
Zhu Jun's favored successor, but embarked on the road of drug addiction, 32 years old did not want to go to prison and fell to his death

author:Grapes entertaining

Zhu Jun optimistic successor, but embarked on the road of drug addiction, 32 years old do not want to go to prison and fell to his death, Zhu Jun teacher is a host that everyone is very familiar with, before was a brother of CCTV, hosted the Spring Festival Gala for many years, in the hands of teacher Zhao Zhongxiang, took over the position of a brother of CCTV, partner Dong Qing hosted for many years, fame has long been a household name, as Zhu Jun is getting older, he should also consider having a personal succession, at that time he was very optimistic about a person called Bian Ce,

Zhu Jun's favored successor, but embarked on the road of drug addiction, 32 years old did not want to go to prison and fell to his death

He is a professional learning broadcast host, participated in a lot of host competitions, before in the local station, and then entered the CCTV stage, did a lot of programs, and the results have been very good, but also got the recognition of the predecessor Zhou Tao, together with the partner to host a lot of programs, Zhu Jun felt that he can be promoted to his position, has been praising him, but did not expect that bian ce did not grasp himself, and finally embarked on the road of drug addiction,

Zhu Jun's favored successor, but embarked on the road of drug addiction, 32 years old did not want to go to prison and fell to his death

At first, after no one was reported, the police went directly to their home to arrest him, but he was even a host, a public figure, felt too humiliated after being arrested, and did not face so many viewers who liked him, he did not want to go to jail, and finally he jumped from the 27th floor, and finally died on the spot, at the age of 32.

Zhu Jun's favored successor, but embarked on the road of drug addiction, 32 years old did not want to go to prison and fell to his death

It's really a pity, there are such great achievements at a young age, there is such a brilliant career, but to embark on this road, this is really a road of no return, and finally buried his life, it is really not worth it, so the side strategy is also a negative teaching material, I hope everyone takes it as a warning.

Zhu Jun's favored successor, but embarked on the road of drug addiction, 32 years old did not want to go to prison and fell to his death