
#Status of the Russian-Ukrainian border ##Russian-Ukrainian conflict##Ukraine#I am Martha, I relay a news review of Ukraine in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. President Erdog of Turkey

author:Martha CN

#Status of the Russian-Ukrainian border ##Russian-Ukrainian conflict##Ukraine#I am Martha, I relay a news review of Ukraine in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

Turkey's president, Erdogan, has acted as a mediator in the recent situations in Ukraine and Russia. He suggested that Zelenskiy and Putin could meet in Turkey. His exact words were" "I repeat, we are prepared to provide the best support for this." I have conveyed these signals to President Putin and President Zelenskiy and will continue to do so ... For example, if two leaders meet on mainland china — if they so wish — it could help restore a climate of peace. ”

He also expressed the hope that Russia would not resort to the use of force to attack Ukraine. His exact words were: "This is not reasonable for Russia and for our entire region ... We want peace in our region, we want stability. Our region has suffered enough instability that has had a very negative impact on us. ”

#Status of the Russian-Ukrainian border ##Russian-Ukrainian conflict##Ukraine#I am Martha, I relay a news review of Ukraine in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. President Erdog of Turkey
#Status of the Russian-Ukrainian border ##Russian-Ukrainian conflict##Ukraine#I am Martha, I relay a news review of Ukraine in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. President Erdog of Turkey
#Status of the Russian-Ukrainian border ##Russian-Ukrainian conflict##Ukraine#I am Martha, I relay a news review of Ukraine in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. President Erdog of Turkey