
astonished! British media: Johnson may become the first incumbent prime minister to be investigated by the police as a suspect

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: World Wide Web

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's "party door" scandal intensified. According to reports, the London police in the United Kingdom said on the 25th that they have launched an investigation into the "series of activities that may have occurred in the Prime Minister's Office in violation of the provisions of the new crown epidemic" in the past two years.

For Johnson's investigation by the police, the British media have released a shocking record, that is, "Johnson may become the first British incumbent prime minister to be questioned by the police as a suspect". The BBC mentioned that this is also the second incumbent British prime minister in a century to "participate in a police investigation", as early as 2006, then British Prime Minister Blair also cooperated with the police investigation, but at that time his identity was as a "witness", not a "suspect".

Hugh Gray, a senior civil servant in the British Cabinet Office, is presiding over an investigation into the alleged irregularities. According to the British "Independent", the final survey results were announced as early as the 26th local time.

astonished! British media: Johnson may become the first incumbent prime minister to be investigated by the police as a suspect

(Screenshot of the Washington Post report)

In this context, the US "Washington Post" published an article on the 25th, black humor, saying that "the following may also be a list they (referring to the British police and Gray) are looking at", listing british Prime Minister Johnson and his government personnel in the past two years to participate in various types of "lockdown parties", this number of as many as 15.

(1) "Garden Cheese & Wine Party"

astonished! British media: Johnson may become the first incumbent prime minister to be investigated by the police as a suspect

(Scene of the "Cheese and Wine Party")

The photo of the "Cheese and Wine Party" held in Downing Street Gardens on May 15, 2020 was recently exposed by the British "Guardian". At that time, the British regulations prohibited gatherings of more than two people in outdoor public places. British Prime Minister Johnson, his wife, 17 staff members and a lot of wine can be seen in the photo. In response to this, 10 Downing Street, the staff was discussing the work.

(2) "Bring Your Own Drink Party"

The Washington Post reported that Johnson's chief private secretary, Martin Reynolds, had emailed dozens of government employees encouraging them to "bring their own drinks" at the May 20, 2020 party — when British rules prohibited people from meeting with people outside their families. After the incident came to light, Johnson admitted to attending a "25-minute" outdoor party.

(3) "Johnson Birthday Party"

astonished! British media: Johnson may become the first incumbent prime minister to be investigated by the police as a suspect


On June 19, 2020, Johnson's wife, Kelly, helped organize a surprise party to celebrate Johnson's birthday, which was attended by about 30 people on the day, according to the British Independent Television Station (ITV). The guests sang "Happy Birthday" and presented Johnson with a cake. That same night, family and friends who came to attend gathered at Johnson's mansion.

(4) "11 Downing Street Party"

astonished! British media: Johnson may become the first incumbent prime minister to be investigated by the police as a suspect

(11 Downing Street Tower Apartment)

On November 13, 2020, the same day that Johnson's former chief adviser Dominic Cummings was "kicked out" of Downing Street, it was reported that the Johnsons had a party in their apartment upstairs at 11 Downing Street. According to Cummings, London was under a three-level lockdown at the time, prohibiting non-family members from gathering indoors.

(5) "Improv Party"

On 25 November 2020, British government officials "improvised" drinks to celebrate the expenditure review report of Uk Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak. A Treasury spokesman later said only a "small" number of employees celebrated in the office. According to the report, due to the British epidemic prevention regulations, London's bars were closed at that time.

(6) "Farewell Party"

On November 27, 2020, Johnson gave a temporary farewell ceremony and a speech for assistant Cleo Watson, when he said the event room was "very crowded.", according to the British newspaper The Guardian.

(7) "Ministry of Education Party"

The Uk's Department of Education acknowledged that there was a Christmas party on December 10, 2020, and that people from the department gathered in the building after work – but the UK banned indoor gatherings for non-family members at the time.

(8) "Friday Drinking Party"

astonished! British media: Johnson may become the first incumbent prime minister to be investigated by the police as a suspect

(Photos show a refrigerator capable of holding alcohol being sent into Downing Street.)

According to the British "Mirror" report, during the entire epidemic prevention and control period, downing street staff often held a "Friday drinking party", and some people took turns pushing carts to the supermarket to stock up. A photo released by The Mirror shows that on December 11, 2020, a refrigerator filled with 34 bottles of alcohol was sent in through the back door of the Downing Street building.

(9) "Christmas Party"

Downing Street staff reportedly attended a party at the headquarters of the British Conservative Party on December 14, 2020. Although London was under a secondary lockdown at the time, the party continued until the early hours of the next morning.

(10) "Christmas Quiz Party"

astonished! British media: Johnson may become the first incumbent prime minister to be investigated by the police as a suspect

(Johnson participated in the "Christmas Q&A" event live picture)

On December 15, 2020, Downing Street held a "Christmas Q&A" event for employees. Images published by The Mirror show Johnson asking questions online at office 10 Downing Street, while assistants wearing Christmas hats to assist. At that time, the British ruled that non-family members were prohibited from gathering indoors.

(11) "Ministry of Transportation Party"

On 16 December 2020, it was reported that London was on "very high alert" and had a third-level lockdown restriction, while Transport Department personnel were drinking and dancing after work. Afterwards, the department apologized for this "inappropriate" behavior and the "error of judgment" of its staff.

(12) "Cabinet Party"

On 17 December 2020, england was in lockdown at the time, and staff of the Uk Government Cabinet Office were suspected of violating prevention and control regulations to hold a farewell event for Kate Josephs, a former senior employee of the UK Government's Outbreak Response Team.

(13) "Downing Street Christmas Party"

On December 18, 2020, Downing Street workers exchanged gifts, drank alcohol and ate cheese at an event that violated regulations, which was later joked about by Aligra Stratton, then the Prime Minister's press secretary. Stratton tearfully resigned in December 2021.

(14) "Farewell Party" 2.0

Before Christmas 2020, Johnson attended a farewell party for former defense adviser Steve Hayham and gave a speech, according to the British "Mirror". Johnson "stayed there for a few minutes, thanks to his contribution," the report said. The Uk's Ministry of Defence declined to comment.

(15) "Party during National Mourning"

astonished! British media: Johnson may become the first incumbent prime minister to be investigated by the police as a suspect

(British Prime Minister Johnson and Queen Elizabeth II Infographic)

During April 2021, the staff of the Prime Minister's Office held two parties to bid farewell to the departing employees, with a total of about 30 people participating. According to the report, at that time, the United Kingdom was in the midst of a national mourning for the death of Prince Philip, and for epidemic prevention needs, non-family members were prohibited from gathering indoors. According to the BBC, on 14 January 2022, the Prime Minister's Office in Downing Street, England, apologized to Buckingham Palace for alleged staff holding a party on the eve of Prince Philip's funeral. (Suo Yanqi)

(Source: World Wide Web)