
"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced


Dong Qian, who has worked at CCTV for 25 years, was rated as one of the most "poisonous tongue" journalists.

Work for many years almost "zero mistakes",

Her interview style is sharp and direct.

As a journalist, seeking truth and being pragmatic is the basic principle.

But why has it been controversial all these years, and even criticized by others?

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Most of the "famous mouths" working in CCTV are from famous schools.

After graduating from Peking University, Dong Qian began her own career planning.

Is the major studied in the university a deep history, a career choice or a graduate school?

This made her confused, and for a while she did not know what kind of work she was suitable for.

When I saw the CCTV signboard announcement, I decided to go alone to challenge myself.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

After several rounds of interview and assessment, the lucky Dong Qian was successfully shortlisted.

She came to work in the international group of Focus Interview in 1995.

The audience base of this show is very broad,

The age levels of the audience who like to watch it are large.

Working in a high-pressure environment full of talent,

In fact, it is a test of people's professionalism and on-the-spot reaction ability.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Unlike Ouyang Xiadan, who worked hard to "drift north",

Dong Qian, born in 1971, is a native of Beijing.

Speaking quickly and directly, with a tough temperament in his bones.

Her parents at home have been very fond of her since she was a child.

When my brother bought a rock sugar gourd, he always let my sister taste the first bite.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Dong Qian's academic performance when she was young was not outstanding, but fortunately, her parents had high hopes for their children.

Under strict discipline, her academic performance has improved day by day,

After entering middle school, he became a "top student" in the eyes of teachers.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

In order to cultivate children's self-discipline ability,

Her father asked her to read all kinds of history books every day, memorize poems and songs,

Record the harvest of the day and write it as a summary,

And wash up before 9 o'clock in the evening, turn off the lights and go to bed.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Such strict requirements have cultivated Dong Qian into a meticulous child,

Everything must be perfect,

When she first entered the workplace, such habits and personalities brought her a lot of advantages,

There are more things that make her feel uncomfortable than she thinks,

After entering the CCTV work, each "screw" is busy running in his post.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Dong Qian wanted to find someone who could lead the way,

But I found that no one had time to guide the new xiaobai who had just entered the workplace,

She felt anxious and began to explore herself at the same time.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

With meticulous observation and keen perception,

Slowly began to shine in the post,

Formed their own sharp speech style,

In just 5 years of entering the industry, he won the "Golden Microphone" award.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

I have been in the position of host for more than 20 years,

Many live interviews have never been wrong,

Such a dedicated attitude also has its own interview column "Face to Face",

The direct visit contributed a lot of highlights.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

However, such a host has been hotly discussed by many netizens,

Is Dong Qian a "cold-blooded" host?

And that's never gone away.

Looking back at the columns such as "Oriental Time and Space" that I have hosted in the past,

Questions are always thrown out directly at the first time.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

When she rushed to the front line of the accident and fed back the real situation as quickly as possible,

But always ask difficult questions,

It was even called by netizens as an interview of "opening the wound for everyone to see".

In 2015, a huge fire broke out in a warehouse in Tianjin.

Dong Qian came to the scene of the explosion accident as a reporter.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Faced with burned-out houses and people lying in the rubble, she found a firefighter to ask her questions.

Based on years of work experience, ask him a question

"You have a son in the family, what will your parents do if there is an accident"?

When the camera is given to this young firefighter,

He was immediately silent, and his eyes were filled with an embarrassed anxiety.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

After That, Dong Qian did not continue to ask questions, and the danger of fire control work was clear to everyone.

But the more dangerous the work, the more compassionate it is,

Dong Qian's state during her visit was indeed calm to the point of hair,

This style is controversial.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

A few years later there was a forest fire in Liangshan, Sichuan,

The disaster took the lives of 27 firefighters,

There were also two 19-year-old young men.

Dong Qian still rushed to the front line to visit the survivors this time,

One of the teammates has already started psychotherapy.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

He witnessed the departure of too much of a living life,

Whenever I stand guard, I always feel that my teammates are leaving.

The fire scene in my mind loops and requires doctor's counseling every day to fall asleep.

After Dong Qian learned of such a thing, she interviewed one of the team members.

"Is your relationship with that comrade-in-arms good?" Will you blame yourself for seeing death and not saving..."

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

This series of questions,

Let the interviewed team members feel a headache, he feels that his psychological construction collapsed,

In front of the camera, he said bluntly, "I'm sorry, I can't answer".

When netizens saw this conversation,

Accusing Dong Qian of causing psychological harm to the surviving teammates,

Even questioned why she became a CCTV reporter,

Let them withdraw directly from the "host world".

