
Pingluo County: Greeting the New Year with one heart to the party

author:Pingluo County Rong Media Center

On January 26th, Pingluo County Tourism Association held a cultural gift activity of "Keeping the Initial Heart, Starting well and opening a good bureau", and expressed New Year greetings and holiday wishes to member units and inviting units and individuals.

Pingluo County: Greeting the New Year with one heart to the party
Pingluo County: Greeting the New Year with one heart to the party

On the same day, at the entrance of the Pingluo County Global Tourism Service Center, the Pingluo County Tourism Association organized various activities. Under the leadership of the staff, the atmosphere was warm, and everyone jointly did healthy finger exercises, national vitality health exercises, and collective signature activities.

Subsequently, everyone observed the Pingluo County New Era Civilization Practice Center, the Pingluo County Global Tourism Service Center, and the Pingluo County Tourism Association Party Building Position, watched the calligraphy and painting masters write the Spring Festival, and learned about the fruitful results of the pingluo County Global Tourism Undertaking and the construction of the Pingluo County Tourism Association Party Building Position.

The whole event brought laughter and Chinese New Year greetings to the participants.

Source: Pingluo County Rong Media Center

Reporter: Chai Lu

Editor: Ma Shengwen

Editor-in-Charge: Wang Gang

News Hotline: 0952-6016570

Email: [email protected]