
This is probably Chinese's favorite six Kanji characters

author:Funan release
This is probably Chinese's favorite six Kanji characters

The New Year is getting closer and closer, and recently in your life, there must be some high-frequency words: Fu, Shun, An, Kang... They may appear in the Spring Festival you bought, may come from the greetings and blessings given to you by friends and family, and may constantly overflow from the news broadcasts that are getting stronger and stronger...

These beautiful words reflect the most pious yearning of Chinese.

This is probably Chinese's favorite six Kanji characters

good fortune

The character for "Fu" is probably the most auspicious, popular, and beloved Chinese character. The explanation of the "Commentary" on blessing is "blessing, you also", that is, the meaning of blessing and blessing.

The word "fu" in the oracle bone is the appearance of holding a wine jar in both hands and praying to the gods in front of the altar ("show"). Therefore, those beautiful wishes, events, and objects can be summed up in terms of "blessings": there are good food called "mouth blessings", seeing good looks is called "feasting eyes", good wishes are called "blessings", encountering good things is called "blessings", and so on.

There are also many people who interpret the word "fu" as follows: the "礻" on the left resembles "clothes", and the right side is "Ichiguchi Field". To have clothes to wear and to eat is a "blessing."

Perhaps, this explanation contains Chinese unique wisdom of life: learning to be content makes it easy to attain happiness.

Good luck

Pepsi is full of joy and blessings.

This is probably Chinese's favorite six Kanji characters


How much do Chinese like the word "and"?

Just look at the concepts that everyone advocates: valuing harmony, making money out of harmony, coexisting peacefully, harmony and difference...

Just look at the scenery that everyone loves: wind and sun warmth, spring and jingming, japanese wind and drizzle, favorable wind and smooth...

Just look at the attitudes of people in the world: pleasant, amiable, calm, handshake and harmonious...

The original meaning of "he" is a sheng musical instrument, which is extended to harmony and harmony. The Sayings say, "And, correspondingly." It can be said that a "and" word has become part of the background of Chinese's personality, what we advocate is the resonance of harmony and integration, and what we pursue is harmonious interpersonal relations, a beautiful family atmosphere, and a harmonious social environment.

Harmony is spring, and the new year is better than the old year.

This is probably Chinese's favorite six Kanji characters


Among the various wishes of Chinese, "Shun" is almost an existence that cannot be bypassed: I hope that the journey will be smooth, I hope that the weather will be smooth and rainy, I hope that my career will rise smoothly, I hope that good things will be natural, I hope that everything in life will go smoothly...

But "shun" is not only a good wish, it is also an important concept and attitude towards life.

The ancients said, "Gentlemen take Shunde", which means that people must constantly cultivate their own morality in order to become noble people. This is talking about the cultivation of human beings.

The ancients also said that "if the name is not right, then the words are not smooth, and if the words are not smooth, then things will not be accomplished", which means that if the name is not right, the reason will not make sense, the reason will not be understood, and things will not be done. This is the principle of doing things.

Over time, Chinese seems to have his own set of methodologies on "shun": facing age, shunting heaven and knowing destiny; facing nature, conforming to the four times; facing the past, the heart flows with the past.

Who's to say it's not a kind of wisdom?

Years are rejoicing, and everything is smooth.

This is probably Chinese's favorite six Kanji characters


A "An" character reflects the simplest wish of Chinese:

Peace is probably the simplest and most universal wish and blessing of Chinese: when parents are getting older, they know that "in addition to peace, everything else is icing on the cake"; after experiencing ups and downs and pains, they know how precious "the years are quiet, peaceful and joyful".

A "An" word reflects Chinese attachment to home:

Judging from the oracle glyph of "An", outside it is a house, and in the room sits a young girl, and when the door is closed, it is really safe and comfortable, just like home. Speaking of home, we will also say "living and working in peace", how happy it is to live in peace and work happily; we will also say "relocate in a safe land", living in a place is used to it, it is not willing to easily relocate, and the homeland is so nostalgic.

A "An" character reflects the clear state of mind of Chinese:

Chinese has never neglected the pursuit of the spiritual realm, in addition to physical security, but also peace of mind. "The way of peace and happiness" means that as long as a person is happy with his own faith, he can be satisfied with a poor life; "peace with the encounter" roughly means that he belongs to the tenacity of Chinese, no matter what environment he is in, he can adapt to it and be at ease.

A long life, years without disturbance.

This is probably Chinese's favorite six Kanji characters


In the Sayings, it is said: "Wealth is also treasured by man." "Wealth is what people think of as treasures. This explanation is very straightforward about everyone's attitude towards money. Money is naturally precious," the world panicked, but the figure broke a few pieces of silver. This piece of silver can solve all kinds of panic in the world. To ensure the health of the old man in his old age, the young man entered the school, you and I chai rice oil salt grain. "All kinds of living need to spend money, more money, material life can naturally be better."

Therefore, blessings such as "Wishing you prosperity", "wide source of wealth", and "prosperity and prosperity" are always welcome.

But for Chinese, the standard of wealth is sometimes quite simple, just like the word "rich", "宀" represents the family, there is a "one-mouth field" in the family, there is a tile on it to protect the wind and rain, there is an inch of land to support the family, and the family can live a rich life together. Whether it is "small wealth is peace" or "contented people are rich", it seems to reflect this.

Moreover, Chinese has always had its own set of principles and bottom lines for "wealth": a gentleman loves wealth and has a way, and ill-gotten wealth is absolutely not desirable. In the face of people in need of help, there are more often such good deeds as "fighting righteousness and neglecting wealth".

Wealth is the bottom line above the bottom line.

There is more silver and wealth in hand, and the square inches will never be chaotic.

This is probably Chinese's favorite six Kanji characters


The word "Kang" has many beautiful meanings: the body is healthy, the leisure is called happiness, the peace and nothing is called well-being, the hand with surplus wealth is called fukang, and the body is strong and idle is called Kangtai...

In modern society, the pace is fast and stressful, while working hard, don't forget to guard your health - not only the strength of the body, but also the well-being of the mood.

Spring and summer are bright, autumn and winter are bright.

Source: CCTV News

This is probably Chinese's favorite six Kanji characters
This is probably Chinese's favorite six Kanji characters