
Daily movie recommendations

author:Birds that yearn for freedom

【Jailbreak: The Last Jailbreak】

Prison Break: The Final Break: A special episode of the American drama Prison Break.

"The Last Leap" tells the story of what happened between the four years that people ignored in the final finale of the "Prison Break" show.

The plot begins with Mike and Sarah's wedding, and when everyone is having fun, the police suddenly arrive and arrest Sarah, who is pregnant, on charges of murder. It turns out that everything is all planned by the members of the "company" who want to get revenge on Mike, and what is even more terrible is that Sarah is abused in the women's prison, and some people pay a high price to kill her, making her the target of various prison guards and prisoners! For the sake of his beloved and unborn child, Michael decides to join forces with his brother Lincoln to repeat the same trick, using his sharpness and superb skills to help Sarah escape from prison. This time, they had to take the risk one last time...

You know we spend too much time in our lives without saying a few heartfelt words. Our heartfelt words, which we express in code words, conveyed in paper flowers. Now, plainly and simply, I want to say, I love you guys, I love you very much. I want you to promise, to tell my child how much I love him and to remind them how lucky they are to be free, because we are finally free now. We are finally free.

Daily movie recommendations
Daily movie recommendations
Daily movie recommendations
Daily movie recommendations
Daily movie recommendations
Daily movie recommendations
Daily movie recommendations