. After thanking the little old man, I turned my head to look at Natasha, who was sitting not far away, and quietly gave her a thumbs up, and Natasha winked at me, smiled triumphantly, and took a deep breath of the slender lady's cigarette between her fingers.

These waterproof boots are really great, warm and not damp, and it is much more comfortable to wear on your feet. At work, I can also feel at ease to go to muddy places to draw lines.

After two days, we opened a freight yard next to the station, and the wood from the mountain was pulled here to make wood, and I was told that I could go home after only one morning of working here. But I didn't know how to go back, where to go.

I went back to the crock pot room to pack my bags and figure out how to get back. The other Russian roommates in the room were gone, leaving me alone. I took out of my pocket a cookie that I had brought out of the canteen in the morning and chewed it, it was dry and loose, it was so bad that I would not have eaten it if the canteen had not been dragged away.

As I ate, I thought about how to go back and where to go back in a moment. Then the door of the crock pot door opened, and it was Natasha. “Миша, привет! Ты ещё не ел?” Natasha asked, "Misha, hello!" You haven't eaten yet, have you? ”

“Наташа, привет! Я ем, печенье!” I said, "Hello, Natasha! I'm eating it, cookies! ”

“Вот, посмотри, что я тебе принесла!” Natasha smiled and said, "Look, I've got something for you!" ”

I saw Natasha holding a yellow iron basin in both hands, and when she opened the lid, it turned out to be dumplings, and it was Chinese dumplings. “пельмени, китайские!!!” I opened my mouth in surprise and shouted, "Dumplings, Chinese dumplings!!! ”。

“Да, ты объяснил, как готовить китайские пельмени, и я так приготовила!” Natasha smiled and said, "Yes, you talked about the Chinese dumpling recipe, and I did it!" ”

It dawned on me that once I told her and Wowa how Chinese dumplings were made, she actually remembered them, and went to the canteen to ask Vera for white noodles and kohlra, pork, and made them herself.

Natasha hadn't eaten lunch yet, and she made dumplings for two people. We ate dumplings together and talked about Natasha's past, and then she asked me if I had a girlfriend in China. She talked about my pain, and I had a few girls in my head, but they were all inseparable, even just a brief ambiguity, nothing, so I said, "No."

“Будет!” Natasha looked at me affectionately and said, "There will be."

I looked into Natasha's eyes and immediately blushed. After a brief glance at each other, I first lowered my head and clumsily grabbed a dumpling to eat. Natasha was amused by my look and blushed and lowered her head to eat the dumplings. I don't know if she is also shy, the reddish face is more charming, the white is red, the intoxicating red, like wine, and like sunset.

Although the dumplings were only eaten for 10 minutes in total, they were very long in my memory, and I never felt that the time to eat a meal could be so painful. The feeling is that the heart is full of gratitude and excitement, and there is a hint of impulse in addition to gratitude and excitement. What man can stand a beautiful woman like Natasha? She and I shared the same hardships when we were in distress in the wild, and we spent several months working together, and we slept in the same bed that night and covered a bearskin together. Today she came to send me dumplings to eat, which made me feel very grateful in my heart, but it also made my young heart flutter. I struggled to suppress the impulse in my heart, lowering my head and chewing the Chinese dumplings that Natasha had wrapped herself.

After a brief moment of shyness, Natasha was amused by my appearance, and she bent down with a smile, revealing the white snow-like skin at her waist, which frightened me to quickly turn my head to the side, but her head turned uncontrollably, and her eyes began to glance at her involuntarily.

After eating the dumplings, Natasha packed up the cooking utensils and asked me how to go back, I said that I didn't know how to go, and Kosja seemed to be out of business. Then Natasha, like magic, pulled out a motorcycle, saying it was Vera's husband, so she took me on the motorcycle to the hevey xiangka village station. There are timber trucks to Kirovsky, and I can take a car to the yard there, where there are my colleagues.

After Natasha put me down, she looked at me again affectionately, and I was uncomfortable with her gaze, so I removed my eyes and looked at the pile of freshly chopped oak trees next to me. Natasha was not amused by my provocation this time, but blinked at me and turned the motorcycle away, not forgetting to look back at me again.

