
Ding dong! You have a New Year greeting from actor Gong Jun, please check it out

"Danqing is written on gold leaf paper, and the dragon and snake are walked under the pen" "Fold the scissors and fly and spin again, break and connect"... Pasting couplets, cutting window flowers, eating dumplings Chinese New Year's Eve keeping the new year, a series of traditional customs outline the appearance of the "Spring Festival" festival, and also express our beautiful expectations for the change of years.

"Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old charms." On the occasion of the Spring Festival, young actor Gong Jun sent New Year blessings to everyone in the song "Spring Blessings".

Ding dong! You have a New Year greeting from actor Gong Jun, please check it out

On January 27th, the Spring Festival theme music MV "Spring Fuying", co-produced by China Youth Daily and China Youth Online, Xinxin Cultural creative studio and Shifen Culture Media, was launched at the same time.

The MV invited Gong Jun to sing, with a gentle and soothing musical rhythm and a warm and red picture language, sketching a happy and joyful Spring Festival picture, expressing the good wishes for the happy family during the Spring Festival.

The 100th festival year is the first. The reason why the new spring is given more connotation and meaning is that it contains both "old" and "new".

"Old" comes from a long history. In the joyful smiles and flowers of the sky, the cultural blood contained in the festival is passed down from generation to generation, sprinkling the sincere expectation of happiness and reunion.

"New" lies in the expectation of life in the new year. The collation of the past and the vision of the future are engraved on the time rings of the renewal of time, and are also written in the story of the passage of time from winter to spring.

At this moment, maybe you are on your way home for a reunion, or maybe you are stranded in a foreign country for some reason and cannot be with your family.

In any case, at this moment, we who are under the same wind and moon, the end of the world, are spending this important festival together.

Let us sing this song and sing the warm blessings of the Chinese New Year. "Listen to the rumbling bells and watch the spring return to the earth."

Ding dong! You have a New Year greeting from actor Gong Jun, please check it out

"Spring Blessings"

Lyricist: Zhao Jingyi

Composer: Zhao Jialin

Singer: Gong Jun

Write Danqing on gold leaf paper

Pen walking dragon snake

The neat pairs are finely crafted

Depressing and flat

Post it at the beginning of the new year

Blessings and joys

Whose new year has a new meaning

The door gods also compare

Fold the scissors and spin again

Disconnected and connected

Golden Chrysanthemum stretch

Hands reflect red makeup

Colorful silk swallows greet the green willows

Tenderness shines through the hall

A good view

I waved it

Dip in the smoke and rain to moisten the pen

You're smiling

Pick the spring color to the bottom

The book is completely sincere

Melt the snow and ice

Cut a wisp of fresh air casually

Let the peach blossoms mess up

Thousand sails wanderer meaning

Returning home in a dream

Listen to the rumbling bells

Watch the spring return to the earth

(Text, picture source: "Youth China Festival" Music Planning Project Team)

Source: Young Observer

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