
"Wu has Huangpu, Wen has Rieter" Longchang Lida Academy's 90-year ups and downs

author:PippiChuan SCOL

2016-05-16 09:51:40

"Wu has Huangpu, Wen has Rieter" Longchang Lida Academy's 90-year ups and downs

The former site of Longchang Lida Gakuen

"Wu has Huangpu, Wen has Rieter" Longchang Lida Academy's 90-year ups and downs


"Wu has Huangpu, Wen has Rieter" Longchang Lida Academy's 90-year ups and downs

Ran Tinghao was in the ruins of the school

"Wu has Huangpu, Wen has Rieter" Longchang Lida Academy's 90-year ups and downs

Rieter Gakuen used to be a playground

"Wu has Huangpu, Wen has Rieter" Longchang Lida Academy's 90-year ups and downs

The school wall

"Wu has Huangpu, Wen has Rieter" Longchang Lida Academy's 90-year ups and downs

Wind and fire wall

"Wu has Huangpu, Wen has Rieter" Longchang Lida Academy's 90-year ups and downs

Gakuen roof

In the village of Guhu Street, 4 kilometers away from longchang county seat, there is an old-fashioned string house. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Shanghai Lida Academy moved here for 6 years.

Rieter Academy is an art school in the Republic of China period, founded in 1925 by Kuang Husheng, Tao Zailiang, Xia Junzun, Feng Zikai and others in Shanghai, when it had the reputation of "Wu has Huangpu, Wen has Rieter".

In Longchang for 6 years, more than 1,000 people in junior high school (including agricultural and obstetrics) have studied here. Tao Zailiang wrote in his Autobiography: "I regarded Rieter Academy as the cross of Jesus, from Jiangwan to Shanghai Public Concession, from 'Shanghai Island' to Longchang, Sichuan, and then from Longchang to Songjiang. ”

Not many people in Longchang know about the history of Rieter Academy running schools in Longchang. Recently, Yang Yucai, Lan Tinghao, and Li Maojiang of the Longchang County Poetry Association told reporters about this period of history.

During the war, Rieter Gakuen moved south to Longchang

One of the main founders of Shanghai Rieter Academy is Kuang Husheng. During the "May Fourth" Movement, the "burning of Zhao Jia Lou" was a famous event in the whole country, which burned down Zhao Jia Lou at the same time, but also opened the prelude to China's new democratic revolution, and the male protagonist was Kuang Husheng.

As an aspiring young man, Kuang Husheng hopes to save the country through education. In the spring of 1925, he and Xia Junzun, Feng Zikai, Tao Zailiang and other like-minded people founded Rieter Middle School on Laojianzi Road in Hongkou, Shanghai, and in the autumn of the same year, he rented land in Jiangwan to build a house and renamed it Rieter Academy.

The school takes the classic phrase in the Analects of the Analects as the name of the school and the purpose of running the school, "I want to stand up for myself, and I want to reach the people". Usually, the establishment of a school is first there is a school building and then there are students, Yang Yucai, a member of the Longchang County Poetry association association, found that when collecting the information of Rieter Academy, the establishment of the school was just the opposite. It is gratifying that with the strong support of Sun Yat-sen, Soong Ching Ling, Shao Lizi and others, Shanghai Rieter Academy was successfully established in 1925.

At the beginning, everyone reached an agreement on running the school. Compared with traditional schools, Kuang Husheng, Tao Zailiang and others hope to create a comprehensive school, involving agronomy, art, music and other disciplines. For a time, many cultural celebrities came to the school to teach and give speeches without pay or only half a salary, and the style of the school was positive and upward, and sometimes there was a reputation of "Wu has Huangpu, Wen has Rieter".

In 1932 and 1937, the "1.28" incident and the "8.13" incident occurred in Shanghai, and the Shanghai Rieter Academy was in the whirlpool of war, and the school building became a ruin. In order to preserve the fire of education, Tao Zailiang and others finally found a suitable place for running a school in the southern suburbs of Longchang, Sichuan Province, after many inquiries.

"The Yujia compound in Hujiaba is a big house of the Triple Hall, and the owner, Yu Ziming, is a cultural man who knows Lida Academy very well, and naturally agreed to rent the house to Tao Zailiang and others to run the school." Yang Yucai and others found through research that this large house is about 2,000 square meters and can accommodate hundreds of people.

