
How to use car heating? Here's the right way

Winter is coming,

Do you know how to use heating correctly?

Let's take a look

1. Vehicle heating system adjustment

When turning on the heating, it is necessary to adjust the temperature control switch to the heating mode of the red area, and turn off the A/C switch at the same time to stop the refrigeration compression pump, otherwise it will weaken the heating effect and increase fuel consumption. If the front flap defogg switch is turned on, the A/C switch should be turned off after the defogging is complete to ensure that the heating system is working properly.

2. The relationship between heating use and fuel consumption

Car heating is heated by using the waste heat of engine coolant, so turning on heating while the vehicle is running will not increase the load and fuel consumption of the engine. However, if you start driving when the engine is cooling, and do not turn off the A/C switch, because the coolant has not yet heated up at this time, the fuel consumption will increase, and the cold air will be blown out. Remind everyone that when the cold car starts to drive, it is necessary to open the heating system after the water temperature gauge rises significantly.

3. Precautions

The car heating system must be operated in the working state of the engine, and there will be exhaust emissions when the engine is running, so the vehicle cannot use the heating in a small, confined space, otherwise it will cause vehicle exhaust poisoning and cause casualties in the car. In addition, after the vehicle uses heating for a long time, the external circulation should be opened regularly to ensure that the air in the car is fresh.

Source: Shanghai Jiading