Watching Natasha's heroic back on a motorcycle fade away, I was a little sad, sorry, and seemed a little relieved, and in the years that followed, I never saw Natasha again.

I went into the crock pot room where I had stayed before, where people were gone and the beds were empty. I didn't know what to do, so I went to the Vladimir manager, who was not in the office, and some people said he was in the freight yard. I went to the yard to look for him, and there was no one, when I saw a truck parked in the yard, a material carrier to Kirovsky, and the driver, Fei Jia, was tying up the rope and preparing to leave.

I asked him if he had seen Ringo and the Kuznetsov logging team, and he said there was no one there, they were gone, and Ringo was gone. I had an idea in my mind, if Ringo was indeed gone, then I would also go to Kirovsky, where there were our people, and I could also call Jinfeng and determine where to go later. I asked the driver to take me to Kirovsky, and the driver, Fei Jia, hesitated, but agreed.

I put my luggage in the cab and sat in it myself, and I was afraid that someone else would come behind me to catch a ride, so I quickly went in and took a favorable position. At this time, two Russian workers came, both carrying luggage on their shoulders. They went to Fei Jia and said that they wanted to take a ride, and Fei Jia pointed to the cab and told them that there were already people and there was no place. After receiving a refusal, the two workers actually pushed the driver Fei Jia with their hands and raised their middle fingers at me, which shocked me very much. But I didn't reply, pretended not to see it, and turned my head to look away.

After the driver Fei Jia was pushed and shoved, he was very atmospheric, scolded and grinned and opened the door to the car, lit a fire, the car started, and my hanging heart also fell.

The truck quickly drove away from the village of Hevi Xiangka, and I saw in the rearview mirror that in the afternoon sun, the villagers' wooden houses were getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared. Hevi Xiangka, a small village in the primeval forests of Russia that I will never forget, has never been here since. Volodya, Wowa, Basha, Kosca, Sergei, Vera, and Natasha, a beautiful, kind and upright Russian woman, goodbye, this jungle trip is truly unforgettable.

I thought that maybe this would be the last time I set foot in the primeval forest, because more than once before this day I had secretly decided in my heart that I must leave the forest and leave the wood after returning home this time. But the goddess of fate did not let me live my life according to my own ideas, and after a few months, I came to the forest briefly again.

Let's go back to this ride first. About two hours after the truck left the village of Hvi Xiangka, it was getting late and the sun was setting. In early spring, although the day is warm and the ice and snow melt, at night, the temperature plummets, the snow turns into water during the day, and the water freezes into ice at night, resulting in a slippery road, especially on gravel roads. Fei Jia began to curse the broken road and curse the government for not building the road. By about 6 o'clock, it was completely dark, and it was pitch black outside the beam of the headlights. There was no mobile phone navigation at that time, and I didn't know where I was, so I had to let the truck take me wherever I was.

I was worried that the truck was going to the city of Kirovsky, not to the freight yard in the countryside, so I confirmed with the driver again, and after receiving a positive answer, I put my mind at ease.

The truck walked this road for more than two or three hours and saw no other vehicles, as if only our car was walking. As she walked, the headlights suddenly went out, and Fei Jia began to curse the car and the headlights again. He stopped the car, and it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. My heart began to beat drums, this black light is blind, don't say that our car can't go, that is, if there is a car behind, it is very likely that there will be a rear-end collision.

Fei Jia took out a flashlight to illuminate it, opened a lid on the door, which was full of lines and diodes, he took out one of the diodes and threw it away, and found a spare diode to connect it, and then after lighting it, the headlights turned on.

There were headlights, my heart was put down, just like that, the truck ran all the way, and an hour later, there were city lights on the horizon, it was Kirovsky, the city was not big, but it was also called bright lights, and the traffic was busy. After living in the primeval forest for a month and a half, I was once again back in the "human world".

Looking at the laid-back people in the shop windows, and the family in the house who are drinking tea and coffee and chatting about the sky, I can't mention how envious I am. How I wish I could stay in the city for a little longer, or stop in front of the store, get off the bus and stand for a while, and let me feel the breath of the world. But the truck did not stop, but drove directly north after passing through the city. After 20 minutes of driving, the truck pulled into the yard, which was the Kirovsky yard, although it was not in the city of Kirovsky.