In 1940, Shanghai Rieter Academy moved south to Longchang, Sichuan. Subsequently, an examination room was set up at Loufeng Middle School (now Longchang No. 2 Middle School), and Rieter Park began the process of running a school in Longchang.

A comprehensive school integrating agronomy and learning

Longchang Lida Academy is located in The Yujia Compound of Hujiaba (now Guhu Street Upstream Village Group 8), the school building is a traditional wooden string house, the carved beam painting building is very exquisite, the small patio has a unique style, the wind and fire wall is majestic, and the white walls have turned black and dirty.

According to Lan Tinghao, a member of the Longchang County Poetry association, after renting the Yujia compound in Hujiaba, Tao Zailiang hung up the school sign of "Shanghai Rieter Academy Middle School Longchang Branch" and actively organized schools so that the education of resisting Japan and saving the country could continue to be carried out in the rear area.

In February 1941, the school began to enroll students in the general high class. "The school first set up a senior high school department and an advanced agronomy and horticulture department, and enrolled students in the autumn class of Pugao." Lan Tinghao said that in the same year, the academy removed the name of longchang branch and renamed it "Longchang Rieda Academy." ”

Unlike other schools that purely impart knowledge, Longchang Rieter Gakuen Combines Agronomy and Learning. Yang Yucai, Lan Tinghao, Li Maojiang and others found through visits and multi-party verification that the school required students to bring their own hoes and often participate in agricultural production. In addition, it is necessary to raise chickens and rabbits, and participate in coal picking and other labor.

This kind of school philosophy is exactly in line with the original intention of Kuang Husheng, Tao Zailiang and others. In fact, as early as the early days of Shanghai Rieter Academy, the school has set up agronomy department and art specialization department to cultivate all-round development talents. In 1928, the academy encouraged students to open farms and let students engage in productive labor such as chicken beekeeping and gardening. In August of the same year, with the permission of the Ministry of Education, the school added a rural education department to train administrative personnel at the county, district and township levels.

Inheriting the concept of running a school in Shanghai, Rieter Academy still integrates agronomy and learning after moving to Longchang. There is a soy sauce factory in the Gakuen Agricultural Science Office, and the soy sauce made is much better than the local taste of Longchang, and the students design their own trademarks and sell them themselves, which is very popular. In 1946, after Rieter Gakuen moved back to Shanghai, it transferred the technology of making soy sauce to Longchang and became the originator of the famous brand "Meimei Soy Sauce" in Sichuan.

The school has an advanced concept and implements co-educational schools

Rieter Academy's high school in Longchang has caused quite a stir. Before this, Longchang's school had never run a high school, and students could only go to the nearest Zizhong and Chengdu to go to high school, coupled with the inconvenience of transportation at that time, even if it seemed very close now, it was already a long way at that time.

There is no doubt that the establishment of a high school in Longchang by Rieter Academy is a help to longchang education and has been affirmed by the people of Longchang. However, the coeducation of the school is undoubtedly in conflict with the local concept of education. In an era when men and women are not intimate, coeducational schools are incredible. Now it seems that the advanced nature of Rieter Academy's educational philosophy still has a certain exemplary role.

In addition, the school's school running ideas are novel, attaching importance to students' moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education, and advocating students' all-round development. Students often participate in various activities such as current affairs speeches, drama performances, basketball, swimming and so on. Li Maojiang and others testified that the senior students at that time also learned to shoot archery on horseback to prepare for battle.

Liu Zongmin, 92, whose family lives near Rieter Academy, remembers that Rieter Academy students uniformly wear yellow "boy scout uniforms" and are very obedient. "They often go into the city for meetings, the number is not very large, and they are finished with a field." At that time, two female students felt that the school dormitory was too noisy and rented liu Zongmin's home.

The elderly Liu Zongmin does not remember very well about the process of Rieter Academy running a school near her home, but she was impressed by the scenes of students swimming in the river and playing basketball. "There is a river outside the school, the river is clear enough to see the fish under the water, in the summer, the students swim in the river, and play relay races, very lively." Liu Zongmin said that male students like to play basketball at the head of the dam, and some villagers who pass by often stop to watch them play.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Feng Yuxiang came to the school to give a speech

Located in Hujiaba, four kilometers outside the city of Longchang County, Rieter Academy is strategically located, even during the bombing of Longchang by enemy aircraft.

