
#怎么用藏头诗写 "I like you" #我欲琼楼玉宇, thousands of miles away from you. Some sorrows and sorrows, not seeing the sun, moon and stars. Happy and sad parting, want to walk the breeze and mountains. You tread all over

author:Erudite Whale 0I

#怎么用藏头诗写 "I like you" #我欲琼楼玉宇, thousands of miles away from you.

Some sorrows and sorrows, not seeing the sun, moon and stars.

Happy and sad parting, want to walk the breeze and mountains.

You walked the rest of your life and continued to play that guzheng.

Soong Mei Ling said that she liked French plane trees, and Chiang Kai-shek planted the entire city of Nanjing with French plane trees. Green water is worry-free because of the wind wrinkles, Aoyama Hara is not old for snow white head.

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