I got out of the car and went to the office, where it was already off work, and there was only the old lady who was guarding the door, and an old man named Ivanovich, who was a customs broker. Then from the back door came a Chinese, it was Wang Xiaoguang, after seeing him I was ecstatic, warmly embraced him, he also hugged me. This time it was completely different from the last time I hugged him in the woods, and it seemed that he was very happy to see me, although I was not a leader, just a small translator.

Wang Xiaoguang asked me to sit in the house for a while, and he went out. When he returned, he was carrying a bag of Russian dumplings and a large Russian sausage. It turned out that he had taken Ivanovich's car to the store and was going to prepare dinner for me. I was really hungry and hadn't eaten dinner yet. He counted out twenty round Russian dumplings and said, "18, 19, 20, should be enough!" ”。

I stood in the kitchen chatting with Wang Xiaoguang, who was cooking dumplings for me, and there were cut sausages on the table. It turned out that Wang Xiaoguang was sent here after the Spring Festival, and Zhang Ziyong was sent to Qiugu, Song Wei initially stayed in Yiman, and then the car of the unit had an accident, and after 7 days of treatment in the hospital, he returned to China without any major trouble.

After dinner, I and Wang Xiaoguang returned to his residence, which was a very small crock pot house. I am also used to the crock pot house where I live in the mountains, and I still live in the crock pot house here. Wang Xiaoguang had already lit the stove, and the house was very warm.

The door opens into the house with an iron stove, to the right of the stove is a bed, to the left is a table, on both sides of the table there are tables where people can sit, and on the right side of the table is a wooden shelf with some old clothes on it. There were some futons on the bed. There are windows on three sides of the house that can be opened, and the whole house is these things.

The stove was burning very strongly, and Wang Xiaoguang opened the door and put hot air outside. After an afternoon of driving, I was tired, so I undressed and lay down. After releasing the heat, the house was no longer hot, and Wang Xiaoguang closed the door and went down. He played music on his phone. At that time, Nokia mobile phones were more popular, and he had a memory card that could store a lot of music. This also makes me really envious, my Motorola L6 can store up to 3-4 complete songs, and the sound quality is also very bad.

Listening to familiar and long-lost pop music, I immediately fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Wang Xiaoguang took me to the office, washed my face in a small hall at the back door of the office, took a large iron basin, put some cold water on it and washed my face. After that, Wang Xiaoguang cooked more than a dozen dumplings that were not cooked yesterday, as well as the remaining sausages from yesterday, and ate them with me. After that we drank some tea and coffee left by the Russians on the table and sent breakfast away.

Later, Wang Xiaoguang called Liesuo's "Sister Chen" and asked about my arrangements. The reply was that I would take the manager of the freight yard to the headquarters of Liso today and then return home.

In the morning, Wang Xiaoguang and I spent half a day in the freight yard, where the staff included the female worker Dania, the inspector Alpina, the customs broker Ivanovich, and the rest of the people worked outside, and I did not have time to meet them.

It was almost noon, and Wang Xiaoguang took Ivanovich's car to the store to buy a bag of rice, eggs and two chicken legs, saying that he would make it for me at noon. Then the manager of the yard came and said he was going to drive me to Liso. I didn't take my luggage, left them to Wang Xiaoguang, and only took my own clothes and the yard manager to Liesuo. The car arrived in Less than an hour to Liesuo, where Sister Chen received me. She took me to the cafeteria for lunch and then back to the office. I sat on the couch and "waited for the hair to fall"!

This office is the headquarters of the company of the old man Liso, and I did not see the old man this day, only some Russians in this office. It seems that they are all a bit "dog-eyed people low", see my strange hairstyle, scruffy Chinese sitting on the couch doing nothing, no wonder they look at people in the cracks of the door.

Sister Chen sat down after eating and continued to work. Sister Chen is a young woman less than 30 years old, a few years older than me, with pink frame glasses stuck in her nose, eyes that are not big or small, black and slippery, thin lips, and a ponytail. The person is not very beautiful, but it is also gentle and quiet, which makes people look very comfortable and feel very close. She said that the Russian language was a little soft, not my favorite tone, but when she spoke Chinese, she had some southern accents and seemed to be very southern.

