
The "guardian" of the Spring Festival on the Weibei Plateau

author:China Youth Network

Beijing, January 27 (China Youth Network) -- January 25 is a small year in a traditional festival, and although the temperature on the Weibei Plateau after the snow is only minus 10 degrees, the cold wind blowing on the face is still the same as the knife cutting.

With the safe passage of the trains, the footsteps of the New Year are getting closer and closer. When the tourists are immersed in the joy of going home for the New Year, there is such a group of young people, standing on to their jobs in the face of the cold, practicing their mission with actions, and guarding the journey home of the majority of passengers. They are the members of the youth commando team in the Pucheng East Bridge Tunnel Inspection and Monitoring Work Area of the Yan'an Engineering Section of the Xi'an Bureau Group Corporation of China Railway, and their task during the Spring Festival is to strengthen equipment inspection and ensure traffic safety.

The "guardian" of the Spring Festival on the Weibei Plateau

Employees of this section pass through the embankment inspection road. Photo by correspondent Li Xiaolong

At 8:00 a.m., all the commando members arrived on time, and the foreman Yuan Pengxin took everyone to set off after the pre-shift division of labor and safety education.

The Pucheng East Bridge and Tunnel Inspection Zone undertakes the daily inspection tasks of 377 kilometers of railway bridges, tunnels, culverts and mountain masses such as Baoxi, Ganzhong Line and Taixi Line. Since the Baoxi Railway under the jurisdiction of the industrial zone is an important energy channel in the northwest region, the safety standards are very high.

The "guardian" of the Spring Festival on the Weibei Plateau

Foreman Yuan Pengxin and co-workers made shoulder difference measurements. Photo by correspondent Li Xiaolong

During the Spring Festival, the number of passenger trains was temporarily increased, and the daily operation tasks were also increased, in order to actively play the exemplary role of the youth league members, the workshop regiment branch organized the establishment of a youth commando team.

The "guardian" of the Spring Festival on the Weibei Plateau

Deputy Foreman Liu Hongtao conducted the bridge bearing inspection operation. Photo by correspondent Li Xiaolong

"Cracks like these, if not treated, will cause internal steel corrosion, affecting the bearing capacity of the structure, we should focus on monitoring these diseases..." Liu Hongtao, deputy foreman, pointed to a small crack in the pier of the No. 8 bridge in Taiping Road. Despite the cold weather, he checked the disease photos and sizes over and over again to ensure that the equipment disease was in time.

The "guardian" of the Spring Festival on the Weibei Plateau

Foreman Yuan Pengxin and co-workers inspected the bolts of the bridge rail. Photo by correspondent Li Xiaolong

"2442, 2440..." On the bridge deck, foreman Yuan Pengxin and other workers were measuring the bridge boundary and inspecting the guardrail bolts, and they compared the measured values and reference values to determine whether the bridge boundary affected driving safety, and also checked whether the bridge guardrail was missing or loose.

After 3 hours of hard work, they successfully completed the bridge inspection operation, which is only one of the contents of the day's work, and they set out again without resting to inspect the damaged places along the closed net along the line, as well as the places where frost heave due to snowfall.

The "guardian" of the Spring Festival on the Weibei Plateau

The Fuxing EMU passed in front of the inspection team. Photo by correspondent Li Xiaolong

At about 17:02, the C167 Revival train sped by, the day's work was about to end, looking at the distant train, everyone's face showed a happy smile.

Source: China Youth Network