
The highest realm of contemporary business: making money with other people's wives, KTV has made money with other people's cars, Didi has made money with other people's products, and Ali has done it with other people's restaurants

author:Illustration by Huo Shanding

The highest state of contemporary business:

Using someone else's wife to make money, KTV did

Make money with other people's cars, didi did

Make money with other people's products, Ali did it

Using other people's restaurants to make money, Meituan has done it

Using someone else's store to make money, community group buying did it

Making money with other people's planes, Ctrip has done

Make money with other people's money, and the bank does

This is called resource integration, borrowing power to help...

The highest realm of contemporary business: making money with other people's wives, KTV has made money with other people's cars, Didi has made money with other people's products, and Ali has done it with other people's restaurants