Sister Chen will occasionally come over and ask me, cold or not, hot or not, thirsty or not, just did not ask me whether to eat or not, in fact, if she can take out a chocolate for me to eat, I think I will be very happy to accept. Because I had been in the woods for several months, I was severely malnourished, lacking vitamins, and losing a lot of weight.

"The leader asked me to book you a train ticket, will you book a ticket?" Sister Chen came over and said.

"Oh, then you borrow my phone to use, I'll call and ask the train station ticket office," I said.

Sister Chen lent me her mobile phone and told me the phone number at the train station, and I called and asked if I had a ticket for the night. Then I took a taxi to the train station and bought a train ticket for the night. It was already evening when I returned to the office, and Sister Chen took me to the canteen for dinner. Two other Chinese were having dinner together, and they had come here to talk about the project. This canteen has a dining table where the office staff all eat, in order. At this time, a middle-aged Russian woman came in to eat, and when I saw her coming with a plate, I helped her pull down the chair. She was happy and polite to thank me as well. What I didn't expect was that I didn't deliberately contrived, but unconsciously helped her pull down a chair and get such a good effect.

Sister Chen's appearance should be more liked by Russian men, in the process of eating, there are several Russian men come in to eat, they are praising Sister Chen's beauty, pleasing people. It seems that Sister Chen is very popular here and is very open-minded.

After dinner, Sister Chen took me back to the office, she continued to sit down and work, while I snoozed on the sofa again, causing a Russian man in the office to say to Sister Chen: "Lilia, you see, he sleeps here again!" ”。

"He's not sleeping, he's resting, he's off work with me in a moment, and he doesn't know where he lives!" Sister Chen explained.

And I glared at this annoying and eventful Russian middle-aged uncle, who was bored with himself, and then looked at me contemptuously and then packed up his things and left work.

Sister Chen saw that the Russians were all off work and started music, which was all pop music that I liked. This made me envious, I did not understand very much, why are they all learning Russian, I am so embarrassed just returned from the forest, like a refugee, even sitting in this clean and tidy office is an eye-catching, disgusting bad guy, and Sister Chen is a clean and decent white-collar worker?

I sat on the couch doing nothing, and when I thought I would be home the day after tomorrow, I couldn't tell how happy I was. The beautiful pop music soothes me and relaxes a lot. Sister Chen began to pack up, and I knew that I could finally go to rest. After packing up her things, Sister Chen went to the window sill to call, she was calling the financial director of the company's headquarters, she was lying on the window sill, making a call. Sister Chen is wearing a small white suit often worn by white collar workers on the upper body and low-waisted jeans on the lower body. Jeans showed her figure out of no doubt, and since she was lying on the windowsill, leaking out of her waist, it made me turn my head shyly.

After the call, Sister Chen came over and smiled at me and told me that I could leave. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and followed her out the door. We walked out of the courtyard of the company's headquarters and headed west along a not very spacious road, the night shrouded the city, there were no street lights on either side, but it was not yet dark. You can see that there are wild grasses on both sides of the road, and there are several houses in the distance.

After about 10 minutes of walking, we entered a villa area which was all villas. Outside one villa is an oven with large Russian skewers grilled on it.

"Go, I'll invite you to eat!" I said to Sister Chen.

"How do we eat?" Sister Chen said in surprise.

"It's okay, I'll be entertained, this big meat skewer is very fragrant," I explained busily.

"But they baked it at home!" Sister Chen said.

"Oh, I thought it was sold in a restaurant!" I said awkwardly.

Sister Chen took me into a villa, which was the villa of Old Man Liso, which temporarily allowed our Chinese personnel to live. There were 3 people living inside before, counting 4 of me. Sister Chen arranged me in a room upstairs, I put my things away and went downstairs to visit the villa.

The villa is big, decorated in a western style, beautiful and has a bar counter. And I found that this villa has a lot of bathrooms, specifically several that I did not have time to look at. Sister Chen and two other Chinese men went downstairs and sat down and chatted with me. Asked about the situation in the forest, and some of the strange things they were curious about About Russia (I've been in Russia longer than they've been). There is nothing special to tell, after about 9 o'clock, I went upstairs to sleep, because at 2 o'clock at night I had to go to the train station to catch the train, and before going to bed I set the alarm and fell asleep. This sleep was the best I've slept in months. Because for the first time I could enjoy a room alone, or a luxuriously decorated villa, a hundred times stronger than the crock pot house in the forest, one was heavenly, one was underground, but this heaven only belonged to me for half a night!