On August 2, 1940, Japanese aircraft bombed Longchang for about ten minutes, and smoke billowed over the county seat and dust flew up. "At that time, as soon as the sound of the alarm was heard, people in the county town all took shelter in the direction of Hujiaba." Liu Zongmin remembers that the weather was very hot at that time, and all the way were people from the county seat.

"During the longchang school, General Feng Yuxiang came to the school to give a speech." Yang Yucai told reporters that in the summer of 1944, General Feng Yuxiang traveled from Chongqing to Chengdu via Longchang, propagating anti-Japanese donations along the way. Upon learning of this news, the teachers and students of Rieter Academy also suspended classes for several days, organized a propaganda team to publicize everywhere, and assisted General Feng Yuxiang in collecting donations.

"At that time, every teacher and student in the school donated money, and some teachers also donated more than half a month's salary." Lan Tinghao added that according to the records of Rieter Academy, the total amount of donations from teachers and students in the school is about 500,000 yuan, showing high patriotic and anti-Japanese enthusiasm. Seeing that everyone actively donated money, General Feng Yuxiang expressed his gratitude and hand-wrote "Return my rivers and mountains" in four big characters to return to Rieter Academy.

In that special era, in addition to studying, the students of Rieter Academy often organized propaganda teams to go into the county town to do anti-Japanese propaganda. At night, carrying kerosene lamps, they walked a four-kilometer path to the county seat, some singing anti-Japanese songs, some performing anti-Japanese dramas, and the surrounding masses came to watch.

In 6 years, more than 1,000 people have been trained

In Shanghai, Rieter Academy is a place where cultural celebrities gather. Lu Xun, Ba Jin, Xu Beihong, Ma Sicong, Lin Yutang, Mao Dun, Xia Yan and other famous people all taught or did management work at this school. After the school moved to Longchang, it still received attention from celebrities, such as Feng Zikai. In June 1945, Feng Zikai, as the trustee of Rieter Academy, went to Longchang, Sichuan Province, to participate in the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Rieter Academy, and also held a painting exhibition to raise funds for Rieter Academy.

In August 1945, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the schools that had been relocated from abroad were busy moving back to their original locations, and the teachers of Rieter Academy also demanded the "resumption of Shanghai". In 1946, Longchang Lida Academy ended its coursework, and under the consultation of many parties, the school decided to return to Shanghai to resume school, and the remaining books were all moved back in 1949. The students who did not graduate were accepted by Loufeng Middle School, and the school property was also donated to Loufeng Middle School, leaving a good story of friendly cooperation.

The school implements part-time work and half-study, and tuition fees are waived for some poor students. According to Yang Yucai and others, Rieter Academy has enrolled 6 classes in high school, 9 classes in junior high school, and 2 classes in agricultural science in the 6 years of running schools in Longchang, and has a total of more than 1,000 students studying here. According to the history of the school, many of the students who graduated from the school became elites from all walks of life. Longchang County's famous teachers Zhao Ruolun, Cheng Xiuqing and Li Youwu all graduated from the school.

"In 1995, when Rieter Middle School celebrated its 70th anniversary, it invited Rieter alumni from Longchang to participate in the celebration activities." Li Maojiang introduced, which can show that Shanghai Lida Academy has not forgotten the history of moving inland to Longchang.

It can be said that without Kuang Husheng, there would be no Rieter's founding, and without Tao Zailiang, there would be no Rieter's later inheritance. Tao Zailiang wrote in his Autobiography: "I regarded Rieter Academy as the cross of Jesus, from Jiangwan to Shanghai Public Concession, from 'Shanghai Island' to Longchang, Sichuan, and then from Longchang to Songjiang. ”

Even in the war-torn era, the enthusiasm of the older generation of educators for teaching and educating people has not changed at all. Today, the large houses that were once the site of Rieter Gakuen are in dilapidated condition, and the new houses are particularly eye-catching next to the old houses, but through the old buildings, the past is still faintly visible.