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

In the face of external insults and incomprehension, Dong Qian did not respond to any voices.

She does not like to beautify any language, nor does she want to listen to flashy rhetoric,

During the 2020 pandemic,

She led the CCTV camera to Wuhan to investigate the truth.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Talk to Academician Chamberlain face-to-face,

Presented objectively and calmly

"You've been here for more than 40 days, what did you see?"

"Do you think your medicine really works or is it a psychological comfort?"

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Faced with sharper questions,

The academician wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead,

In the face of Dong Qian's direct gaze and pressing questions,

His brow furrowed, looking a little hurried,

When you hear the phrase "Can you say you can't come when you receive the task?"

Gradually, his eyes became red.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Netizens began to wonder, is her interview really so unsightly?

Dong Qian's former partner was Bai Yansong,

The rhythm of the two speeches is also very similar,

We have co-hosted columns such as "News 1+1".

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Bai Yansong said of her:

"From the perspective of a professional host

Dong Qian only used a fair and just attitude to convey the truth to the audience. ”

Such an evaluation is quite pertinent to Dong Qian.

No matter which angle you look at,

The questions raised by Dong Qian have many excavation points in many aspects.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

In fact, she was meticulous in her thinking, but when she was a child, she was not so rational.

The daughter who has been pampered since childhood, since entering the CCTV work, has performed exceptionally well.

She was afraid of being looked down upon by her colleagues around her.

Whenever I ask a question I don't understand, I always smile and show humility.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Even if the other party is extremely impatient, she can patiently wait for an answer.

Sometimes she is criticized for not being in a good state, and she even has low self-esteem and self-doubt.

I feel that I am not suitable to be a host,

Fortunately, the leader in the stage urged her to "the person I chose will not be wrong",

Such words inspire her to keep moving forward,

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

After working in Taili for so many years,

People who are not familiar with her will feel too serious at first glance.

In fact, Dong Qian in life is a good wife and mother,

She and her husband Wang Shilin are both colleagues and partners who support each other.

Wang Shilin is an editor of CCTV and has hosted columns like China News.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

He is 5 years older than Dong Qian, an idealistic man.

Both husband and wife are very nostalgic for the pastoral life,

Wang Shilin, who knew the world but was not sophisticated, once said to his wife:

"With you here, it is enough for me to hide my name."

Dong Qian does not love the bustling and noisy life in the city,

Living in the suburbs with her husband, she lived an unpretentious life.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

What she and her husband have in common is a low-key life,

Wang Shilin has worked in tv for 27 years.

During the period, she never wore makeup, and Dong Qian was even more plain in the sky when she went out to interview.

Even if you live-stream the news in the studio, it's just a simple base.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

The couple has been married for so many years,

He was called an "unobtrusive couple" by the staff in Taili.

After marriage, Dong Qian gave birth to a son for her husband, and the family's life was very happy.

A lot has changed since becoming a mother.

It is said that the role of the mother in the family can be the mother or the wife.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

And in the face of work, she has only one original intention,

That's the accurate communicator of the information.

This rigorous and truth-seeking job makes her have to speak sharply,

In September 2021,

Dong Qian and the popular police "anti-fraud old Chen" came to a news interaction,

Dong Qian selected the curious questions of netizens and questioned Lao Chen.

"How did you come up with the idea of interacting with strangers through live broadcast rooms to promote anti-fraud apps?"

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Old Chen Replied with a smile

"Such channels can spread and popularize anti-fraud knowledge more quickly."

The two asked and answered, and the rhythm was well controlled,

Lao Chen's humor and Dong Qian's seriousness are particularly interesting.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Make the serious atmosphere in the live broadcast room a lot more relaxed,

In fact, such interesting interaction can arouse the interest of the audience.

Who says CCTV hosts are all static?

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

Dong Qian's "poisonous tongue" makes it difficult for too many people to understand,

The questions that went straight to the point during the interview left the interviewees dumbfounded.

However, her style is rigorous from beginning to end,

This is reminiscent of Sabine, who hosted the law column.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

He and Dong Qian are university alumni,

Both have hosted legal-type columns.

But the popularity of the audience and the degree of national fame are very different,

Sabine is sometimes witty and sometimes serious, and the interview style is also very flexible,

And Dong Qian maintains a tense tone, which is precisely her personal characteristic,

The audience that likes it will be willing to accept it, and the audience that doesn't like it will also exist.

"CCTV famous mouth" Dong Qian: Sitting on CCTV for 25 years, she was scolded for "getting out of the hosting world", what she experienced

The public figures themselves need to accept the supervision of the people,

And we, as recipients of information,

Just look for the ins and outs of the event itself.