When I dreamed of chatting qq with Li Dan and had a good chat, the alarm clock that rang on time woke me up. I got up, got dressed, went to the bathroom, washed my face, picked up the bag I had prepared before going to bed last night, and carefully went out the door.

I stood at the door waiting for the taxi I had booked in Sister Chen's office yesterday evening. The Russian dogs patrolling outside were awakened by me and barked at me. A caller came out and asked who I was, and I said it was Chinese, waiting for a taxi, and then he told me I should go to the main gate of the villa area to get a taxi. When I got out, the taxi was already waiting for me. Later, I got on the train smoothly at the train station, and then all the way back to China smoothly, all the way to nothing, I will not dwell on it.

When I arrived at the Suifenhe office, I handed my passport to the accountant there, brother Liu, who used to work with us abroad, and then bought a train ticket for the night. The train was run at night, and when I got on the train, there was an alcoholic sitting across from me. This man was probably less than 50 years old, strong, burly and chubby, obviously had drunk too much, dizzy, his eyes were straight, and he was still holding half a bottle of unfinished liquor in his hand.

As soon as he got into the car, he put on a posture of seven disobedience and eight indignation, cursed and grinned, and took out a stack of bills from his pocket and counted them, and then put them back in his pocket. I was nervous, and I thought he was going to throw money, and I was ready to continue! Of course, this sentence is a joke.

The train was driving, this man was lying on the seat, a person actually occupied three seats, I don't know if the person who seated did not come, or whether he even preferred not to sit after seeing the wine, in short, no one told him to get up and give up his seat.

The train stopped and went, and some people got on and on, and the drunkard's hand was so messed up that he even touched the ass of a woman, who didn't bother with him, but just dodged to the side. At this time, the drunkard's hand was actually placed on the lower body of a man, and the man beat his hand. "Grass mud horse! Nyima Coins! Gah! "The drunkard made a series of dirty remarks, fortunately the man did not have the same knowledge as him, otherwise he would have fought, and I would have been injured by mistake when I sat across from him."

Two men and a woman in a row next to me had been drinking beer for more than an hour. The three men didn't know each other, and at first it was a man drinking, and then he actually got into a conversation with a young woman sitting opposite, and the two of them talked very much. The woman has been complaining that her boyfriend is not good, while the man is pretending to be comforted, the dialogue between the two people completely ignores others, and the people in the surrounding carriage are listening to the two of them boring and extremely ignorant conversations. Although boring, although ignorant, such people have a group of "like-minded" people, such as a young man who later joined the boring group of these two men and women. He looked very much like my colleague Li Bin, three people spit and drank wine, and drank more than 20 cans of beer in two hours. In the course of their chat, they heard that they had not gone to school much, and the people who worked in Suifenhe complained about life, about work, about their bosses, about their parents, and about their boyfriends and unreasonable mothers who were spat on by young women.

I was sleepy, but I couldn't sleep because of the environmental influence in this carriage, and the drunkard on the other side stabbed the person next to me for a while, scolded and grinned for a while, and even touched me, I looked at him, and he actually scolded me! I swear I only looked at him and I was poisoned! I wanted to beat him up, but calmly think about it, first he is an alcoholic, second, he is five big and three thick, if he really fights, I may not be his opponent, so I chose to endure, close my eyes and pretend to rest.

Four people sat in the four seats behind the two men and one woman in the front of the spit group, who looked like they should be workers in the factory who had just returned from Russia. They were bored in the car and even drank, and several people drank liquor and smoked. It caused the passengers next to them to complain.

"There are still cigarettes in the carriage!" Choke to death! A young mother with a child finally spoke up after she couldn't stand it.

"Yes, so many people! Originally, I didn't let smoke in the train! An old grandmother continued.

"Yeah, pinch it!" Stop smoking! "A lot of passengers started blaming them, but mostly female passengers and some elderly passengers.

