
She was made empress, had 12 children in 15 years, became a monk at the age of 29, and at the age of 31, why did the emperor give death?

author:Joe Jiujiu

Yuan Hao asked: "Ask what the world's situation is, and the Zhi sect promises life and death." "The love of the world, with love as the most important, makes people forget life and death." The world often uses love as an excuse to be willing to die, and the truth and sincerity of this love can be learned by the heavens.

After China entered the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it was in a relatively chaotic state, with many forces dividing the Central Plains, and no one force could unify the world. While external strife is constant, there is also a struggle within the forces to gain power. The Southern and Northern Dynasties should be the most frequent period for Changing Emperors in China, and many emperors were pushed to the throne by their subordinates, who had no real power in their hands and could only act as puppets of their vassals. The protagonist of our story today is related to a puppet emperor of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

The puppet emperor, named Yuan Baoju (元宝炬), was the first king of Western Wei during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, and he was able to ascend to the throne mainly with the support of his powerful minister Yuwen Tai. Yuan Baoju had a wife named YiFushi, who married Yuan Baoju, who had not yet become emperor, at the age of 16, and gave birth to 12 children for Yuan Baoju in the next 15 years. Although Yi Fushi was deeply loved by Yuan Baoju, he was cruelly killed by him at the age of 31. So, what exactly did Ephrods go through? Why was she killed by the Yuan Bao Torch?

She was made empress, had 12 children in 15 years, became a monk at the age of 29, and at the age of 31, why did the emperor give death?

All this has to start with Yuan Baoju, who was originally a relative of the imperial family, because his father rebelled and became a sinner, and was imprisoned by Emperor Xuanwu. After the death of Emperor Xuanwu, Yuan Baoju was once again freed and restored to his royal status, and later, he married Yifu.

The Yifu clan was from a well-known family and had a very high status, and her father was a major courtier at that time, holding great power. At the age of 16, Ephesus had become a great beauty in the world, and many people asked for relatives to her family, and her father finally chose Yuan Baoju.

After marrying Yuan Baoju, Yi Fushi strictly adhered to the way of women, took care of Yuan Baoju's food and clothing, and got along with him harmoniously. In the face of Yi Fu's thoughtfulness and tenderness, Yuan Baoju doubled his love for her, as long as he could do it, he would satisfy Yi Fu's.

She was made empress, had 12 children in 15 years, became a monk at the age of 29, and at the age of 31, why did the emperor give death?

After 10 years of marriage, Yuan Baoju ascended to the throne and became the king of Western Wei. Although Yuan Baoju was superficially beautiful, he was only a puppet emperor, and the real ruler was Yuwen Tai, without Yuwen Tai's support, Yuan Bao Torch would never be able to ascend to the throne. After Yuan Baoju became a puppet emperor, Yi Fushi naturally became the empress of Western Wei.

After becoming emperor, Yuan Baoju had to do some things against him, such as abolishing the throne of Empress Yifu. The Western Wei Dynasty was not strong at that time, but was struggling to survive in the cracks between the various kingdoms. Western Wei had a neighbor named Rouran, who was a powerful country at that time and had a crush on Western Wei. In order to avoid a war between Rouran and Western Wei, Yuwen Tai asked Yuan Baoju to marry Princess Rouran, and Yuanbaoju was reluctant to do so, but the situation was pressing, and he had to accept this request.

She was made empress, had 12 children in 15 years, became a monk at the age of 29, and at the age of 31, why did the emperor give death?

After the two were married, Princess Rouran proposed to become an empress, and although Yuan Baoju had the heart to refuse, she was unable to refuse, so she had to agree to her. Yuan Baoju found Yi Fushi and had a conversation with her, explaining that it was very powerful, hoping that she would understand herself. After hearing this, Yi Fushi could not help but feel sad in his heart, but he still chose to agree, and then Yi Fushi was deposed, and Princess Ruoran ascended to the throne of empress.

Without the title of empress, Ephesus had to move to another palace, and because Princess Rouran liked to be jealous, she also cut off a hair and became a nun. However, Princess Rouran refused to give up easily and demanded that Yuan Baoju expel YiFushi from the capital. Forced to do so, Yuan Baoju had to let Yi Fushi and his son go to Taizhou together.

She was made empress, had 12 children in 15 years, became a monk at the age of 29, and at the age of 31, why did the emperor give death?

In the face of all this, Ephraim has no resentment, only understanding, and she knows that what her husband does is for the country. After Yi Fushi left, Yuan Baoju began to think about her continuously, remembering the happy times they had spent together before, so he secretly ordered someone to bring a letter to Yi Fushi, let her grow her hair, and said that he would find a way to take her back to the palace.

Who expected, Princess Rouran knew about this, and she couldn't help but feel resentment in her heart, and decided to make Yuan Baoju pay the price. Princess Rouran wrote a letter to her father, saying that she had suffered a lot and suffered a lot of grievances, hoping that he could get justice for himself. Shortly after writing this letter, Rouran's army began to assemble and launch an attack on Western Wei.

She was made empress, had 12 children in 15 years, became a monk at the age of 29, and at the age of 31, why did the emperor give death?

After hearing the news of Rouran's attack, the Manchu ministers were panicked and afraid that their lives would be in danger, so they suggested to Yuan Baoju that YiFushi be killed to dispel the anger of Princess Rouran. Under the trend of the times, Yuan Baoju had to accept the minister's suggestion and ordered that Yi Fushi be put to death.

After receiving the order to die, Yi Fushi calmly went to death, and she was still willing to understand Yuan Baoju, even at the cost of death. In this way, Yi Fushi died at the age of 31, and in the 15 years she spent with Yuan Baoju, she gave birth to 12 children, however, she was not blessed to enjoy the service of her children.

She was made empress, had 12 children in 15 years, became a monk at the age of 29, and at the age of 31, why did the emperor give death?

Throughout Yi Fu's life, when people feel sorry for her, they will also feel resentment towards Yuan Baoju. How many wives like Ephraim can there be in the world? Yuan Baoju did not know how to cherish, only thinking about power. In today's society, everyone is free to fall in love and decide who to choose. While looking for true love, people should understand that feelings cannot be disappointed.