
Liu Lixian visited Huang Mu'e, a model court member of the whole country

author:Morning Loudi

In order to effectively carry forward the spirit of heroic models, we have continuously enhanced the sense of professional identity, belonging and honor of the cadres and policemen in the hospital. On the afternoon of January 25, Liu Lixian, secretary of the party leading group and president of the Lengshuijiang Court, personally led members of the Political Department to visit and comfort Huang Mu'e, a retired model of the advanced and typical national court.

Liu Lixian visited Huang Mu'e, a model court member of the whole country

"Now I miss my former legal career and my colleagues who fought together!" In the sincere conversation, she recalled the past, pulled together the family, and the development of Syria, and paid great attention to the current development of the court.

Liu Lixian visited Huang Mu'e, a model court member of the whole country

When talking about the 5,000 yuan bonus she received after being awarded the title of national court model, "This is a collective honor after everyone's joint efforts, and this money should not be enjoyed by me alone." After receiving the bonus, she handed it in to the hospital's finance room as soon as possible, "Thinking back to that moment, I was in a very comfortable mood." Despite being nearly 80 years old, "Huang Lao" still showed a strong willingness to contribute to the cause of the court, "During the time when I retired at home, I always thought that if I could do a little more for the big guys and contribute a little." In fact, after retirement, she has not stopped, she has worked as a judge in the construction of the court, a mediator in the neighborhood committee, and a volunteer in the community.

Liu Lixian visited Huang Mu'e, a model court member of the whole country

(The picture shows Huang Mu'e (second from right in the first row) taking a group photo of herself at the Supreme People's Court after winning the award)

Liu Lixian and the cadres and policemen present were full of admiration and deep touch for the advanced deeds of "Huang Lao", and thanked "Huang Lao" for his contributions and care and support to the cause of the Lengshuijiang Court, and the whole court will treasure this immortal precious wealth and inherit this noble and precious spirit! We will dig deep into the advanced models around us who are hard, stand firm, and shout loudly, and begin to invite the advanced models represented by "Huang Lao" to enter the hospital to talk about their personal work experience of daring to break through and fight hard and work pragmatically and diligently, and set off an upsurge of learning from the whole court the spirit of selfless dedication in giving up her small self and taking the overall situation into consideration, the spirit of loving the post and dedicating herself to the people with impartiality and dedication to the people, and the revolutionary spirit of being willing to endure hardships and dare to fight hard, so that the advanced models and exemplary spirit will become the "wind vane" and "ballast stone" that will lead the Lengshuijiang court to go steady and far!

From the inside of the house to the door, "Huang Lao" still does not forget to encourage court cadres and policemen to love the judicial cause, have the courage to be positive, and open a new chapter in the trial and enforcement work of the Lengshuijiang Court with the spirit of having a light and a point of heat, and contribute to a new level!

【Source: Office】

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