The smokers did not pay attention, but smoked and drank on their own, making loud noises, completely ignoring the accusations of the passengers next to them.

At this time, a strong man suddenly stood up in a row in front of me and shouted loudly: "Pinch! ”。 I saw that this big man was at least one meter eighty-five tall, tall and big, with tattoos on his arms when he rolled up his sleeves, shiny hair, and a short ponytail tied behind his back.

Several people who smoked in the carriage were frightened and immediately snuffed out the cigarettes in their hands, and did not dare to look at the face of the big man again, and the previous arrogant face was replaced by a cowardly rat.

Shouted by the big man, the carriage suddenly became quiet, and everyone stopped talking. Some people have a look of relief on their faces, others laugh at a few unqualified guys who smoke in the carriage, and many more people hope that there will be more wonderful dramas to watch later, and obviously they are not disappointed.

When the carriage was quiet, a tall, thin man among several smokers said, "Oh, come on, keep drinking!" ”

"Grass mud horse! Drink Nyima Coins! Suddenly the drunkard across from me didn't know if he had just woken up, or how, and he had scolded him.

"Grass mud horse! Who are you scolding! The tall thin man was not pleased, and rushed up and punched the drunkard, which woke the drunkard awake. The drunkard did not hurry to put on the cloth shoes, stood up and gave the thin man a punch, and the two people immediately fought together, startling the passengers next to them and running away. The three-person group in front of them was sitting next to each other, and they were also shocked by two people and hid aside. One of the women could not dodge, and was punched in the chest by the drunkard, causing her to scream in pain. Seeing this scene, the man who complained about the three-person group was anxious and slapped the drunkard hard. Originally the drunkard's strength was great, he had already pressed the thin tall man on the table, then suddenly slapped, was blindfolded, looked back to see that it was a man who was beaten, let go of the thin tall man, twisted his body and fought with the man who talked to him. The young man in the spitting trio also rushed over to fight the drunkard with the hooker. But the drunkard is very good at fighting, and he fights with his own five big and three thick, complaining that the three-man group is not his opponent. At this time, only to hear a "pop", the tall thin man who smoked slapped him behind the drunkard, the situation was not good, the drunkard was hit back and forth! And the tall thin man also came to help with a small chubby man who drank and smoked with him.

I hid in my seat and thought, "This time this old drunkard is going to suffer, but he deserves it, who made him crazy and scolded me."

At this time, the police rushed over, separated the people, and after a brief understanding of the cause and course of the incident, called several people away to make a record. But the drunkard said nothing and lay motionless in his chair. The police had no choice but to let him go here, and the train farce ended.

The next morning, I woke up from my sleep and felt uncomfortable all over my body, my back was sore, and I was uncomfortable everywhere. The drunkard on the other side should also wake up, sit in a chair and look out the window, and then sort out the clothes that were torn from last night's fight.

At this time, the breakfast truck came, and the salesman shouted and sold the traditional Chinese breakfast. After a night of tossing and turning, I was also a little hungry, and took the bread I bought yesterday before getting on the bus from my bag and ate it. The drunkard on the other side was obviously hungry, and he turned over a bucket of instant noodles and sausages from the package, went to pick up the boiling water and soaked it, and twisted open the half bottle of liquor he was carrying in his hand last night, and ate and drank the liquor one by one.

I thought to myself, this scene seems familiar, because my father is the same, and sometimes he drinks in the morning. Even sometimes three times a day, there are dishes to drink, and when there is no dish, you can drink a drink with pickle strips. As long as this man drinks, it is difficult to quit, and as he grows older, his addiction will become more and more intense. If the wine is good, drink the wine, do not drink too much, what to be busy, do not delay things. At least if you drink too much, you can lie down and sleep, and no one will provoke. But this drunkard seems to be very similar to my father, it is difficult not to drink for a long time, and when he is drunk, he will get into trouble and scold his wife and children. Then when you don't drink, you are in front of outsiders, you don't do anything, you don't say anything. It seemed that in front of this drunkard I saw the shadow of my father, but this man was large.

The drunkard ate a bowl of noodles, a sausage, and half a bottle of liquor had been drunk. However, this man's alcohol consumption is really not small, drinking these things and doing nothing, as if he has never drunk alcohol, sitting there quietly looking out the car window, not at all the drunkard from last night.

