
Huang Juzheng, a calligrapher and painter who came out of Fengliang Ancient Village in Huazhou

The calligrapher and painter who came out of Fengliang Ancient Village - Huang Juzheng

Author Yao Shuohu

On the banks of the Wei River in the northern foothills of the Qinling Mountains, in the eastern part of the Guanzhong Plain with fertile land and beautiful scenery, Fengliang Ancient Village, Liuzhi Town, which has the cultural heritage of Yangshao, has stepped out of a well-known calligrapher and painter at home and abroad - Mr. Huang Juzheng.

Huang Juzheng, a calligrapher and painter who came out of Fengliang Ancient Village in Huazhou

In 1987, she exchanged views with the calligrapher keiko Sakurai in Japan

Huang Lao was born in 1932 in an ordinary peasant family in Guzhai and was a national first-class artist. In 1955, he graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Northwest Academy of Arts (now Xi'an Meishu College). Former executive vice president of Zhengzhou Academy of Painting, member of the Eighth Zhengzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, honorary dean of the Institute of Calligraphy and Painting of Zhengzhou University, member of the Expert Art Committee of Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture.

He was gifted and intelligent from an early age and loved to draw. The fact that he once exchanged a bucket of wheat for calligraphy for one of Yu You's calligraphy posters was rumored to be a good story in the local area. After graduating in 1955, he was assigned to Zhengzhou and has been engaged in calligraphy and painting creation and research. He is good at the creation of calligraphy and opera characters, and devotes himself to the creation and exploration of calligraphy and painting and image calligraphy. His calligraphic work Mao Zedong's poem "Seven Laws. "The Long March" and other works were selected into the large-scale collection of calligraphy and paintings in Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall, "Dongfang Hong" and "Selected Ancient and Modern Chinese Calligraphy". CCTV International Channel, Henan Television, Zhengzhou Television and other media have filmed more than ten of their art feature films. American Overseas Chinese Daily, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, Hong Kong Contemporary Art Daily, Henan Daily, Zhengzhou Daily and other newspapers and periodicals have published his works and special articles many times. Tianjin Meishu Publishing House, Henan Fine Arts Publishing House, Henan Farmers Publishing House, etc. have successively published "Selected Works of Huang Juzheng", four screens of Plum, Lan, Bamboo and Ju and couplet works.

Huang Juzheng, a calligrapher and painter who came out of Fengliang Ancient Village in Huazhou

A collection certificate issued by the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall Administration

In particular, in 2020, Huang Lao, despite his advanced age, donated more than 30 poems by Saint Du Fu during his time as an official in Huazhou, and donated them to his hometown, huazhou District Archives, free of charge for collection and exhibition. Praised as a good book, a good character. Together with Wu Dongliang, Zhou Jiren and Mao Bingqian, he is known as the four friends of Zhengzhou scholars. Huang Lao and his works have also been included in the Local History of Huazhou.

In 1998, Huang Lao was diagnosed with stomach cancer, underwent two major surgeries in less than half a year, and the stomach was removed two-thirds. But he was optimistic and open-minded in the face of the disease, and calmly handled it. The night before the second operation, he also splashed ink and wrote down "mountains and rivers are doubtful and there is no way, willows are dark and flowers are bright and another village", "sincerity is there, gold and stone are open" to express his determination to fight against the disease. Soon after he was discharged from the hospital, he devoted himself to the creation of calligraphy and painting.

Huang Juzheng, a calligrapher and painter who came out of Fengliang Ancient Village in Huazhou

Masashi Koi Works

Fengliang Ancient Village - This is a magical and ancient hot land, with a long history and outstanding people. The old artist's love for his hometown and his feelings for his homeland are admirable. In 2016, he gave gifts, gloves, washbasins and other items to all cleaners in Willow Branch Town. In his later years, every time he returned to his hometown, he would invite the villagers of Fengliang Ancient Village, especially the old people, to the street canteen to eat a rich feast to express his attachment to his hometown and the friendship of the villagers.

Huang Lao's life was simple, indifferent to fame and fortune, friendly and kind to people, unremitting in pen cultivation, and both moral and artistic. The landscape and countryside of his hometown have nourished his benevolence since childhood, given him the enlightenment of life, and enriched the glory of his life. It has also been widely praised by the whole society. He was the leader among the Xinxin students who came out of Fengliang Ancient Village. It is also the pride and glory in the hearts of the villagers of Fengliang Ancient Village!

We must carry forward his character and promote his spirit.

May our Fengliang Ancient Village be a spiritual master, live up to the times, live up to Shaohua, and emerge more talents.

Source: Author's contribution

Original author: Yao Shuohu

Compilation and editing: Huazhou Literature and History Collection