There is really nothing to record from Harbin to home, so I will not say more here.

When I got home, I was naturally very happy to meet both my parents and me on the first day. However, my father's performance in the next few days really made me feel uncomfortable and unbearable. Even the father was still in close contact with his "dry girl" and her family, and the dry girl had been asking his father for money. Every time the father will sneak some money from the mother to give to this dry girl, it seems that their relationship is very unusual, has exceeded some ethical and moral points, the specific situation, I am not very clear, these are listening to the mother, and the father does often run to the dry girl's house, and steal the mother's money to her, and even reach out to me for money, but also let me keep it secret, which makes me really intolerable.

With this feeling, a few days after I returned home, I received a notice from the company's Suifenhe office to report there. The night before I left, I couldn't sleep on the kang. In the countryside, no matter how old parents and children are, they all sleep on a bed. So I slept next to my mother, who was already asleep. I listened to my mother's breathing and felt very uncomfortable. I felt that I had returned, and my mother seemed to have a backer, but after I left, my mother was alone again with my father and his dry girl' family. Father is very bad, this night he went to the girl's house to drink, it is very late and has not come back, I am at home he is still like this, I am not at home I really do not know what will happen. In the past few days, my parents have had several fights over the girl's business, the most serious one, when my mother was almost knocked on the head by my father with a beer bottle. I really wanted to get angry for my mother and beat up my father, but I was not that kind of person, and I could only persuade my father bitterly. However, the father agreed on the surface, but behind the scenes, he still did not repent, which gradually led to the later results.

The next morning I embarked on a trip to Suifenhe, and along the way I was very uncomfortable inside, and I always had a very depressing feeling, mainly out of concern for my mother. I'm gone, my brother is not at home, I really don't know what will happen to my parents in the future, I am really worried that they will cause some irreparable situation.

There was also not much to record during that time in Suifenhe. The main thing is that Brother Chao is as troublesome as ever, looks down on people, and those of us who come back from abroad are also ignored and looking for things everywhere. China is a place that pays attention to human feelings, and many people will not be able to look at this and that at every turn. I am an honest person, so I was told by Brother Chao that I had endured. Later, an accountant came from Dalian, and it seems that he was not looked up to by Brother Chao and his daughter-in-law, and in a day or two, he accumulated a lot of contradictions, and the three people did not deal with each other, and even almost moved their hands.

There are two children here in Suifenhe, they are both graduates from my alma mater, I have graduated for several years, naturally I have not seen these two people. It's just the two of them, one is a very feminine little boy, and the other is a tall boy who can only pat himself on the back and sing well. But then neither of them seemed to have stayed, and both were dismissed.

During this period, I went to Shenyang on a business trip to send materials. The only thing worth remembering during this journey is that I was bored while waiting for the bus, and I got on a bus at the train station to see the city of Shenyang. In fact, I am not the first time to come to Shenyang, when I was in Dalian in 2006, I went to Shenyang twice on business. So for Shenyang, I am not very new.

On this bus, I looked out the window and admired the scenery all the way, when suddenly I saw the background of a girl on the street, and a person's name appeared in my mind - "Li Qingya", it was Li Qingya! I waited until the bus arrived at the stop and hurriedly got off the bus and ran back. But when I ran a few hundred meters and ran all the way to the last stop, I didn't see her. There is a neighborhood nearby, and it may be that she entered the neighborhood. I knew in my heart that the world was so big that I couldn't have met her on the streets of Shenyang. I don't have Li Qingya's mobile phone number anymore, because the previous number is already empty. I think she may have been married and have children, or she may be working and living in some city in this world, but we are doomed to lose...

Shortly after returning to Suifenhe, I was sent to Dalian again. This time he was sent here with Angkor, who came with his daughter-in-law and children. Because dalian bay came a ship of wood that needs to be processed, there will be boats in the future, it will take several months in the short, and it will take a year or two for the long.

When I arrived in Dalian, Lao Yang was also here, and I also invited Lao Yang to dinner, went to Xinghai Square to play together, and took a speedboat. Two days later, Lao Yang went abroad, and Angkor and his wife and children also arrived in Dalian. Angkor is still the same, still sometimes serious and sometimes happy like a child. My sister-in-law is very kind to me, and I like their baby very much, and often take her out to buy good food or buy some toys for her.

The most memorable thing in Dalian is the earthquake of May 12, 2008. I remember the morning after the earthquake, I just heard about the earthquake in the news, and I didn't expect it to be such a tragic earthquake. In the morning, Angkor and I went to eat buns, and at this time we were still in downtown Dalian and did not go to the freight yard in Dalian Bay. At the bun shop, two local men in Dalian were eating buns, eating buns, talking about the Wenchuan earthquake, and one of the men actually said jokingly: "More death", while the other man also laughed. This made me very angry, although I had no relatives in Wenchuan and no relatives were affected, but I was very intolerant of anyone saying such a thing when they would suffer for their compatriots in the motherland. I put down my chopsticks and was about to smash a bowl of piping hot white rice porridge on the man's head, but on second thought, I came with Angkor and couldn't cause him any trouble, so I chose to calm down.

Later, we went to Dalian Bay, rented a house here, and worked in the freight yard in the wharf of Monk Island every day, during which time we were affected by the Wenchuan earthquake, and sad emotions and panic about the earthquake shrouded the whole country. Later, my father passed through Dalian by boat from Shandong, and I took him to play with me for two days. How he went to Qingdao, Shandong, I don't want to talk about it here, I want to bury this matter deep in my heart, in fact, it is not worth saying more, it is nothing more than because of the dry girl! That nasty shameless "dry girl"!

In July, my brother also came back from Russia and came to Dalian to play with me for a few days, and before that, we had not seen each other for two and a half years. My brother suffered a lot abroad, and he was beaten and seriously injured. This reunion, I seem to have a feeling of the rest of my life.

My brother, who is much thinner than before, said he was drinking soup every day at construction sites abroad and had no vegetables at all. This made my nose very sore after listening, but I couldn't stop crying, we have to be strong, and there is still a long way to go. My brother played with me for 3 days, and I took him to Xinghai Square to play and also took a speedboat. One interesting thing during this period was that we took a speedboat, and while waiting to print the photos, the waiter was a kind-looking big sister, and she said with certainty that I was a brother, and I was working here to provide for my brother's schooling. It made me laugh and ashamed to hear it. In other words, my brother's schooling is really not something I gave up, and I only worked half a year earlier than my brother.

We also went to the beach to dig up small crabs to play, went to the sea barefoot to wash their feet, and went to Dalian Tiger Beach to play. My brother in Dalian these days, I am very happy, after all, from childhood to adulthood, although I have long been accustomed to the days when my brother is not around, but it is really happy to meet for so long.

On the day of the separation, I bought a sleeper ticket for my brother at dalian railway station, and took my brother to the Internet café to wait for the train. In the Internet café, my brother sat next to me playing Tetris, and I really didn't want my brother to go. They have been young for three years, and they have only 3 days together. At that moment I really hated that time was too fast, and no one could fight time. Happiness is always short-lived, and no one has it long enough, and so does reunions. The brothers have been together for 20 years, and when they grow up, they will have to go their separate ways and cannot live together. At that moment, how I longed for us to be in a city, even if it wasn't a company. My brother was going to go abroad when he got home, still on a construction site, and this time he changed his family, and it was said that he didn't have to drink soup. I looked sideways at my brother, who was playing very seriously and didn't realize I was watching him. My tears were already flowing, and the last time my brother was injured, he almost became a life and death. How I wish he could go smoothly, in peace, and not again in misfortune.

Although I was afraid of the moment of parting, it came on time. I took my brother to the platform, drove and watched the train drift away. I took a few quick steps forward, trying to catch up with the train, and then reason told me not to do this, it was not good, and finally I could only stay in place and watch the train leave, and finally disappeared into view. I folded my hands and silently prayed in my heart for my brother, for his peace abroad, and looked forward to our reunion again.

Three months passed quickly in Dalian, and I was also notified to go abroad, which was the last time I went abroad for Quanhai Wood, and after returning from abroad again, I left the company. This will be written later, and in the next chapter I will tell some of the wonderful experiences of my last time in the Far East.